I fucking hate liberals. Also, this was not the 11th school shooting.
I fucking hate liberals. Also, this was not the 11th school shooting.
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they woudnt have both died if they both had guns.
Gun free zones kill
Shouldn't've bullied the weird kid
also the thing is if someone wants to kill a lot of people they will find a way to do it. just puting up gun laws doesnt stop mass killings.
Of course not, but liberals can't see that. They also can't see that most gun deaths are in areas like Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago.
How many Elliot Rodgers do we have this year?
maybe we should make the months shorter, that means less shootings cant take place in a month, and therefore lower the shooting count trough the entire year
simple, surprised nobody came up with it yet
Take away peoples right to breed.
That piece of shit 15 yrs old with his parents gun should never have been born. His Trailer Trash parents didn't plant that vegetable deep enough.
There's ALWAYS one drunken Meth addict that abused their kid in every town and this is usually the result.
Children are NOT born fucked up, it's ALWAYS the parent/parents that Fuck them up.
Operating Engineers Local 181 Freemasons
That's because they're goys. They're taught to repeat, not to learn. (((Those))) who tell them what to repeat can very easily see "it", but they aren't going to mention it because their useful idiots will repeat it and that works directly against the (((agenda))).
>Children are NOT born fucked up
Oh but thats where your wrong, kiddo. When we're born were merely smart animals. Depending on how we are raised we can become much more.
Maybe you should read some books or something before posting again. Just a thought.
it's highly misleading
they're including a suicide or two and even a pellet gun fired at a school bus that hit a window, as well as shots fired that struck the walls of the buildings
only this one and the nigs who shot the football player nig at wake forest were homicides, i think
They are in some basement slave auction in Israel about to be shipped off to a Bavarian castle.
Sending your kids to public school is child abuse. They are lucky they got killed.
im sorry what ?
11th in 2018 ?
jeesus guys lock your fucking guns away from autistic children this shit has to stop
There have only been two. The others didn't result in deaths.
this is the kid that die. From the waist up it looks like someone teleport him out of 1983. It look like he is phasing in from another timeline
thats really not my point
kids should not take guns and start shooting around in schools
>There have only been two
its january user shits not cool even if just two occasions resulted in death
You're right, they should give them more guns.
Constitution btw is that one thing Confederates didn't want.
USA is confusing.
freedom isn't free
kentucky alone has half the population of your entire country
plus we have almost 4x your countrys entire population only in nigs. and we have way more than that in hispanics
frankly i'm surprised our schools don't see way more shootings
>american education
Out of the 11 only 3 involve someone actually being shot the rest are nig on nig violence
How many more children do these liberal politicians have to kill or pretend to kill or brainwash a psycho to kill before you gun nuts agree to turn in your weapons??
All the kids who did this are on psyche meds
Fuck these god damned kikes
This article/message is blatant propaganda. The people who write inflammatory pieces like this don't seem interested in the truth, and definitely don't seem like they want an honest or rational conversation about the issues - which is a shame. Out of the 11 events, there have been 3 intentional attempts to kill others, and only one or two of those are what we would normally call a school shooting. Below are all the events.
We've had 2 suicides (one of which was an adult in a parking lot while the school was closed), 3 stray bullets (mostly due to colleges in bad areas), 1 accidental/negligent discharge at an adult training class at a college, 1 (probably kid) hit a bus window with a pellet gun, 1 late-night college party-goer was shot after a confrontation, and 3 shootings that actually happened in a school and involved intentional violence against another person.
1 of those resulted in a minor injury (the shooter shot at the building from his car). 1 of them was a problem student who shot one other person and he should've been dealt with much earlier, quote below. Finally, there was a single shooting that was a mass school shooting. The Kentucky shooting has 2 deaths, and 15+ injuries. It is definitely a tragedy. To answer the question: I still don't know how we could effectively stop a single motivated shooter with an illegally acquired, concealed handgun.
"This could have been avoidable," she said. "There were so many signs."
"Shook said she first went to school officials after the boy allegedly made a "hit list" in eighth grade and her name was on it. Then last year, the boy got angry during a class and threw a pair of scissors at her friend and later threw a computer against a wall, she said."
