What is Sakura sipping on, Sup Forums?

What is Sakura sipping on, Sup Forums?

It's not that funny




Was she not aware of how lewd this was?

Foamed milk?

She specializes in not thinking ahead.

>Anime's name is Sakura Quest
>MC's name is actually Yoshino


In my head I always end up calling her pink Aoi

Same. 'Sakura Quest' is possibly the most forgettable title OAT so at least I don't get confused there

This show is really boring and I like slow, ponderous slice of life in the country shit.

I didn't realize that this show has an actual manga. Is it adapting the show, or is it its down thing?

Her paycheck. She gotta drink all that semen sensually or she doesn't get paid.

Most original anime get a manga running alongside them.

When I worked as a waitress we got free cups of ranch dressing any time we wanted. I probably drank at least 25 gallons of it working part time over the summer. I honestly miss it more than anything else from high school.

Holy shit. This is disgusting.

What is literally anyones name in this show? I just know pink miyamori and the gang

> ranch dressing
> I probably drank at least 25 gallons of it

You what

Shiori is the only two I can consistently remember, plus Oden tantei if that counts. I like the quiet autist girl more than both of them combined but I can't remember her name at all.


Pink Aoi
NEET blogger
Oden Tantei
Cowtits local girl
Bus driver-kun
Kuso jiji
Kuso baba

You meant semen right?

You fucking fatass


>25 gallons

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Is she a NEET?

At this point, the semen might actually be less gross.

if i picked pink aoi up for a date in my 1997 mazda mx5 would she be impressed and have unprotected sex with me?

That depends. Will you buy some manju?


If you had a mecha-suit, on the other hand...

Will Shiori be impressed if I showed her my Mazda3?

country grown veggies


>the way the shirt envelopes Shiori's Shioris

No, but she will be impressed with my Tacoma which is perfect for hauling her country grown veggies.

Would Sanae be impressed if I showed her my Dodge Stratus?

Shiori is too perfect.

I need a Ririko episode

No, she'd probably back the fuck off.


It's just Abe propaganda at work.


You need donuts.

Saved for next year's world cup threads.

This was surreal
>robot pours out some green tea
>cup overflows
>without changing the camera angle, Sakura's gigantic face comes in from offscreen and starts sipping it
First it made me jump, then it made me giggle

>What is Sakura sipping on, Sup Forums?
The first sip of the day.

Love juice.



Which one is the best country bumpkin this season?

Did you at least ate it with chicken wings with it? What is wrong with you?

Just because you wore a skirt it doesn't make you a waitress user.

What is this show even about?

it's about cute girls trying to reinvigorate a dying rural town by attracting tourism to boost commerce

You mean Locodol?

Look it up, moron. We're not going to spoofed you.

It's working, I want to get away from the stressful city life now.

Wait, how old is she?

Did FFF stop subbing this show? Is HS really the only group with this show right now?


>Not Sandaru-kun


So, shit show, right?

Extreme birthing hips detected


W-Will Shiori wave back at me if I waved at her?

her tits are shining

i bet your poops smelled awful

No matter how much you crossdress you will always be male user.

what the fuck is your problem?
>what the fuck is your problem?

>there are people still watching this show
I'm 3 episodes behind and struggling, anons.

Not sure how, this is one of the things I really look forward to.

It's not bad but don't have huge expectations and you might enjoy it.

I must say that the voice acting in this show is stellar.

What emotion is this expression trying to convey?

I feel you, user. I dropped it after 6 or 7 episodes because it just didn't get my attention. I think that, by going into it with expectations of Shirobako: Pink Aoi edition, I set myself up for disappointment. The show has its own merits, but I'm just not feeling it. It seemed as though there was a formula of "group works together -> some progress made -> one character suddenly creates drama -> drama resolved -> repeat" and I just wasn't enjoying it. It may just have been my biases but it felt like the plot was just going through the motions.

I really look forward to it every week. I love the characters and the setting.

I didn't even start. Shirobako in the sticks - hell no

I watched 5 episodes of this and I don't know what the point of the show is.

They sort of try to do things that aren't very clever and they don't work and then the episode ends. Also the people who live in the town don't care if they succeed.

The girls are kind of cute but it's just too boring.

>I think that, by going into it with expectations of Shirobako: Pink Aoi edition, I set myself up for disappointment
I know that feel. However, since I made the post that you replied to, I have now caught up on the episodes that I had not yet watched, and I can say with certainty that it gets better after episode 5. In fact, it actually shares a similarity with Shirobako in that regard, whereby the first 5/6 episodes are really slow, and things pick up after that. It's still nowhere near the same level as Shirobako, but I am enjoying it now and it has the potential to improve even more.

Make sure to update your MAL account too.

>tfw Shiori goes from boring to best

She was always best

My nigga

Shiori was never boring, fag.

That scene was fantastic.

The thing I like most about her is her exposed neck and permanent smile.

Do girls usually conceal their necks?

Many girls have at least long hair that covers it. I just like seeing the full shape of their head.

I thought they were all in their mid-20's except Megane-Blogger?

No, Maki is past her twenties as well.

She sure as hell doesn't look or act like that though.

Who is this somen demon?

>chicken wings

There's so much wrong with what you said I don't even know where to begin

Fuck you, ranch is great. With that shit taste, I bet you're from fucking California.

I doubt she is 30s. I ll say mid 20s as she said she wasted her twenties.

Evil sly Shiori.

Was her catchphrase danaiyo?

Nobody would say that in their mid-twenties.

Only people who're in their late-twenties or older would.

Like me ;_;