Would you protect an Aramaic Assyrian Christians? I mean they've been systematically eradicated by Muslims all through out the Middle East yet the world just turn a blind eye upon these poor people.
Would you protect an Aramaic Assyrian Christians...
Of course
yes, watching obummer tell them to kick rocks at the top of the mountain when they were surrounded by ISIS got me just as salty as 9/11 did
How about Yazidis, Muslims's favorite slaves to own? Everyone hates them because they have mixed Zoroastrian-Christian-Muslim beliefs
Haha get fucked brown muhamed pieces of shit
No I don’t support them. We need to bomb them
Yazidi women children are forced to fight for their lives. Why don't you at least recognize their plight?
We need to sort ourselves out. Other peoples' struggles are secondary and most likely none of our business.
Why should I care more about them than I should care about any other middle eastern minority?
Are you the same as the leftists and liberals who want to save everyone at the cost of their own people?
appreciate you care sad thing is most people here will always look at my kind as their enemies
saving us does not damage you in any way sven
Sure, lets bring in more foreigners to the west so the original west and whites can become diluted and demoralized even more, further leading to the eventual extinction of the white race due to the jews and our own degenerate choices!
How wouldn't propping up minority groups with arms destabilize the ME further and increase flood of people entering europe harm us.
How wouldn't letting a bunch of middle easterners into my country harm it in the long term no matter what religion they have?
i have blue eyes and brown heir does that white enough for you ???????
The UN dgaf about Assyrians. That's why you never hear about them in any media.
Same applies to Orthodox in Northern Cyprus, Druze in Syria, Catholics in Indonesia, Christians in Azerbaijan, Baha'i in Iran.
But fuck me if one rohingya muzzie gets hurt it's all over the news.
Tldr: muslims are the only victims and anyone who disagrees is a hateful bigot
Jew detected
you open your borders to any scum on earth Arabs,blacks,Indians , .......... but helping middle east rightful rulers to reclaim their land gonna destroy you ????
Baha'i in Iran are brown and muslim and Azerbaijan is white country ,Orthodox in Northern Cyprus, Druze in Syria live in okey conditions for now
You said
>thing is most people here will always look at my kind as their enemies
But Sup Forums is full of non-whites and Sup Forums loves the idea of race mixing with non-white women.
Stop trying to be a victim. You have it as easy as you could ever have it, whites practically kiss the ass of non-whites and worship them and it's still not good enough for you. Get out.
I'd give her my "refuge" if you know what I mean
The leftists don't give a shit about them either. You have to be a certain level of brown to be allowed in under their rules. Just like with us, you have to be a certain level of white which is why we advocate for the South Africans facing brutality.
These people have been somewhat arabized, and the left simply isn't going to allow us to handpick which ones come and which stay. So they all must stay, that way we can prevent the heavily arabized men among them from coming here and harming our society.
Simply brothers in Christ.
I think you misssed my point, we are already in deep enough trouble as it is.
We do not help you/will not help you becuse our duty is to our own people and our own people only.
I am half azeri / half chechentrust me as white man don't like this situation in west and I don't need anybody to kiss my ass or idea of race mix with your anglo white women sir . middle east is fucked when you armed brown Muslims and destroy ottoman empire
I can barely understand what you're saying.
Whites are under no obligation to take you in, whites in the west already do enough for everybody as it is.
How do you not understand that? Stop pretending to be a victim, faggot. We don't owe you shit.
well at least cut your military help to brown muslims . they can't build their own weapons
First I have to clean my room
Middle eastern christians are not inbred and so have the highest IQ there, also they tend to look whites and integrate flawlessly in european societies while performing very well economically.
Imo that's only them that should be allowed as refugees.
I don't care about keeping my race original for the sake of it, the goal is to keep it highly successful.
>I can barely understand what you're saying.
I am not here to harm you, I am came here legally and I am citizen I like western whites pay my taxes working and studding
I have noticed something interesting. Christian groups tend to have lighter features. Some Mexicans have auburn hair which is rare among shitskins. Christian minorities in the Middle East tend to have lighter features. Poles are some of the whiter Slavs. Lots of holy people are also depicted as clothed in white robes in the Bible. I’m wondering if there is some scattered holy bloodline predisposed to Christianity. It would explain why Christianity’s enemies associate the religion with light features.
