Americans are literally lobotomized non white subhumans who dont understand refined culture and have shit taste in everything, should we just ban everyone with an American passport from entering Europe?
Should Aricans be banned from Europe?
yes now fuck off
we sent trash to the US for a reason we dont want it coming back
unless you want to crash the entire economy no.
we dont need American tourist, i would want Asians visiting my country rather than American filth
you post this every day
>American filth
>coming from the country which' s women are a literal brand of porn.
Sounds like someone needs us to liberate some more refugees.
what about those of us who can trace back every ancestor to Europe?
>i would want Asians visiting my country rather than American filth
What a cuck.
>what about those of us who can trace back every ancestor to Europe?
keep telling yourself that maybe it will come true one day.
Yes. From Africa, too.
at least Asians aren't niggers like the majority of Americans
I'm here and there's nothing you can do about it. Every single one of your major cities looks like LA how does it feel knowing you did nothing to stop the destruction of thousands of years of societal development
I thought the czech republic was some sort of brothel
Canadians are the same as Americans absolute mixed filth, you will never have the title of European you will always be colonial trash
Have you ever actually met an Asian tourist? I hope for your sake you never have to deal with a herd of mainland Chinese being led around by their tour guide all of whom are completely oblivious to the fact that other human beings have feelings and thoughts of their own.
Candice sawanpoel, behati prinsloo, Gina athans, Megan Coleman, Jade Fairbrother, Tanya van Graan etc
>was some sort of brothel
it might as well be sex tourism is rampant there. it surprises me how the czeck can view himself above the amerimutts.
why are you you buthurt slovoj?
Ah shit I just read the title and thought OP misspelled "African." My bad.
this is why we hate you fags, GTFO you're a cancer to this world
Yeah, probably.
Prague was actually quite nice
you left your LARP flag on
>you left your LARP flag on
>implying i'm larping
prague is a tourist trap.
im sick of your country and its shitty citizens, all you feed the world is lies of your greatness, but after joining the the bad guys in ww2 you destroyed Europe with you're degenerate ideas and culture and ruined something special and replaced it with your materialist garbage
Yes! ban rich Americans, don't ban the millions of poor and illiterate Muslims and Africans. AMERIFATS BTFO HAIL EUROPA
Prague is nicer than any nigger infested American shithole
How about we ban both.
>implying i'm an american
too much krokodil slavoj?
Americans were banished from Europe we dont want you scoundrels to come back, enjoy your Disneyland and imitations of our cultures
why would i what to go to your muslim infested shithole
Look how angry you are! I'm going to visit and needlessly clap at everything while calling your language and cuisine weird
:^) then you're fine with me, this thread is intended for Americans to realize that they suck and that we dont want them shitting up the place, too me Americans are on the same level as Africans
You're right. Prague is better than the nigger shitholes of America. My town is not a shithole, it might be old but it's nice, safe, and rich as fuck. Pretty sure the GDP of my state alone is more than your entire country lmao stay poor
You mean ban all black Africans, not white Africans.
>, too me Americans are on the same level as Africans
why? is it projection?
can you even point my country out on a map? of course not you lobotomized amerimongrel
when you see us looking at you and smiling were actually thinking about how cringe and retarded you all look
>why would i what to go to your muslim infested shithole
Well it's obvious why. You hate our beautiful and rich as fuck country and want to go to a place with no jobs and no hope lmao duh?
>When you walk in on your mom getting fucked by an American tourist
czeck why are your women so cheap and nice?
also you really need to do something about the gypsies slovoj there fucking everywhere in Prague.
no i just dont like Americans because of a variety of reasons, they are load and obnoxious tourists, i speak fluent English, and when an American asks me for directions i pretend to not understand them and then proceed to give them wrong directions :^)
>when an American asks me for directions i pretend to not understand them and then proceed to give them wrong directions
that's just fucking autistic man.
Is the Czech Republic popular with American tourists? Most of us don't even have passports and thus don't travel abroad and the ones who do don't typically visit Eastern Europe. They either visit the Caribbean or Spain/France/Italy.
>hates Americans for being niggers
>behaves like a nigger
to both of your comments..... obviously? Still enjoyed it. I like architecture and Prague was quite stunning at times
it's a tourist trap because the food/goods are expensive as fuck in the cities in the smaller towns it's way cheaper.
thank you for telling me what a tourist trap is I did not know
the guy in that picture looks like the typical American
hahhahahahahahaha autistic eastern nigger
its fun to fuck with retarded tourists who are lost
>should Aricans be banned from Europe
Implying I'd want to go to your shitty continent anyway where half of it is either a police state pseudo democracy slowly evolving into an Islamic republic and the other half is a shitty third world chain of commie blocks ruled by oligarchs, nah I'm happy here in the good ol US of A's.
Yeah you only want the purest human species to breed with
We know the type of Asians you really want
American culture has an impact on literally the entire world. American music impacts music in other countries, our films can never be matched.
And we have enough of a national sense not to let millions of imigrants in our country to rape it.
Why are Europeans so god damn jealous, I've really never understood it.
pure butthurt m8
I've been to Spain and even if they don't want to serve me their near 17.1% unemployment rate means they have to suck my American tourist dick because most of their economy is tourism. We Americans come to your shitty continent to get drunk and use you.
Don't forget who's actually on top scum.