>Theory of relativity
>Polio vaccine
>Laser technology
>The microphone
>The microprocessing chip
>Optical fiber
>Stainless steel
>The nuclear chain reactor
>178 nobelists (23% of all nobelists)
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this Jews as a religion, or Jews as a race?
Do both parents have to be Jewish to be considered a Jew? In other words how do you define a jew? Can you please explain.
most of these jews are atheists
>inb4 angry stormtards
your delusional these jews are not the enemy of the west they are some of its greatest men
Without the Nazis we wouldn’t have....
>Nuclear chain reactor
Enrico Fermi wasn't a jew, he fled to the USA because he had a jewish wife
Copypasta, seen this one before ... still, why for the love of science do you NEVER include pic related?!
>tfw he invented the sickness AND the cure
enrico fermi worked with a jew who I put in the bottom left of my image he first realized that nuclear reactions were possible it was Leo Szilard
>one of the greatest men
Top fucking kek. You are such a 100 IQ normie.
another important jew they are too many to include them all
>Central banking
>Meaningless wars
>Child Sacrifice
>Blackmailed Congress
>Nuclear Blackmail
also fertilizer was invented by a jew, you might not even exist if it weren't for a jew
Sneaking into someone's garden to take a shit isn't inventing fertilizer.
If TESLA wasnt born we would all be well and truly fucked.
You can name a bunch of jews who invented shit but i guarantee atleast half those you name stole or bought their "inventions" from others and took the credit for it.
So what? The world would still be better.
yea, false. behind all these inventions is the gentile the kike stole it from.
I can't wait for you all to die.
>none invented by jews really
Yep, same guy who helped invent the poison gas used by the German army in WW1. Fuck Einstein, Haber was awesome in inventing weapons of mass destruction long before the a-bomb.
Einstein was born in Germany, making him one of the smartest Germans to ever live. All Germans are proud of him, his religion is irrelevant.
>Central banking
>Meaningless wars
>Child Sacrifice
>Blackmailed Congress
>Nuclear Blackmail
most of these are political and economic weapons, like any other weapon, sword or gun, they not inherently immoral. but rather it's the purpose for which they are used is the problem.
but to say they wouldn't, or shouldn't exist is itself a misdirection.
Without jews we wouldnt have degeneracy pedophilia and circumcision. HIV STDs and AIDS.
>Tfw complex ideas of relativity stolen by a Swiss patent clerk but then everyone ignores him for 5 years anyway.
Honestly you and your ilk are completely retarded SJWs for white people.
Cultural Marxism, BBC porn
To be jewish you have to be son of a jewish woman or/and practice judaism. If your father is jewish and you mother is not, then you are not jewish unless you are practicant.
So it like being white?
Yes, there's jewish supremacy too. The idea that clean genes (pure jewish) gives you intelligence and superiority over the rest.
you need maternal or institutional indoctrination, Judaism's priority (and the reason it is so effective at gaining power) is not about religious practice, but ensuring that the indoctrinated individuals apply the Zionistic ideology to a wider society.
Jews are the master race.
>highest average iq
>deceive white boi easily
>god tier women
>control everything (media, banks, tv, you name it)
You do realise that /POL is satire and autism and that people don't really hate the kikes right? kikes are awesome
Was Hitler right then, about a hierarchy of peoples. He would put Germans at the top but this thread is more Jewish supremacist. So they are Uber alles?
"Just take a look at the statistics. Who made this modern world? Anglo-Saxons, Germans of Nordic descent, Frenchmen of Nordic descent and Swedes mainly. Google it, Google "inventions" by nation, and then look at the men who made them. Nordic. Nordic. Nordic 90% of the time.
And Hitler had blue eyes, in case you didn't know. A Nordic feature, that you too used to have, back when you created civilization. Today on the other hand, Southern Europe is a cesspool of laziness, unproductivity, sleazy behaviour towards Nordic women, crime and incompetence. Nothing works well down there. You can barely find a working toilet down there. And you know why? Because you are no longer Nordic.
And yeah: I have been around, so I know what I am talking about. The farther you get from the Nordic man, the more incompetent the whole society gets. Deal with it.
PS. Take a look at the newly found grave from Greece. They thought it might be Alexander the Great's grave even. All the people depicted in the grave are blonde, blue-eyed and fair-skinned.
