Think of the major companies you buy products from, look up their CEOs. If they have a (((CEO))) switch to another brand. Buy your food and gasoline from locally owned farms and gas stations. Drink at a locally owned pub. Any other tips are welcome.
Hit (((them))) in the wallet, start a Jew boycott
Other urls found in this thread:
Should I avoid all American products from now on? Your (((Commander-in-Chief))) is the biggest jew out there.
>Should I boycott part of the Anglosphere because Trump likes jews?
All Anglosphere countries kiss jew ass, don't get products or services from their governments.
Nice try you massive faggot. But You still pay taxes to (((them))) which they then use to subsidize your genocide via third world migrants. Taxation is their biggest form of goy extortion.
That's why you're not supposed to be a materialistic cunt. Live as simple a life as possible, pay little taxes.
Hue gets it, if you're smart about it, taxes will be the only way you're helping the jew. If you're really smart about it, you'll be paying as little tax as possible and will really be fucking the jew over.
it's kinda hard to tell which company has mostly jewish shareholders and which hasn't. buying local and not buying bullcrap hurt (((them))) though.
does anybody know how to identify jew-owned companies?
Don't buy diamonds.
Claim maximum deductions and don't file returns. Someone who I met has done this for years. Very little stolen. Fuck the shmekel-rubbers.
When it comes to big companies, look for family owned ones. The shares tend to stay in control of the family.
Great suggestion hans! It's in the name itself: (((JEWelry))). If you choose to wear jewelry, get it from a local jeweler.
pay off loans and credit cards, interest is kike life blood
This too! If you're gonna take out a loan, make sure it's for a good purpose and make sure the interest rates aren't unreasonable. Usury is a tool of the jews.
Sports fans: If your team is owned by a jew you should consider supporting another team, or boycotting them until a new owner takes over. Sports merchandise and tickets are expensive and those profits will go right into their pockets.
Maybe it would be easier to start with a list of places that were /po/ approved?
Good luck finding companies not run by Jews
There are plenty out there schlomo!
It goes far deeper. The USA was scammed into diamond rings for marriage by an insidious marketing campaign by DeBeers. They are not worth the money and can't be resold. Look up how big of a chunk of Israel's economy is diamond cutting., you will be surprised.
Here is the long story:
Where do you think the family owned jewelry stores get their product from?
>here are some products to avoid BDS boycotts
Not in the US. You belong to (((them))).
This again? I can start my own business, do business with local independent business and pay little money to the government. How does that make me property of (((them)))?
Very interesting stuff, thanks for the heads up!
>Don't eat shitty food, use overpriced skincare products/clothes or drive shitty cars
No problem leaf!