How bad or good is Ritalin?

got diagnosed with ADHD, doc said methylphenidate or dexmethylphenidate is the least damaging of the medical available stims. hes a very right wing leaning guy, so i think i can trust him but i have my concerns..

as long as you dont mix it with provigil or welbutrin you should be okay. also don't drink heavily with it, focus on your sleep quality.

they're kinda hard on your immune system and regardless of your intention in taking it (medical or for fun) taking breaks is good for your body. however generally doctors dont want you to take breaks because they figure keeping the dose constant is best.

the other option is adderall or dexedrine which is in some ways better than ritalin but does not last as long.

having tried both i guess i prefer adderall but they both can be helpful and both can be abused so, try not to use it as a party drug or anything.

it lowers appetite and makes your sex drive stronger. as i said you might get somewhat sick, i think all drugs but especially stimulants lower your immune system. lack of sleep and bad diet, etc, all increase those risks as well.

use responsibly and it can be good but no I would not say Ritalin is less damaging than Adderall but maybe I'm wrong, technically Ritalin is close to cocaine and Adderall is close to Meth. Ritalin has a very different half-life and much slower onset than Cocaine so, it isn't as addictive or as euphoric, not nearly. However lots of kids or adults can get addicted to either stimulant.

If you truly want a non-narcotic stimulant, i think provigil (modafanil) is the way to go. however they dont prescribe it for ADHD because thes studies were done on wakefulness not attention. provigil is way more gentle lasts longer and also helps with studying.

both ritalin and other stimulants have what drug users call a "body load" or "tweak" feeling which are the physical side effects or direct effects (sensations) of the drug. They are generally kind of bad, things like clenching your jaw or dry-mouth.

Generally you want to take these things for the improvement of your performance, behavior, and life in general.


is this a slide thread...? i wrote that long response and then realized it may be a slide thread, hah

Someone poast Blaire's nudes

Fuck I remember my adderall binges. I would take around 400 mgs in 36 hours and would be up for days. I fapped for 13 hours straight on it once.

did you ever mix baking soda or other antacids with the adderall?

Oh yeah. Baking soda was the most effective, but it was fucking gross.

I'm getting nothing here bros. They've just gotta be out there, somewhere.

people say it makes a dose 3-4 times stronger (by reducing stomach acid) and it extends the half-life of amphetamines by up to 3 fold to like 30+ hours. Pretty crazy, won't work for Ritalin at all so doesn't help OP.

That is a big part of why baking soda is the most effective, it doesn't just change stomach pH, it also changes your urine and body's pH so yea its absolutely the most effective. add lemon juice if you can't handle the taste but i've gotten used to it as baking soda with water is like a cure for everything (cancer, colds/flus, etc) keeping the body alkaline is great. eating healthy is better of course but baking soda is an easy way, just be careful with the dosage.

Nicotine also helps the high a little. I used to use dip when I would binge.

Been on adderall for 8 years:

After a while, it's just like coffee.

If your a degenerate, snorting it is an AMAZING rush for about 30 mins. I usually break the line up. Sort of like cups of coffee.

And weed does NOT help the comedown at all. It makes the anxiety and psychosis worse. It’s best to just take the comedown head on like a man if you choose to do it.

Guys guys guys guys

She's so fucking hot.

audibly kek'd

She has an inside out penis

good post, user. I would compare Ritalin to a smoother but more intense version of caffeine, haven't fucked around with adderall much. Modafinil made me feel weird after 3-4 days of taking 1 dose per day, I would feel this tingling column moving in a plane along the left middle part of my brain back to front, and almost feel it in my optic nerve when it came to the front. Haven't fucked with it since.

A beer eases the comedown greatly, but you definitely wanna be careful there obviously

>technically Ritalin is close to cocaine
>Adderall is close to Meth

Saying Adderall is close to Meth is like telling someone that an apple seed is close to a cyanide capsule.


Speed kills.

it's ok, i'll push her penis back in with my penis

I did that for 2 days but stopped because It was degnerate and an half-measure for coke anyways

Go to a 30 day meditation retreat, they're typically 10 hours a day of mindfulness practice, then establish a routine of 1 hour a day for 6 months, with the help of a partner that will make sure you follow through with your plan.

You're such a jew dude smdh

Love the fallen state.

Did you have fun?