Were Jews REALLY as Communist as Sup Forums claims?

Many reputable source claims that the overrepresentation of Jews in the the Council of the People’s Commissars and the Bolshevik movement as a whole is a right-wing anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

One example:


Who is more likely to lie: neo-Nazis on an anonymous basket-weaving forum or every historian ever who claims that Jews were not overrepresented in the Communist movement in Russia?

You're being brainwashed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here yo go:


You can check each name yourself. Jews were over represented and very much behind the Bolshevik movement. Marx and Trotsky were themselves Jewish.

How are we brainwashed?


This sounds a bit communist don't you think?

Open ANY post world war II, Nazis are pure evil text book and you'll absolutely see the Menshevik party was almost entirely Jewish and the bolshevik party only slightly less so. This isn't even up for debate in the normie world because the research was done when anti Semitism was deader than dead and nothing was wrong about a party being dominated by Jews.

Its not even debatable.

Yeah, I read that already. Funny how there's no source provided that these people are in fact Jewish. The fucking names are even different than the ones of the members of the Commissariat:

>the sources are explicitly anti-Semitic books, some of whom written 100 years ago
C'mon. You have nothing.
>quotes from a book written 1500 years ago is proof that Jews were heavily involved in a workers' movement 100 years ago
Source one. Saying that your evidence is overwhelming doesn't simply make it so.

Everything in the talmud is a bunch of rabbis from 2000 years ago arguing among each other. In Judaism, the laws to follow are considered as what's acceptable to the majority. for every law, there are 1000 arguments from different rabbis. Goyim will never understand because the jewish religion is very different to the sheep of islam and christianity who never question anything.

About the prayers, yes we do thank god for not being gentiles, women or slaves. Perfectly reasonable.

>In Judaism, the laws to follow are considered as what's acceptable to the majority. for every law, there are 1000 arguments from different rabbis
This is exactly the same as the other two Abrahamic religions.

who is this woman(male)?

don't know, got it from here

For start, Jews don't have hell (or heaven), so I doubt the veracity of that.

Read about the Bolsheviks and Trotskyites.

Literal fake news.

Only with your money

As expected from Stormshits. It's amazing how dull they are, I mean this shit could work in 30s when you didn't have easy access to data.
It's like that "quote" of Solzhenitsyn...then I did some research and it turned out some dude said he told him that at some meeting.
They didn't really learn anything from Dr. Goebbels, at least he mixed truth with lies. They just lie lol.

“Some call it Marxism - I call it Judaism.”
>Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
>The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
>Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
>Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an >Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
>Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
>The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
>The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
>Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement - the Russian-Jewish revolution - destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
>The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
>William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31


“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
>Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
>The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
>The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
>Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
“The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
>The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
“The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
>M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
>Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
>L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
>Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind”
>Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206

>Mum's a jew, go to snagogue, circumcised, and celebrate hanakua
>But nah, who knows if they're Jewish ;'DDD

Kill yourself.

You're the same guy from that poland hate thread? Wtf we both have nothing to do, eh?
Can someone investigate this video? It's from Rockwell. The Soviet jews part starts at 9:00.


Is the document legit?

“Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.”
>The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4
“The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals”
>Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33
“There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction”
>D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22
“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious”
>Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7
“Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues”
>Harry Watan, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80
“If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.”
>George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414
“The [Jewish] Commissaries were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.”
>Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14
“The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country - and as yet the only country in the world - in which anti-Semitism is a crime.”
>Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), January 1942, p. 16

>he's unironically quoting "The Great Jewish Conspiracy"
Laughing my ass off.
And I bet if I checked all that most would be false.
Like that "Poland wants war" quote from DM, except DM wasn't published on Sundays, or this shit Why are you lying?
Are you that retarded that you can't sum up a rational argument about why Jews are bad?
You could say they are nepotistic, materialist, disloyal, all that shit. Irregardless of whether it's true, that would make your argument look sane.
Fake quotes from "Ultra-Secret Kike Blueprint for Enslaving the Goyim" just make normal people look at you with disgust.
In all this time here, I discussed with only ONE anti-Jewish guy who sounded sane. You all sound insane, you are like rabid dogs. You're behaving exactly like The Jew you try to decry, in an ultimate twist of irony.