To address your question though I would rather just exterminate the muslims in your country so you can be happy there. But you can be a refugee if it is temporary.
Seems to have good genes, too. Maybe...impregnate them?
well its depends my father is former Chechen Muslim but he have blonde heir blue eyes, dark skin Muslims are really violent
lots of light skin muslims convert to Christianity in countries like Lebanon and Iran
I'd be okay with helping them, but that doesn't mean bringing them into my country.
Middle Eastern Christians (whether Copts, Orthodox, Maronite, Chaldean, Catholic, what have you) are the most infuriating people I've ever met before in my entire life.
You never see or hear any outcry from these communities when they're targeted by Muslims. They all suffer from some this stifling fear that if they name the problem and the cause of all their suffering, that they'll make their situation a thousand times worse. You'll never meet a Middle Eastern Christian who says that Muslims are the problem. There was an Egyptian Copt on some Arabic language channel who said that he would seek protection from his Egyptian Muslim neighbors rather than the West should war break out. Really? The same people who treat you like garbage and routinely destroy your churches and slaughter your people?
The Levantine Christians (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon) are no different, they are terrified if they say Muslims are the problem that they will suffer even more than they are now. Even in Lebanon, where Christians have the most power, they kiss up to Nasrallah and his Shia Hezbollah militia and blame Israel for their problems rather the savages they're forced to live with.
You can't help these people if they're not willing to take the first step for themselves. They can't rely on Middle Eastern Christians who actually speak out against Muslims and Islam and their barbarity against Christians like Brigitte Gabriel to do all the work for them.
When ISIS invaded Qaraqosh, a historically significant Assyrian Christian city in northern Iraq in 2014, the Assyrian community in the United States took a brave stance: They uploaded pictures of the Assyrian flag on their Facebooks and said they were praying for their families back home.
That's it, never said a fucking word about ISIS or Muslims or how this shit has been going on since antiquity.
We can't help your plight if you make no effort to make your plight known to the world because you're too afraid of the Muslims.
>Simply brothers in Christ.
Didnt the council of chalcedon redefined the nature of christ?
Fair skin = fair person
> (OP)
When youre a child of abusive parents or guardians you still keep on their good side to make sure you dont get in trouble.
It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the actual origin of the word.
Please post more Near Eastern Christian qts
So? Whites don't owe you anything. You should be sent back.
Why do white countries have to be open to everybody?
Why does Sup Forums think that so many people who are not white are "white"?
Yes and these fucking idiots don't understand that they're making their problems EVEN WORSE by propagating these lies and this bullshit. They will tell you to your face that Muslims are not the problem when Muslims are the only ones who have subjugated and slaughtered them with happy abandon throughout the centuries. They're afraid of the retribution they will face if they're honest and name the problem and the cause of their suffering.
I am Assyrian myself and while we have not historically had good relations with the Kurds (these filthy savages sided with the Arabs to take our land and slaughter us any chance they had), I at least respect the Kurds because they're not pussies. When the Arabs cheated them or backstabbed them, they didn't walk around with their tails between their legs, they picked up weapons and fought them. When the Turks oppressed them, they fought them. When ISIS invaded Mosul, the Arabs ran and the Kurds went to fight them.
I don't like the Kurds and I know they don't like us Assyrians, but I respect them because they're not afraid to die fighting against the murderers who have wronged them unlike us.
I dated and lived with an Assyrian girl from a Christian family. Although they weren't particularly religious. I considered her white enough. That is a good people, not like Mudshits, and good looking women.
>NA education
Do you honestly think all of the Europeans from the Crusader states went back to Europe after they collapsed? Many mixed in with the other middle eastern christian communities and bred with them. It's not some magic fairy tail bloodline.
You people used to be tye bloodiest mother fuckers in the world, you slaughtered most of israels tribes 2500 years ago, you had an insane lust of blood and conquest more than isis or vikings. The assyrians need that bloodlust back and defend their christian (nestorian) homelands from the kurds and muslims.
Thought about going there and fighting isis but i got family at home and some of them would be pretty sad/mad if i went. So fuck it, its not my fight and it would just be selfish for me to go there. Call me when the crusade to retake Constantinople begins, until then i stay where i am.
They're inbred record holders in honor killings
>It's not some magic fairy tail bloodline.