Semester finals are stressful
yea no one ever seems to bring this up. Benton, KY looks like a "special" place
There are certain facts liberals will never talk about let alone comprehend.
>this was not the 11th school shooting.
goy please all the major (((news ))) networks have cited that number, even jewgle, it must be true. Tomorrow I guess I'll just turn in my guns and find a gay nigger friend, it's the only progressive thing to do
>There are seven days left in January.
I was pro gun until he pointed that out. We are truly monsters.
Fuckin' this. Jews everywhere.
>be Australia
>suffer from mass shootings
>ban guns
>delete all guns
>no more mass shootings for 19 years
seemed to have worked
>be Dutchland
>no guns allowed or extremely stricktly
>1 mass shooting in entire history
>because police fucked up licences on known unstable faggot
also works quite well.
>that feel when you know your local criminal will not use a gun.
>inb4 have fun with yer sharia state haha.
immigration issues are hyped up by media
not a single terrorist attack
The purge is comming bitch.
The effects of Black Lives Matter is obvious....
School shootings are extremely rare in France and we have strict gun laws. No mass stabbings either.
I'm not saying you guys should should restict gun ownage at all, but that this argument is bad when talking about schools.
Lol they will always make this a moral issue but it will never win. As long as we expand gun rights and have our gun memberships. We will chip away at the CIA for trying to take the guns away.
It actually could be the 11th shooting. Black schools have shootings all the time. They just aren't usually on the news.
Gun crime in Australia was already on a steep decline before they banned guns and when they did the decline went down at the same rate.
Yep. They ran the cops out if their neighborhoods and lost their last line of defense.
People create what they fear the most,
>Jews everywhere.
Everywhere but in the ovens. Their time will come again
>11th school shooting
I haven't even heard about the other 10. In guessing they were done by niggers?
>didn't want the constitution
>drafted their own
>guessing they were done by niggers?
You liberals should try tackling school bullying first...
Its not about guns. Its about the psychoactive drugs being prescribed to kids.
But, of course, the (kids) drug market is a $200 million a day habit so who do you think is gonna get the blame; Glaxo Smith Kline or Smith&Wesson?
>american education
>Sup Forums narrative
mass shootings occurred from 1979 to 1996
1996 Port Arthur massacre - 35 killed
in 1996 they banned guns
and no more mass shootings.
>>no more mass shootings for 19 years
He says this while his people get subverted and slaughtered by jews and muslims respectively
very informative
fake news to the max, just because its written on paper does not make it fact
>but it has sources
one book has sources to another book and so on till you find the first book is just made up shit, but (((they))) make sure that dosent happen
France had even less shootings and crime of any kind when supermarkets were selling AR15's and pump action shotguns to anyone over 18 up until 1995.
There is no correlation between the availability of guns and crime. No politician in any country has ever been able to prove the opposite. A 600.000€ EU report had determined that the countries with more guns actually had less crime.
What the liberals don't get is that if they did a nationwide gun ban, it would be a ducking bloodbath on both sides. It won't happen....yet.....but that's why they are attempting to brainwash the young ones now, so that they grow up hating guns and willing to give their rights away. Train your children young to shoot and to respect firearms. Don't let the communists in the schools brainwash your kids
Good post and very true
If the security guard has a gun and shot the sperg down no one would die.
That's young Putin I meme.
Guns will be in the US whether they're banned or not. Removing guns just means random blacks will have an advantage.
Kid got bullied so he shot up his school.
Looks like kids at that school will think twice about bullying some weird autist, wont they?
Wow, we had 11 school shootings already this year? That's pretty impressive...
>her shirt
>that picture in general
God bless flyover country. Why the fuck do you guys still live on the degenerate coasts?
guns are avail over there too. yet no advantage is noticed.
Mayne stop bullying kids and forcing kids to go to public schools.
Enjoy more dead white people.
>mass shootings
user said they will use other things to kill people instead of guns. Tell us how many mass killings happened in roo land.
