Redpill me on Hemerotism

I have heard about it, but it does n t convince me because it sees to be a religion 2.0 for atheist or these who reject Christianity

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Hermeticism is practically esotericism. All religions have the same concepts, just in different tongues. They all preach the same core values, just interpreted differently.

You mean homoeroticism?
Op is always a faggot.

You really seems to be a HIV carrier with your obsesion

love is the only "religion"

everything else is a psyops

So it´s the same as to be Christian right?

>goes to a political board instead of /x/
>blames other for being a flamboyant faggot

>Pa loca tu calva!
This topic is related to pol due the fact that as user said up Hemerotism is the base of the religion, and religions have a high value on politics, for example on Masons and iluminatis

Hermeticism is an intro in to the occult pursue and never lookback. Dont turn out to be a edgy faggot that's pro demonology

So its a waste of time right?

More like what christianity and other religions were based on. Hermeticism dates farther back than Christianity. Think of Christianity as a spin off, from the "Universal Truths", tied with pervasion to align with the political rulings at the said time.

Like I said, the core values of all religions are the same, yet it's been muddied. I could explain more, but there's just too much to write about. If you keep exploring the rabbit hole, you eventually get to the conclusion that all religions spoke about the same universal truths.

I used to be a hardcore atheist materialist. Now after becoming redpilled and seeing how the elites still practice esoteric rituals, even though I'm skeptical of the bible, I accept the possibility of a god and I'm very curious about occult knowledge and metaphysics.

Well, i thought that the good point of Christianity were that unite a nation over the same moral rules, nothing to care about faith
But as you are description this topic it seems to be interesting so i will read about it, thks user

>religion is offtopic on Sup Forums
Lurk moar, please.

Yeah, i have seen a lote of atheist that have never understand what is the value of a religion
So i should study these topics in order to have a better view on elites rituals?

Holy shit, use the fucking google, idiot.
Is hermeticism from Hermes Trimegistos who is considered the first alchemist, and was created in the middle ages. Yes it's as real as Robin Hood.
This shit is not related to religions unless you consider occultist pulp fiction a religion.
Masons are gnostics who probably created this character...

As I said, this is nothing related to religions. It's fabulae.

>Masons are gnostics who probably created this character...
Well the first interesting thing you say on this thread, now prove it

Give me a couple minutes I write a fanfiction.
It will have the same historical value anyway.
Oh, I have a better idea:

Now fuck off to /x/ and take this shit with you.

Menuda puta mierda

pozzed nigger

>hey guys ummm i'm hermes
>i can has 3 the elements
>one time i took a weed and floated outside our universe's horizons
>it was pretty cool, almost reached perfect etheral enlightment
>would have gotten away with it too if it werent for those fucking space hounds
>anyways here's a list of principles for comprehending the boundries of space/time
>as above so below
>good luck figuring out how to meme it into reality lmao
>i am hermes the threefold sage
>*posts dick pics*

As above so below has to do with the internal state of mind, reflecting on one's outer state, "As above so below", also mirrors "The law of vibration"

The hermetic principals, and emerald tablet where only decipherable to those who could introspect/contemplate their own interpretations.

Hijacking your edgelord-magnet thread to hopefully continue a discussion from the last one:

Right or wrong, it is the depths of fatalism to accept we lack free will. If you truly doubted your free will, you would seek a way to disprove it (by fate or fiat)
By constructing a worldview in which proving yourself to have free will is impossible, you have abused a most costly gift to absolve yourself of personal responsibility in unwarranted denial of it.

Have you considered how ignorant it is to think you were materialistically predetermined to make a fool of yourself in a Christian thread on an anonymous evangelist catharsis forum due to the specific way the Big happened to Bang?

No other option is available to the MD adherent other than accepting that thousands of billions of years of history and future were written in stone, so to speak, be for stone in fact existed.
You have been made a slave, and you revel in your second-hand wisdom.

It was definitely not something an average joe should be able to comprehend. It takes a certain "understanding"/frame of mind to understand.

Which so happens, to also be represented in christianity's verses

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened"

The most important part of all religions, understanding the nature of God, varies wildly between them. Saying they are the same, or even similar, is exposing your own ignorance.

