I know I'm a bit late to the party but...
I thought this movie was great. The entire two hours were quite emotional for me. The main characters were great, the set up was great, the animation was great, the acting was great, and the story was very compelling.
I heard some complaints about how the movie "victim blamed", and though I think this definitely wasn't the intention, I can see how some found this an issue nonetheless. Objectively speaking, the theme was probably the weakest part of the movie. Not that it was a bad theme or that it wasn't developed well, but I felt the theme kept getting a bit confused with itself.
Seeing as a lot of people have claimed "Kimi no Na wa" to be as good if not better, I'm quite looking forwards to seeing that, as well as what Kyoani does with their next series, "Violet Evergarden".
I know I'm a bit late to the party but
>being secondary
I also really liked everything about it. I like how they cut the ending with Shouko going away for no raison.
The only part I didn't like was when they cut Sahara cock blocking Ueno by taking her seat next to Shouya on the rollercoaster.
I also didn't like how Mashiba never punched Shouya, but, as they cut out the back stories of Vol 6, I can see why. If they left that in, he'd have looked even more like a psycho than he did anyway.
Ultimately, I think they just should have cut him in general. I really liked Shouko and Ueno's moment at the festival.
I watched this as well tonight, I liked it a lot.
Best kyoani movie my far.
Shouko leaves in the manga? Damn, I'm fine with there being no concrete romantic ending or anything like that, but that would have been too much of a kick in the balls.
At what point does Mashiba punch him? It seemed really strange when we saw him again at the amusement park.
I would've liked to see more of mom; the scene with her after Shouya tries killing himself in the beginning of the movie really got me; maybe since it's easier for me to relate to family related things than romantic ones.
Agreed. Kyoani never rarelysometimes dissapoints. Chuunibyou movie is gonna be... eh...
All the families get more time in the Manga.
At the end of the manga, Shouko goes to Tokyo, and it's really a bizarre thing to put in the end, not really adding much.
The entirety of Volume 6 is Shouya being hospitalized, and the narrative switching around between the other characters, to explain their backstories. Previously, only Yuzu got POV chapters aside from Shouya.
What I liked best in the movie is that it focused more on Shouko than the manga did. She really felt more like a main character in the film. In the Manga, she sometimes became a goal or a story element before volume 6.
Also, Mashiba punched Shouya on the bridge, when everyone was fighting. He hit him, because he hates bullies. Since he's all but nonexistent in the film, they cut it
It means watching the anime first
Couldn't enjoy the movie with so much shoko. Incredibly annoying character that didn't really act like a person would. I was a huge fan of Ueno for being flawed but also admitting the flaws and trying to change people but im guessing 90% of viewers just saw her as being a villain for disliking shoko
>Ueno fag
>CR fag
Hell is too good for you
Don't know what cr means but hopefully we can at least agree that kawai is a two faced bitch. Ueno is still far better than shoko for being realistic rather than dere dere about everything including to someone who bullied her so much she had to move schools.
I thought that Shouko was a great character. I'm not sure how she was unrealistic. The first part when she just accepts all the bullying from her classmates, I thought was very well done. She's so used to being alone that she'd rather have these negative relations than none at all. I feel that's what connects her and Shouya so much - even though he's being such a prick, he's paying attention to her, and Shouko who's not very used to this doesn't know how to react, and so she decides to just smile and bear it and try to make friends with him.
By far I thought the worst character was Miki; she acted like a white night when it suited her, then at other times she portrayed herself as the victim. She seemed really fake and like a really manipulative person.
You can tell, because they're the only shitbags who don't conform to Hepburn Romanization, thus Shoko instead of Shouko
I see what you're saying about Ueno, but in the end I feel like I wasn't given enough time to warm up to her bad attitude and see the good in her. I still prefer Shouko in the end. Maybe things would be different if I read the source.
No. Ueno approaches irredeemable levels in the Manga.
The Anime basically cuts the fact that she continued to bully Shouko after Shouya stopped, and also was heavily involved with bullying Shouya up through Middle school.
It also cuts out her motive. She bullied Shouya because she had a crush on him. The reason she gets mad that Shouko had the cat pouch was because it originally had a confession note inside, which got mixed up in the pouch Broccoli got, and comedy ensued.
It was a bit rushed, and the side-characters were underdeveloped. I raged that Ueno was forgiven so easily. Also lack of romantic development was a subjective negative for me. 8/10 movie.
I agree with all your points, but as stated in OP, I feel the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and the production quality (not only in terms of visuals) is enough to bump it up to a 9/10. Maybe that's shallow of me but hey, who cares.
To be fair, the Romance was already wonky in the manga, more so even.
In the manga, Romance was Ueno's entire motivation, and there was a bonus chapter where Shouko wants to confess to Shouya again, with an understandable voice, but this was seemingly dropped. Ueno's entire character arc was realizing that Shouya liked Shouko and stepping aside for them to develop, which never happened.
It was already bad, but at least the anime cuts out before any of that happens, and you can infer that whatever happens happens more naturally
>She bullied Shouya because she had a crush on him
I imagine most people assumed that even without knowing the source
>had a confession note inside
Awkward as fuck. Glad they cut that out. Would've been way too melodramatic.
Lots of KnK is melodramatic. The meeting at the bridge when Shouya woke up was melodramatic as fuck
Huh? The last pannel is literally them holding hands, clearly a couple, to face off their primary classmates.
Yeah, that's the implication, but it's still weird, and people to this day argue there's no romance, despite it being heavily present.
It was a sign kissu, since you speak with your hands.
I feel like the inclusion of the note would have been just throwing in extra drama for the sake of it. The bridge at the end felt like it fitted well enough to fit into my suspension of disbelief. I guess melodrama wasn't the right word.
The manga was a lot longer, so it could have one more meandering chapters.
Ueno was a bigger undercurrent in the manga.
Finally watched the movie tonight. I loved the characters' expressiveness and how natural they felt, even if at some points it felt like the time constraints didn't do justice to all the secondary characters. Probably my favorite KyoAni movie now.
Also, Shouko is a treasure and I want to protect her smile.
Post more Shouko
bullying is wrong!!
I dont know why but I loved so much her voice
I would, but my KnK folder is packaged away on a different drive
They did a really good job translating the art to animation. I could recognize every panel they lifted
Felt strange when she was a kid, but later on it was really good. Kept wondering what it would've been like doing that voice
>KnK stopped running almost 3 years ago
I remember those threads like they were yesterday.
Whatever happened to Boku Girl, did that end?
I was so happy to watch this. I was giddy through the whole thing
The manga is inferior.
I have never met a single deaf person in my entire life, so I can't really say too much about how realistic it was. It was really charming/heartwarming though, especially when she got disconsolate and tried to express her feelings.
If you insist.
Boku Girl finished, sometime late last year if I remember correctly. Had to read the last few chapters from terrible Japanese>Korean>English scans that I found on imgur though.
The first 4 volumes are better than their adapted counter part. The one shot is amazing.
Volume 5, 6, and 7 are better cut. The movie basically cuts out everyone but Shouya and Shouko.