PPS. South-Italian men today have more in common with Arabs than they do with other Europeans, genetically speaking. The other Europeans even have more in common with some Chinese peoples than they do with South-Italians. That's how mongrelized they have become. And the same is the case for the rest of Southern Europe." -Actual Varg quote, 2015
i would agree, and convert.
however: their aptitude and actions are focused on taking FROM society, rather than creating and advancing society.
>Blocks your path
Controlling (((education))) means revising history. Einstein is a marketing icon. Prior to Einstein being trotted out as the new posterboy for science, most of the world never thought of Jews as particularly inventive because their culture discourages out-of-the-box thinking compared to stable finance jobs.
Yes i want to convert too, get me one of those cheap settler homes in Gaza. Sit around eating jaffa oranges yelling at my Ukrainian sex slave, oh the life.
no szilard's idea was incapable of working as described, if you're gonna assign priority for an idea that doesn't work you may as well credit max bodenstein for originating chain reactions in the first place.
>Same shill thread again as a week ago.
I wonder if you will get BTFO as hard this time again as last time
>niggers in our country
If you really study historical records; you'll find that it's not uncommon for discoveries and inventions to be discovered/invented by more than one person or group around the same time frame. In other words a civilization on the whole often discovers or invents something when the prerequisite knowledge and technology have accumulated rather than being achieved by some special individual. Patents on the other hand are granted on a first come first serve basis.
>"Social justice"
Einstein wasn’t a jew. He was a kike
except it wasn't, the first person to synthesize ammonia in reasonable amount was walther nernst. haber (and his white coworker) improved the process. in fact ammonia needs to be converted to nitric acid for it to be usable as a fertiliser in the first place (ostwald process). the man who made it practically viable for industrial production was carl bosch.
Modern rockets
>but to say they wouldn't, or shouldn't exist is itself a misdirection.
>zionism should exist
creating the zionist ethno state to destablise the middleast, constrain islams expansion westard, and to be somewhere to relocate jewduaism from advanced nations is a "solution"
just because the west failed to apply the fundamentals of the proposition effectively does not make it a bad idea.
>With jews
Ever stop and think that maybe it's not the normal Jews we want to kill, but the elite kikes?
child must burst from jewish fuckhole,
it specifically must pass through a jewish fucking hole
if a black person goes inside the jewish fucking hole, then the child is the most high jewish
nope. we don't discriminate
>Without jews nobody would lie
You forgot to add niggers to that list
Yes goy, not all Jews!!
We wouldn't have had WW I or WW II, set off by Juden so the could rape the planet to steal Palestine, which set off another round of endless misery.
Then there's 9/11, set off by Jews 2 get the USA 2 kill all of Israel's enemies.
Then there's teh gang raping central banks which help those TBTF banks loot and bet wildly, until the go bust and us GOYIM are forced 2 pickup the losses.
Shall I go on?
>ok, nazbol
>what is "stealing patents"
ok (((OP)))
Most of those are bullshit we didn't need anyway.
While the other ones are mostly valid, to be fair there are some pretty credible theories that Einstein stole that theory.
Poincaré and Lorentz would have given us relativity even without Einstein.
First MASER was made by non Jew
Microprosessors were built off the work of non Jew Americans who developped the transistor
Please go on.
>we wouldn't have central banking without jews
>we wouldn't have meaningless wars without jews
Can't fault you on Zionism.
>we wouldn't have (cognitive?) dissonance without jews
>we wouldn't have lies without jews
>we wouldn't have slavery without jews (LOL)
>we wouldn't have blackmailed congress without jews (eh, arguable)
>we would have congress without jews
>we wouldn't have nuclear blackmail without jews
You're retarded. Kill yourself.
I'll show you
I think you mean we wouldn't have the applause generated around these nobodys.
Generating applause is how the kikes control the shallow goyim who look only for applause love from the people.
Generating applause does not mean you are saying something worthwhile, intelligent, or even right.
In fact, throughout history, the most right things usually generated very little applause.
Without we wouldn't have had world wars
I've let everybody down
I hope you guys know the giant's whose shoulders Einstein stood upon.
And most importantly, without Jews, we wouldn’t have Judaism-hating Jews.Sage
Well said. I am SICK of goyim giving us so much shit despite us essentially carrying human civilization. They just denigrate us and our achievements.
lol hitler couldve just had a 3 million strong army
You are like small baby. Watch this.
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Without western civilization and White men tpo plagiarize from Jews would be living in mud huts.