>realizing there is a God
>not seeking him both philosophically and spiritually
So are you retarded or dishonest? Perhaps stuck in a deist rut so you don’t have to shoulder additional responsibility?
Honestly curious.

Hermeticism is a religious, philosophical and estoteric movement that started in early antiquity. The core texts are The Corpus Hermeticum and The Emerald Tablet.
There is a modern work written in the early 1900s which tried to capture the essence of hermeticism called The Kybalion. If you want to know more about hermeticism I suggest starting here and then move to the core texts. The kybalion isn't that long can be downloaded online and has audiobook versions. Here you can listen to the book:

You can also find all other texts online, here's my favorite part of the corpus hermeticum, only takes 20 min:


They all say the same thing at the core of every religion...Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Hinduism....We're all one, stemming from the source of it all. Then there were the prophets in every religion, the quote on quote messengers, or people who realized the "truths".

Then people started adding their own additions, etc in Jainism, they at first made gods of nature due to their lack of understanding of the natural world. Gee what else does this sound like? All other religions.....I'm not saying I'm right there are no such thing as a universal truths, just truths, and they're are truths which correlate to each and every religion to some degree.

Unfortunately the very name Hermeticism is founded on a mistake.
Hermes Trismegistus
ermes Trismegistus (Ancient Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-greatest Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus; Hebrew: חרם תלת מחזות) is the purported author of the Hermetic Corpus, a series of sacred texts that are the basis of Hermeticism.

However he wasn't really an Egyptian priest.

However, after Casaubon's dating of the Hermetic writings, as being no earlier than the second or third century AD, the whole of Renaissance Hermeticism collapsed.[24] As to their actual authorship:

“ ... they were certainly not written in remotest antiquity by an all wise Egyptian priest, as the Renaissance believed, but by various unknown authors, all probably Greeks, and they contain popular Greek philosophy of the period, a mixture of Platonism and Stoicism, combined with some Jewish and probably some Persian influences.[25]

Which is why is preposterous to argue which religion is quote on quote the better one...They all preach the same core concepts, people's ego just get in the way.

You picked three out of thousands, and they aren’t exactly as close a match as you would like to present them.
Let’s take Christianity: even God himself isn’t one, it three. How can you argue all is one when the creator of all is multifaceted?

No, they fucking don’t; did you even read my post before responding?
I have you pegged as an ex-catholic. How am I doing?

>as real as robin hood
So something completely real that's been deluded over time with legends.

I do seek to understand it philosophically, but I find it unlikely that I'm going to solve questions that philosophers have asked themselves for thousands of years without producing convincing answers. I don't believe the mysteries of the universe are in the bible, it seems more like a moral code of how humans should get along more than a philosophical book. I have no reason to believe heaven and hell are an accurate description of reality.
Sometimes I pretend there's a loving god that's listening to my prayers, but then again it's difficult to think that way while also knowing about all the horrible things that are in the world, and rejecting the usual "free will" explanation because I know that God could've predicted all of it, since human decisions are nothing more than a combination of perceptual inputs, biology and randomness.

That doesn't mean everything was larping Greeks and real Hermes Thrice Great writing from ancient Egypt didn't exist at some time. So much written information has been lost since then in alexandria's libraries or in the fall of rome.

not to mention the Vatican introducing their own reductions through the tens, and thousands of years...

Almost every last famous philosopher whose name is known today believed in God. In fact, I will say ALL just so someone can’t attempt to prove me wrong.

You are using ignorance to excuse ignorance. You are using dishonesty to avoid being called dishonest.
Fucking get in the game, bucko.

Also, praying is bullshit.
Learn to commune.

To add: everything you think you know about he’ll is non-biblical. The wages of sin are death, and those who sin are cast into the lake of fire not for eternity, but for the second (spiritual) death; atheists literally get what they expect when they die.
Heaven likewise isn’t what popular culture depicts it as. It is a reunification with God.

