niggers think they invented all forms of cooking, how do we fight this "wh*te people can't cook" meme?
Wh*te people cooking
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We eat things besides fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda.
Iss wowda melm nukka!
Who gives a fuck holy shit this is so irrelevant
>There's so much important shit to do but right now I have to figure out how to show the blackie white people can cook
Like fuck.
based Ramsay is the best
I had a black friend once and we were hanging out. It got late and he said let’s get some food so we got in the car and he drove to the gas station. We went in and he god a bag of doritos and a Gatorade. I asked him hey aren’t we gonna get food why are you getting chips. That was his dinner.
>tfw watch Gordon Ramsay
>tfw "lol so what should we do chef?"
>tfw "what should you do? shut the fucking thing down!"
To be fair a lot of white people don't cook that well. I learned quite a lot from asian and indian food about proper spicing and frying. European food is bland but europeans also have more sensitive taste it seems.
Most blacks can't cook for shit either, it's usually just throw a bunch of fat on everything, or something horrible like chicken and waffles. Blacks die younger on average cause of their shit food.
why fight?
its bs to begin with. white people invented and perfected the combination of flavor
bodybuilder cherrypicking is retarded. this people put rice and chicken in a blender for their proteins, it has nothing to do with coocking
Nigger food is disgusting.
Indian "food" was literally throwing as many spices in as possible to cover up the rotting food. Niggers die younger because of their shit genetics and their tendency to shoot each other while they're young. Get your fucking half-facts and pilpul out of here, kike.
Chicken and waffles is awful, it's like zero nutrients. Though it's kind of a meme black food for hipsters. Never again will I have that.
Cornbread muffins are the dream.
kys yankee skum
that’s just southern food
Pic related
>I fought the Nazis in World War Two, and now I will fight all these stupid Negros who spread the meme that white people can’t cook. I brought French cooking into the American kitchen; you cannot get any whiter than that. Go mix water in some potatoe flakes or mix the cheese packet in your noodles, you filthy porch apes!”
all american black dishes are just ghetto versions of French cuisine
>shit on a plate
>southern food
Fat cuck
let them think it. y would I care what niggers think?
Hate to link this source but here you go.
>According to a report on the state of obesity, approximately 47.8 percent of African-Americans are obese compared to 32.6 percent of Whites. What’s equally startling is that 35.1 percent of African-American children ages 2 to 19 are overweight.
As for indian food I'm not talking about indian food in india. By your measure, sechuan sucks too.
The thing is, they have been using these spices for much longer than europeans since they don't even grow in europe.
That looks fucking Disgusting .
Indian food looks the same going in and out.
the circle of Indian cuise
americans and canadians are the ones who cant cook
whites in general do okay in the kitchen
If you’re talking Cajun dishes, agreed. But if yiu’re Talking about other stuff, I need examples.
niggers are dumb who cares
You just have to understand where their minds are at when they make these kinds of claims. They imagine themselves chefs because they empty their spice drawers into every dish like a ten year old making eggs for the first time. I didn't know about it until I had a potluck at work. All of my housekeepers were black (it was pol's dream), and all the stuff they brought that wasn't based on velveeta was filled with a taste cacophony, and I asked what they spiced it with, and they just laughed, said I was white so I didn't understand "spicing".
How about fucking ITALIANS?
Ignore it. The best cooks on earth are white people.
Cajuns can cook any nigger under the table.
Italians are known for their food.
As a matter of fact the only white people that are universally known as bad cooks are the Irish.
Holy fuck you're a fucking retard. Asian and Indian food is only good in the west, in China they throw a fucking turtle into broth and it's a soup. In India they cover their rancid shit food with tons of spice, wow.
>Asian and Indian food is only good in the west,
If you're in america, when you say these words it means the americanized versions. It doesn't mean cooking in the traditional shit powered stove. Take off your flag.
Expell all the Jews. They direct the anti-white shit-show.
you go anywhere niggers gather online and you'll see wh*tes cant cook memes. kikes do a lot of harm but in this particular case, they got nothing to do with it. it's niggers.
French, and Cajun food. Done.
Slide thread. Fuck off