What you just said by no means disproves that. Think about it. Why are Germans, a very light race, so intelligent and historically Christian? Why were the Anglos so light and noble? There’s an undeniable trend and the Bible acknowledges this. The Hebrews of the Bible are also mentioned as light haired btw. They certainly had a holy role to play by birthing Jesus. Whether they were a good or bad tribe is another question. Going by Europe, I think beauty, intelligence, and land is a reward from God for being good Christians. Now that we’re decaying religiously we’re turning darker, dumber, and losing our land to immigrants. You can debate whether this is caused by God or something else but the trend is undeniable.
Assyrians end up being Persian bitches
I am from Caucasus whould you count people of Caucasus region as white ?????we are whiter than southern Europeans
The autism never gets old
Fuck no. Sand niggers are sand niggers regardless of which semitic cult they subscribe to
I am from Caucasus would you count people of Caucasus region as white ?????we are whiter than southern Europeans also many people in there are leaving Islam
if only you sent all brown eyes people back first .I have blue eyes and my great grand pa serves in Azerbaijan legion of waffen ss I don't need your approval to live here.
Well, I am one. So I guess the answer is yes?
>they've been systematically eradicated
Good, foreigners deserve to be killed for being foreign. Why should we care?
>yet the world just turn a blind eye upon these poor people.
And why not? The only concern we should have about foreigners is keeping them out, not trying to "help" them. What happens to them doesn't matter.
>what is Stockholm syndrome
Judge Jeanine Pirro is an American born to Lebanese parents and she never holds back when discussing Islam on her show. Definitely /ourFoxNewsanchor/
>literally the birth place of what we now call "White people"
they're pretty mixed now but I'm sure there are still some left
also she was the first Fox News host to go after the cuckservatives and declare support for Trump
>the world just turn a blind eye upon these poor people
Hungary didn't. We actually took in hundreds, if not thousands of them. As well as financially supported those who stayed there. We even builds a school for them in some shithole ME country
>they're pretty mixed
WRONG only Armenians and few azeris are mix most of talyshis,azeris , georgians,chechens , ..........are still white
but reality is most of western whites hate us I don't know why??? we are whiter than Greeks and Italians
No it defined it
>most of western whites hate us
the only Armenians I can think of is Kim Kardashian and Anita Sarkesian and also Serj Tankian. The only Georgian I can think of is Stalin. I don't know enough Armenians or Georgians to formulate an opinion of them unless you want me judging all Armenians based off of Kim K. But I do know that a lot of Armenians gather in LA and are basically Jews
This is ironically why I "support" Israel, not because I like them but because they're the "little Gaulish village" that prevents Muslims from being able to claim hegemony over the entire middle East.
Is it perfect?
Would I support a Christian state in the Middle East over a Jewish one?
There isn't one though since the fall of Lebanon, so I support the continuing existence of the sole remaining piece of grit in the collective vagina of the Islamic "Ummah". So long as it exists Muslims will never be able to rest easy.
>Would you protect an Aramaic Assyrian Christians?
As far as I know most of the refugees our country got were syrian christians who runned away because "We were more safe in aleppo".
please don't hate all of us, cacuas have quite few races, many of us join Nazi Germany crusade in ww2 you can search Georgian legion or Azerbaijan legion of waffen ss many people see stalin as traitor to cacuas
>There isn't one though since the fall of Lebanon
Lebanon and Syria were destabilized because of Israel. Don't support the parasite that's been bleeding us dry for decades. Why do you think Muslims hates us? Because of our "Freedom"? No, because we execute Israeli foreign policy for them
its either crusader rape babies or christian culture
muslims ruin their bloodlines because they are allowed to inbreed and they have arranged marriages.
christianity is eugenic; where a) couples are mostly free to choose their spouse and b) christian doctrine, if followed, produces successful people. christian men in that region are more likely to be richer and so would choose the hottest wives (light skinned) and be able to afford to have way more children.
I would want them to be protected in their own homeland. I would not want them to come to my country. Sorry.
the establishment doesn't like christians, so the media will never talk about this
I don't hate you. Hell if I knew someone from the Caucasus I would want him to tell me more about his culture. For someone who would probably be considered "Racist" by most standards I'm actually quite interested in all kinds of cultures around the world and want to learn about them, I just don't want all of Africa or the Middle East relocating to Europe and America. But IMO Caucasus are welcome in America because they're usually professionals, Christians, and mind their own business
Are they going to be a valuable ally to me? If not idc. And plus all those Yazidis are mongrels, not a White people anymore. I will admit, they're interesting to see and I don't want their predominant Aryan blood being wiped out by the ar*bs.
