Wow...this is actually so true
Masterfull troling is masterfull.
Got me mad and it's well done at the same tame.
Well played sir
>you must be this Slavic to samefag ITT
Kek. This passive aggressiveness.
rats are too good to be turks!
>different flags
>tries to save face
>turkey is a big rat
Hahahahha, nice one..
albanian diaspora with proxy
>take bulgarian flag
>wipe dick
>lithuanian flag
>Turkish rat leading unsupervised children into the sewer
checks out
>bulgars use their flag as toilet paper
>same fag
literally kys
>different flag
>albanian diaspora with proxy
Nope i just admire a well done triggering,event if my ppl are the target.
Trolling is a fine art and should be appreciated.
T.shitskin in lithuania
what is this, some kind of retarded meme? Your ID is the same and you're clearly samefagging... The fuck is the matter with you
>what is this, some kind of retarded meme? Your ID is the same and you're clearly samefagging... The fuck is the matter with you
OP is based. Filthy wh*teoids just can't stand the truth.
Kára Bóga
user....... I........
balkans and T*rks are pretty good shitposters desu
Nigger flag, nigger IQ.
Quality bait
Nice analogy to muslim slave traders coming to Europe and capturing some of the inhabitants.
what the fuck op
>lithuanian ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''humour'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
I don't get it
needs more star wars and harry potter to make an impact with american liberals.
>greek flag
>All these hopeless autists falling for this absolutely abysmal tier bait
>All these hopeless autists falling for this absolutely abysmal tier bait
t. 44% wh*teoid scum
el goblino
JIDF-babby's first shill
Are the Baltics secret allies of the filthy ottoman trash humans?
Honorable Lithuanian shitposting. Much respect
You discovered internet for the first time and this is what the best minds of your nation came up with. Bravo.
This is probably the most uniquely honest and truthful post Sup Forums has ever produced.
Fucking based