Where were the other ones? I haven't heard of any happening.
since 96? zero.
and other things? mass brick throwing? what
Gun rights =/= Murder rights
Guess which one legislation can eliminate
>Delete all guns untrue
>be Alstralia
>be the queens footstool for literally entire existance
>incorperate your oppressors flag into your own
>be America
>Spit in the queens face and ass rape the king from 3000 miles away.
>Form your own country, where the people will be forever armed and ready kill indiscriminatly.
> be so free even our kids are terrorists.
>In the name of freedom we will never surrenders to our oppressors.
well that was pretty random.
and have fun with your terrorist kids.
yanks on suicide watch
Clearly stormfront is a superior source of trusted information.
nation wide purge collecting and destroying guns.
saying 'untrue' all of the time doesn't make it go away anons. facts are facts. you guys are fucked.
and you don't even use your guns when your government is doing illegal things domestically or internationally. tf u need guns for anyways.
At least the media has not been doing this
The only response to this kind of hysteria.
look kid
just when you grow up and eventually figuere this life thing out just lock the guns away from your children
is that really fucking hard ?
ignore this eurocuck cunt, because private property is none of your business you nederkanker turk
>austrailia gun crime already on downward trend
>remove guns
>gun crime continues downward at same rate
>homicides go up
>be dutch
>tiny german country that is very homogoneous
>people get along with one another
>be america
>instill gun bans
>gun crime still follows downward trend it has been on for a while
Better get those kids on Psychotropic drugs to balance out their PTSD.
it would be when it was decades of mass shootings, 1 per week for crying out loud.
kindereggs are also private property but its not allowed in the USA. go away dutch memeflag.
it's not his kid that shot up a school you fucking retard
>kinder eggs are not allowed in the US
But they are.
since 2017. heh
but point still stand on property. could have used any example.
Saw one of these posts earlier from a family member with the text
First, why the initial spergout
Second, why aren't you equally mad that a person killed kids, let alone what they used, as if them running kids over in a car or blowing them up with a homemade bomb is somehow less important?
Liberals are petulant children who can't fathom there is evil in the world, and despite the restrictions in this there is no stopping that evil from taking lives and causing destruction.
380,000,000 people in America.
2 school shootings. Burn the fucking Constitution quick.
>10,000 people killed per month by medical malpractice. Nothing to see here. Pay my healthcare white America.
That's not bad when you put it into any form of reasonable perspective.
>be big chocolate
>new kid on the block the kids will love
>fuck that noise, more profit margins for us
>hey FDA, lets not import them and we'll be kind with our profits
Jesus, at least pretend you've taken an Economics class before.
Why don't we just make murder illegal? Then no one would shoot anyone, right?
>380,000,000 people in America.
>2 school shootings. Burn the fucking Constitution quick.
It's annudda shoah goy.
there's actually more guns in australia than before their "ban" - look it up not kidding
>the 11th school shooting.
And the other 10 were done by niggers in nigger schools, yet the media remains silent.
Really activates the almonds.
>no niggers
>no niggers
Kill yourself you complete faggot
>US healthcare system : for makings of monies
>US gun laws : for making of monies
that's about it faggot. a fucking tiny lobby brainwashing Americans and bullying/bribing politicians.
how many mass shootings
nee ik ben australien ya dumb fagget :) zo bijzonders yeah fucking turk detected
You should all be kicked out of NL
>>no niggers
pls, we have as many if not more because our former colonies are still part of the kingdom.
but we did treat them a bit differently then you guys did so they tend to be more behaved and sensible. regular folks i would say.
so Australia has none, then where did the mass shootings from before 96 come from?
>well that blew up in my face.
ga toch weg jongen.
Fuck off commie. We hardly have any niggers and our country is chucked full of guns, yet our murder rate by firearms is fuck-all. Kill yourself nigger, or go back to kenya
Only 1% of guns are misused in the USA
>38,000 die from guns a year!
62% of that is suicide and 40% of homicides are gang/crime related
>Mass shootings! 427 last year!
In over half of those only 2 people where injured and no one died. 2000/2400 people are injured only.
You cant buy an assault rifle, those are already banned to buy. And the semi-automatic rifle is one of the most hunting rifles and popular in home security.
Also 80% of gun deaths/injuries are from handguns. Semi-assault rifles only make up 5%