Boring. I'm tempted to say "typical christcuck".
Appeal to popularity doesn't make it for me. Everybody was religious throughout history, atheism is a very modern thing. But then again, there are things about the nature of reality (physics) that people before the 20th century could only dream of, does that mean newtonian physicists are right because for thousands of years people didn't know about relativity?
And dude get off your high horse and go back to sucking that wrinkly small cock on reddit, your peterson-isms are pleb tier

That wasn’t an appeal to authority you willingly blind cunt, you literally claimed none of the great philosophers had no answers, yet they all came TO THE SAME FUCKING ANSWER.
Relativity ISN'T fucking right; you don’t know fuck all about it and simply lean on borrowed authority in order to feel wise.
Want to know why I would even bother with a willingly ignorant fucking cunt like you? Because you have a soul worth saving, and I won’t hold your damaged and kiked brain as a reason to ignore that.

>appeal to popularity
Made me actually cringe that takes talent. Christianity coming back isn't contrarianism to Atheism becoming the norm it's the obvious response to Atheism being weak and the source of all degeneracy of Mankind.
Pretending like you're somehow more enlightened by your own intelligence is being on a high horse and reddit tier.
You're not a philosopher you are spoon fed Jewish materialist cuckoldry.

Also, justify that the answers are not convincing, you can’t just handwave them away.
Refute aquinas’ five ways. Since I know you have never read a single philosophical discourse on the subject, here is an extremely abridged version:
>you live in a causal universe
Feel free to dispute this, but you disregard all of materialism and the foundations of science in the process
>in a causal universe, effects must be caused
>the natural universe exists
This DEMANDS a supernatural cause. The only way to deny this is to claim our universe is nonexistent or acausal which makes all scientific pursuit fallacious and fruitless.

Nah, they didn't arrive to God as the answer. God was kind of assumed a priori and every idea was within that framework.
I'll admit that I never bothered to learn how relativity is supposed to work, but it was just an example. Let's take another, for example the velocity of light. People used to think light travel was instantaneous, yet it isn't and that's the only way the GPS system could be so precise. Also electrons, atoms, electromagnetism and so on. My point is, we know a lot of things that weren't known then, and the fact that 99% of philosophers (nietzsche wasn't one, and yes I know you're going to say he was a jewish subverter) were religious doesn't mean gods actually exist, especially whatever your particular brand of christianity is.
And that's kind of the problem, if the buddhist philosophers happened to be correct you don't get to go to heaven either and all your worship is irrelevant.

Your last line shows how indoctrinated and ignorant you are. Read some religion and philosophy before you spout off more nonsense.
It takes little fucking brainpower to realize all the religions are the same thing trying to reach out at the same God. And the philosophers were trying to answer the same thing.

Dear scientifically illiterate retard: have you ever considered that our ability to measure may be limited rather than the speed of light in a vacuum being limited? Have you considered that we literally can not test the speed of light in a vacuum?
Have you considered that relativity has fuck all to do with Calibrating GPS since it presumes TIME ITSELF is dilated rather than the means by which we measure time being affected by gravity/velocity?
Of course you haven’t, because every fucking thought in your head is borrowed, not earned.

That's a lot of buzzwords. I agree that religion (especially christianity) is good for society, so cut me some slack. That doesn't make it true though.
It WAS an appeal to popularity and a strawman. I obviously wasn't saying philosophers were atheist, I was saying philosophers have never come to an agreement (beyond a nebolous "a guy called god did it" as user points out, which doesn't qualify as concensus) or produced convicing arguments for the deep questions of "why does the universe exist", "why is the universe the way it is", "where do the laws of nature come from", and so on.
Yet the same notion of causality refutes free will. God could and would've predicted mankind would eventually sin, before he created us. Our decisions are always caused by previous events.
I don't deny that a metaverse exists, maybe even with conscious/intelligent beings and that our universe could've been created by a smart being.
I just think metaphysics is a very inaccessible topic to us down here, and the Bible doesn't offer any special insight on this matter.
Also the argument that you're putting forwards doesn't imply that the universe was created by a conscious or even intelligent being, only that it had a "cause". The physical rules of the universe that govern matter are, as far as I've been able to know, quite simple, and there's no reason to think each step in this recursive universe creation adds any information, and it just doesn't copies the rules down the line unchanged. In practice this is probably false because a universe can not contain another universe of the same complexity inside, but halving the number of particles, for example, would probably suffice.

>uses buzzwords
>uses buzzwords back
>hurr buzzwords
Fucking brainlets I swear. You people aren't even worth forming a coherent argument since you fucking ignore it or mental gymnastics around it.
None of that is explainable without God. So the philosophers who said "God did it" were right I'm sorry this isn't the answer you want. Eventually you'll grow out of Christianity only being good for society and realize it's good for the soul. Or you'll stay here until you do. Nothing I would say matters.

