Be dumpy fat chick

>be dumpy fat chick
>Be fat pride advocate
>Use contouring make up techniques to make face look thinner and more defined


Fat stinking...

At first I read it as "eat your beauty standards".

I hope she kills herself. I mock these people in public. Society needs to let them know they are disgusting.

Ask any of these women if there was a quick, easy, painless, and cheap way to get rid of fat would they do it... 99% would say yes. They know it's gross too.

So you're saying we shouldn't make fun of them because they're lazy?

> the white girl's face
> the black guy's face
> his face

Is that fucking real? Wtf. Healthism? Being healthy and encouraging healthy living is discrimination now? . . . wut?

These fatties need to be publicly shamed.

Shaming fat people is wrong ,
Doing the exact opposite is worse.
All these women make false claims that they're happy. LIES
Give it a couple years, all the fatties will be stomping around like Clydesdale's with a #me-too banner.
Bad white guys let me falsely believe big was beautiful and now I'm dying obese and feel betrayed. THEY (evil white guys ) did this to me. #METOO
I can see it coming. Me-too

>be me
>work at science museum
>get to work one morning, about 2 dozen severely obese (at least 400 lbs) people waiting to get in
>ask co-worker what's up
>turns out we have an industrial scale in the workshop that the tubbies use to weigh themselves
>only other scale in town large enough to handle them is in the stockyards

tess would be a qt fattie if not for the 3 tons of tattoo and the sjwism

Tbh, of it wasn't for the fat clogging up her brain and critical thinking skills, even with the tats, would marry/ 10.
>inb4 photoshopped face
Pics of her younger and without makeup and vids would say otherwise. She's beautiful, thicc regardless. If she shaped up her triceps and back, she'd be certifiably momfu tier.

She was the thinspiration behind ‘Project Harpoon’, so she’s not completely useless.

You're right, but it will be when they all start to croak from the "big is beautiful" lifestyle when they'll blame the evil white men and carrying on with "#metoo" or better yet "#helied"

They need to be shamed and silenced to prevent the inevitable.

she cried on twitter and on tv when someone made a viral picture of her photoshoped into a sexy thin one

She has a very pretty face. You can't deny it.

Which is entirely why it's so sad. She could have been beautiful, even rivaling some of the ladies in hollywood.

"Eat your beauty standards?" It looks like she already ate everyone's beauty standards

Please kill yourself immediately.

Pick one

That's what I saw too

>egg your beauty standards

Rosanne Barr said it most eloquently:

"If you're fat, then be fat and shut up. And if you're skinny, then fuck you."

she's not dumpy.She's hot.
You are dumpy.
My dick is diamonds from looking at her pic.
Kys you useless faggot.

>I mock these people in public.
No you don't you loser.
People mock you in public you waste of sperm.

can't stop me from liking fatty women kek

could turn into an 8/10 if she loses weight. what a shame

I've had to weigh them on the freight scales at the hospital. Some even max that out, the limit is 700 lbs.

>My dick is diamonds from looking at her pic.
You sick bastard....

And she still wouldn't fuck a loser like you.

No because she would be covered in stretch marks and loose skin. 6/10 fully clothed unwatchable naked.
>t. Banged a girl once that had lost a shitload of weight.

i have a better chance that you do. I have something you will never have,money and charm.
Kys you worthless shitstain.

Obese people have given up hope on fixing the disgusting mess they've caused by years of poor decisions and neglect. They don't want to put in the massive effort it will take to reverse the damage they've caused, so they see it as an insurmountable hurdle.
So they reach out for anything, ANYTHING to make them feel good about the hideous monstrosity they've created. They gain self esteem through delusion.
Let's face it, being morbidly obese is not attractive. Sure, you may find some people on the fringe who find it attractive, just as you will find people on the fringe who enjoy the taste of fecal matter.
They deserve shaming. No one should reward the kind of sloth and gluttony it takes to become obese. Only through shaming can they find the motivation to put the time into fixing the mess they caused.


Imagine being this insecure even about your flag

Fattie fuckers like you should be shamed and then lynched. You're fetishizing their disease and encouraging poor health because you're perverted.

Losers like you should be beat and then locked away in a very small cage. I will continue to fuck fatties and you will continue being a loser virgin.
Fuck off you little wimp, you don;t have the strength or the guts to do anything to any one.
You're dead kiddo

>Egg your beauty standards

I think it's supposed to be eff your beauty standards

Fat chicks have tighter pussys. All the subcutaneous fatty tissue squeezes the vagina. Making for a very pleasurable fuck.