>Lebanon and Syria were destabilized because of Israel
An oversimplification.
Israel provided the pretext by which Muslims were able to fuck up Syria and Lebanon. They would have tried to do so regardless if Israel existed or not, as that's what Islam does.
I don't think you understand the nuance of my position. I support the continued existence of the parasite in the guts of Islam, not in our guts. In my opinion Israel cannot be allowed to win but it must not lose against Islam.
14/88 praise the Lord! Crusade now!
thanks man ,my dad is blonde Muslim my mom is christian they don't practice their religions they only teach me about caucus and its culture peace bro
>it must not lose against Islam.
it won't. It's too powerful. But Middle Eastern geopolitics was already a mess before Israel showed up. Israel made it an even bigger mess.
You have to go back mongrel boy, sort your countries out ffs.
no problem, Caucasusbro. You're alright
Truly devote christians see persecution as a form of martyrdom. When there’s no hope of salvation in RL, these communities look forward to eternal glory in the afterlife as a coping mechanism. You find this in every repressed religious minority with a similar doctrine. A lifetime of oppression is meaningless compared to eternity with their lord and creator
I'm sure some American Catholics get jealous of Middle Eastern Christians because they get to be persecuted and are deemed holy for it. Catholicism has its merits, but the persecution and guilt complexes it can impose on you are unbelievable
shit on all muslims.
Every real Christian.
I'm Assyrian, not Jewish. That's why I'm frustrated with ALL Middle Eastern Christians, they lie to themselves and to the entire world about the truth and refuse to take up the fight for themselves. They won't get the world's attention and sympathy if they don't stop lying and stumbling under their own weight like a newborn calf.
The only time I felt pride in this latest round of terror and slaughter carried about the Muslims (in the form of ISIS this time) is when I saw the video of pic related. He was a Syrian Christian soldier who was captured and executed by these Daeshi savages during the takeover of Tabqa. Before they kill their captives, they yell "Dawla Islamiya" (the Islamic State) and they expect the captors to yell "Baqiyaa" (Will remain). This man didn't yell "baqiyaa", when he heard "Dawla Islamiya" (the Islamic State), he replied "By God, we will destroy it" then they killed him.
Again, this was the only time I felt pride as someone with roots in the Middle East and as a Christian from the Middle East. We need to shake this fear and become like this man.
Whoever you are, whoever you were, may God keep you, brave soldier.
but Christians love being persecuted
>le belief in imaginary space god is the way we make a decision instead of genes XD
kys you bluepilled morons
Clearly not jealous enough to go over to ME and get their necks slit, lol
Our glorious government actually hands out scholarships to Iraqi Christians through a program that targets persecuted Christian minorities, about a dozen of them go to my uni.
They're alright people, much more so than any Muslim I've met, but frankly I'm sick of seeing brown people on every corner.
why do you think Catholic charities are inviting so many Muslims over here?
read this
of course, our middle eastern christian brothers and sisters are modern day martyrs
swine, I think its the term you desever
it's interesting thinking about how different the world would be if Germany won. I maintain the position that we can't be entirely sure, but it certainly wouldn't have resulted in the genocide of everyone who didn't have blond hair or blue eyes
We should all unite against both the jews and communism/cultural marxism
No. Dont give a fuck. Religion is a meme ( in which i believe since i am a believer) but race is a fact. I have already too many non whites in my lands. Christian or whatever, their genes are cancer.
That's romantic and a nice thought, but they all ran to Kurdistan when these Daeshi cunts invaded their towns and cities. They would prefer to live than to become shahids. Again, I know these people, I am one.
Because I want my people to resist and fight instead of living in fear of these Muslim savages?
>but race is a fact
the problem is so many Christians buy into the "We're all one in Christ meme" and will turn on you for saying that.
Arab christians are just as scummy and shiftless people as arab muslims.
Man, no one said receive them in your country. OP said Protect, that means helping them win their wars against a common enemy
Even if Nazi Germany “won” the war, international Jewry was too entrenched within the Anglo-American elites (spared since Hitler had no desire to occupy England and America) they probably would’ve worked twice as hard to fuck over the world.