I already told you that I don't personally understand relativity. BUT I'm not referring to relativity. Even without taking relativity into account, as far as I understand it, it is possible to create a positioning system.
If we measure light from point A to point B with synchronized clocks, there's a time delay. Whether space-time bends itself or light travels at a fixed rate, we know the way light travels ins't as simple (instantaneous) as people thought two hundred years ago.

>kevorkian dodge.
Refute the assertion that our natural causal universe MUST have been preceded by a supernatural cause.
This is a quote from YOU
>I find it unlikely that I'm going to solve questions that philosophers have asked themselves for thousands of years without producing convincing answers.
Justify your assertion their answers (specifically the one on topic) are not convincing or admit you are just making shit up crate-Blanche in a futile attempt to produce an air of intelligence as it is becoming increasingly clear you are doing as you backpedal on claims and divert attention towards arguments you falsly feel more confident about.

Interesting that you focus on the bantz 5-word sentence and ignore the wall of text following it.
It probably would be good for my well being to believe in chrstianity, I agree. But I can't believe it if it doesn't actually make sense to me, I just can't.

Well, I'm here to learn and change my views, if I wasn't ready to back-pedal and consider new ideas I wouldn't be arguing with strangers in the first place.
I accepted that if the metaverse (the set that contains everything) is causal, then our universe needs a supernatural cause. But the problem that I see now with your argument is that you project the causal nature of our universe into the metaverse. Maybe the metaverse doesn't follow causality, in which case our universe could've arose without a cause.
And still there are questions that haven't been answered. For example, why is there something rather than nothing?

No we fucking DON’T know that, and especially YOU don’t know that. You were given that information seventh-hand and have done NO learning on the subject for yourself.
You know the speed of light has changed during my lifetime? Guess what else changed? The means by which we measured it. I’m not even talking about science right now, I’m talking about pure logic:
How could we possibly determine the speed of something faster than our ability to measure it? How is it even feasible to claim a maximum speed for light when we are constrained by necessity of being able to measure these claims in order to validate them? What we have so far is a speed limit on measurement, not light.
This is a fucking kike meme that you only beleive in because you were told to. Not a single formulation of thought concerning the subject exists in your stupid head, only rote memorization of factoids so mainstream they teach them on television in a time slot following “ancient aliens”

Fucking think for yourself for god damn once, no one here is fucking impressed by your pedestrian ability to absorb popsci talking points.

Three strikes and you are out, retard. I did my best to try to make you (god forbid) activate your almonds for once in your fucking life. If you aren’t willing to discourse in good faith I see no reason to continue; you are a shifty kike who refuses to defend his own assertions and prefers to change the subject rather than reflect on their own convictions.

I mean this earnestly: good fucking luck, mate. You don’t stand a chance without it.

I haven't done the experiment myself, I just assume light travels at a fixed rate because I know a bit about electronics and I can't think of any other way of creating a precise radio based positioning system. If there is one and I am not clever enough to figure it out, then yeah, there's the possibility that I've been lied to.
The thing I don't agree with you is that there's no way to measure it. Picture a 5cm x 5cm circuit borad, and a few kilometers away a mirror facing the board. This board contains a laser, a photovoltaic cell, and a cpu with a crystal oscilating at a fixed frequency. The way to figure out the speed of light is to fire the laser, count the clock cycles until the light pulse arrives back and is detected by the cell. This will give you a time, divide by two and that will give you the final time value t, divide the distance between the board and the mirror by t and that will give you the speed of light.
It's not faster than our ability to measure it if the distance is long enough. I think the experiment could be reduced in size with a mirror system, I believe that's the way they actually do it.


Amen, fuck (((physics)))

The Earth is flat.

can't tell if serious or ironic

(with a more complex mirror system than just 1 mirror)

btw you are the one who's been pressuring me into agreeing with insults, bad omens and ignoring my points except for the causality one that I gave an objection to which you ignored. that sounds bad faith on your part rather than mine but I guess chimping out and throwing the chess pieces all over the floor is actually the best strategy in life