Be libertarian with no armed police and small government

>be libertarian with no armed police and small government

>live in a white ethnostate with strong borders

You guys realize you can only pick one, right?

Why is the circle on the left

There's room for compromise. Strong military and police to protect the borders and purge commies, while the government stays the hell away from the economy.

good thing I'm not a lolbergtarian.

Pinochet deserves gas for being a filthy c*cktipalist.



What's wrong with green nazism?

Who's saying ancapistan wouldn't have armed police and there would be mass 3rd world immigration? (Both presuppositions are false btw)

so does hitler. strasserism is the only feasible method of achieving ns

I control my own borders, bitch.

We can have free trade/a free market without free movement of people, that’s how it was for hundreds of years

>give government strong military and police
>expect them to stay away from the economy when their authoritarian almonds activate

>>be libertarian
That's only the Reddit posters

It worked for Chile.

The only way to keep the government away from the economy is to give all citizens small arms. Which prevents police from having too much of an advantage when enforcing the law. Small arms prevent a manageable police state.

you dont even control your feels, how the fuck am i supposed to believe you can handle borders? peaceflags and ancaps are feathers off the same feels bird, you guys are practicing a fucking religion based on feels. a guy owed me 80$ once, i sat outside his house and watched until he went to the bathroom, then kicked open his door and caught him on the toilet. thats you. you are nothing alone. non aggression pacts only work if everyone is playing, we arent. stand united, stand strong.

You think police won't be even more trigger happy knowing that everyone has the means to shoot them?

This. I miss TGSNT threads and Holohoax threads.


All you have to do is make sure they're paid well and they get the funds they need, which is easy as hell when you have a prosperous free-market economy and the government's only job is to provide security.

>be libertarian with no armed police and small government

But there ARE armed police in a small government. Why does every non libertarian just make shit up about them?? At this point people are going with the definition that include nothing but made up bullshit by non libertarians over the realm one. Virtually nothing said about them is true. Holy fuck it is maddening.

Or try a Anarchy Society the 99% are armed and fully capable of protecting themselves and the government stays out and any trespassers might be shot yep I think that do it drop the mic

There is a middle ground.


Libertarian =/= Anarcho-capitalism

but you don't understand, the magic of our skin color will make it all just fabulous! if we just hold our hands hard enough, the genes of muh ancestors are bound to succeed!

the same reason why the stars in the American flag are on the left

Subversive tactic to steer the conversation away from liberty (which has been tried and worked great) back to (((fascism))) vs (((communism))).

because the Aryan race never runs from a fight

Crypto solves the separation of economy and state question.


>>live in a white ethnostate with strong borders
This one.