Why does Sup Forums support the status quo when it comes to age of consent?

Why does Sup Forums support the status quo when it comes to age of consent?

Can someone explain what is happening to this board? People here now support israel and kikes even.

She needs to be 21.

If you dont like that you need to be chipped and monitored forever

Fuck off pedo.



There is no logic behind their support for the roastie factory that is AOC legislation. It's pure cuckery and it's perhaps driven by religious views on sex. In most ways these views are great, this is one instance where they are not.

Because the age of consent can't be reasonably lowered in our incredibly degenerate society without terrible abuses taking place. If you don't understand this, please kill yourself.

Childhood is meant to be free of all the shit you have to deal with later in life. Your childhood is supposed to be the best time of your life and not the worst. It sets you up for your adult life. If your childhood is fucked, chances are you adult life will be fucked up too and your entire life is misery. Why rob people of their childhood you motherfucker! I'm sure she'll still be hot when she's 20.

I dunno,

In my country age of consent is 16.

I had a gf when I was staying in a European country with age of consent at 15. And yes, my gf was 15. I was 22. It was fucking hot, and perfectly legal.

lol stay mad

I don't see the problem... American puritanism I suppose.

Prime example.
Look at the fucking train wrecks that run the world. Guarantee some degenerate A-hole was fucking them. Explains their deranged thinking.

>terrible abuses
A man raising a his wife from childhood to be an excellent and loving mother isn't an abuse.
The Jews have you deluded into thinking that's wrong when this is how humans have acted for thousands of years.

Tell me in objective terms how sex "robs you of your childhood".
Are you not allowed to be a kid anymore once you've touched a peepee or something? Sex isn't some holy sacrament. Its something a man and woman do that feels really good for both parties. Doing it changes nothing about who you are except maybe brightening your mood.

This Op Should be shot in the back of the head

Switzerland has as usual the best solution as always.

The maximum age difference between sexual parters is 2 years, as soon as both parties are over 16, it doesn’t matter anymore. If the gap is a bit larger, nothing happens. I really don’t see why Burgers think it’s ok to punish someone who has a consentual relationship with someone who is 2 years younger only because of their age.

Adopts neural pathways associating evetyday life with sex early on. Dampens ability to adapt to environment and creates dysfunction with other children leading to poor development and a needlessly difficult life.


it's because burgers are retarded

no realy

i mean it this time

How's the Toblerone bank account going? Please may my interest in Milka bars.

Lmao @ you cucks asking big government what you can and can't touch your peepee to. Hissss HISSSSSSSSS NO STEP

I don’t, it should be probably between 14-16

Anything else is irrational

But ideally it should be whenever people marry

Aoc should be 25, unless you are married then it should be 15. Also make divorce illegal and adultery a crime

Fucking kids is Muhammad-tier, and women are not people and shouldn't be allowed to consent to anything without their father, or husband's approval.

This. Was abused as a child, became hypersexual early on and made other girls in my class uncomfortable and possibly traumatized because we were 'dating' at the age of seven or eight and I would start making sexual moves thinking it was normal, we hadn't learned about consent etc then. It ruins childhood innocence and fucks with the brain.

Go be a freak some where else pedo

Aoc should be 14

Only roasties and white knight fags disagree