The sad truth is stormfaggots actually believe this
jews != (((international jewry)))
the same way some schlomo janitor from indiana is not the same as george soros
it's the jidf retards here that murk up the waters
>posts image of Pedowood produced B movie
Yeah sure kike. You cannot exist without lying for if the truth were known you'd be hunted down like the animals you are, just like it says in your Talmud.
Oh shit guys, I'm not feel̝̜̮̻͞ị̴͙̰n̰̳͓̳̫͍̜g͝ ̬͢t͕͝o̘̗̝o̖̤̰ ͟w̼e̤͡l̺̮̟̖l̕.̷͍
>Polio vaccine
howard howe developed an early polio vaccine in research trials back in 1952, salk was shunned by the scientific community for not mentioning the roles his colleagues played in the vaccines development (such as howe).
only one person in the three man team who developed it was jewish. you are nitpicking jewish names and crediting them with the entire invention (as is done notoriously by jews)
>Laser technology
townes, prokhorov, basov and gould (misidentified as jew), maiman constructed his device based on townes patent.
>The microphone
david edward hughes
>The microprocessing chip
main designers were hoff and faggin, an early microprocessor was developed by lee boysel in the late sixties.
>Optical fiber
John Tyndall, Narinder Singh Kapany, Charles Vernon Boys, Henry Saint-Rene, John Logie Baird. again with the nitpicking.
>Stainless steel
probably the most ridiculous claim here, brustlein developed an early form of stainless steel in 1875. but it was harry brearley who really made it practical and as such all modern day stainless steal descends from his invention.
as if this was a good thing anyway, but H.J. Whitley is referred to as "the father of hollywood" for his role in developing the area and its movie industry.
>The nuclear chain reactor
mentioned above
see------->>178 nobelists (23% of all nobelists)
the overwhelming majority of these are shared prizes with gentiles and have little practical applicability beyond "increasing human understanding". the most "useful" prizes ironically descend from gentile laureates such as shockley, bardeen, brattain, townes, boyle and smith etc.
>Not wanting to be around cultures that promote lying is the same thing as thinking no one would lie.
>Just like it says in your Talmud memes with literal fake quotes.
The Talmud does say that we are a holy people and undefeatable by the eternal goy. That's been true so far.
So you are saying the world would be a better place? Lasers are the only thing on that list that matter.
very true, in fact jews have never produced a worthwhile civilisation in their entire history. they have spent millenia piggybacking (and co-opting) other peoples civilisational accomplishments. go to your near east exhibition at a museum and look at all the artifacts on display, babylonian, persian, assyrian, egyptian w/e, but once you get to the jewish section (if there is one) you will see shards of pottery, perhaps brief references to their tribe on clay tablets, but never anything meaningful, very typical for a nomadic gypsy people.
Kek. C'mon troll get a grip.
What was that parasitic ant species which diesn't have a worker caste?
Jews were the first to formulate the theory of traps not being gay. Here, in a beautiful display of tolerance, you can see their faggot god Y*hweh with his trap waifu. As you can see, they were quite the artists too. At the same time Egyptians were building gold lifelike statues, the hooknose tribe was producing dazzling displays of art like this.
It hurts because its true. We are outnumbered 50,000:1 and we still rule over you. Superpowers go against us and they fall, their name and ideology becomes equivalent to evil. We create our own reality, because the essence of the Creator is in every Jew.
Mycocepurus castrator?
actually not too far off from the type of art they produce now tbqh.
worth it desu
‘But sawing off heads is a bit of a chore. Parasites are not accustomed to exerting themselves if they can coerce a stand-in. My favourite character in Wilson’s The Insect Societies is Monomorium santschii. This species, over evolutionary time, has lost its worker caste altogether. The host workers do everything for their parasites, even the most terrible task of all. At the behest of the invading parasite queen, they actually perform the deed of murdering their own mother. The usurper doesn’t need to use her jaws. She uses mind-control. How she does it is a mystery; she probably employs a chemical, for ant nervous systems are generally highly attuned to them. If her weapon is indeed chemical, then it is as insidious a drug as any known to science. For think what it accomplishes. It floods the brain of the worker ant, grabs the reins of her muscles, woos her from deeply ingrained duties and turns her against her own mother. For ants, matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it. In the world of the extended phenotype, ask not how an animal’s behaviour benefits its genes; ask instead whose genes it is benefiting.’
Lol. You are schizophrenic.
Einstein was a plagiarizer.