“Anti-Semitism was classed [by the Soviet Government] as counter-revolution and the severe punishments meted out for acts of anti-Semitism were the means by which the existing order protected its own safety”
>The Congress Bulletin, (New York: American Jewish Congress), January 5, 1940, p. 2
“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.”
>Dr. Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
>Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“The part which Jews play in the [Communist] Government of the country [Russia] does not appear to be declining”
>Harry Sacher, in The Jewish Review (London), June-August 1932, p. 43
“The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews”
>Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”
>Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
“The Russian intelligentsia . . . saw in the philosophy of Judaism the germs of Bolshevism - the struggle of ... Judaism versus Christianity.”
>Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York, July-September 1932, p. 105
“Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity, and on those who profess this faith. In the Russian villages today Bolsheviks and Herbert H. Lehman . . . were called the ‘secret government of the United States’ and were linked with ‘world communism.’”
>Dr. Louis Harap, in Jewish Life (New York), June 1951, p. 20

Joanna Kuchta

“The Secretary of War [Winston Churchill] charges Jews with originating the gospel of Antichrist and engineering a ‘world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization’“
>The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 13, 1920, p. 8
“The sun has never shone on such a bloodthirsty and vindictive people as the Jews, who cherish the idea of murdering and strangling the heathen. No other men under the sun are more greedy than they have been and always will be, as one can see from their accursed usury.”
>Dr. Martin Luther
“The Jews work more effectively against us than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our Liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”
>George Washington
“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assiminated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially.”
>Benjamin Franklin

Same Churchill you people call a Jewish slave?
Please explain this.


>hasn't even read 'The Red Flag'
>probably baiting me right now


Don't listen to the tin foil hatters in your bread OP, they're kissless virgins that make everything look bad. That being said:

The Talmud reinforces that jews are matriarchally God's ONLY people and that gentiles are subhuman and must provide everything for the kingdom of Zion. So yes, they're communists

this. This article started to redpill me on them first time I saw the communist (((leaders)))

Yes and they still are

How am I lying, im just providing quotes as to disprove the OP. The argument isn't why jews are bad, if you knew how to read you would know that.
>attempts at insults
>defends jew
I wonder whos behind that flag?





>You have nothing
>cites wikipedia
>wikipedia states sources are compromised
wew lad

>"why are you lying?"

JIDF proxy, I've seen these same exact lines repeated in "stormshit" threads before, down to the sentence structure and mannerisms if you will

the claim is backed by official sources including the intelligence arm of the United States government itself at the time of the Russian revolution

"The Russian revolution" Sean McMeekan

Winston Churchill:

Stalin, anti-semitism in the Soviet Union punished with death:
>"active anti-Semites are punished with death"

The montenegro flag is a dead giveaway

It is all true, look at historical records instead of trusting what they tell you

Great video, really lays out what Winston Churchill’s commentary about Jews and Communism.

communism isn't a real form of government, it's a weapon.

Jews invented communism.

>Were Jews REALLY as Communist as Sup Forums claims?

Not only does a simple search show these are fake, but that the quotes originate from stormfront, not the people themselves quoted. Liar.

>buy both sides
>control the world

saddest shill of them all

What's really going to bake your noodle later on is when you find out Stalin was also a Jew...

You're right good merchant, I'm going to listen to the authority on the subject instead of believing my eyes. I can't be trusted to think rationally after all.

>le jews can't agree on anything meme

>Fighting for refugees is more important than ever. Over 2,000 rabbis have already signed this national letter urging our elected officials to welcome refugees to the U.S.

>At 45,000, the refugee resettlement admissions ceiling proposed by the Trump administration is the lowest number ever established by any president since the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program was created in 1980. Now is the time to raise your voice in support of welcoming refugees.

>2,000+ Rabbis Support Welcoming Refugees

Yes, two sides of the subversion coin.

>In February 1916, it was learnt that a revolution was being fomented in Russia and that the following persons and business concerns were engaged in this destructive enterprise: 1) Jacob Schiff; 2) Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (Directors: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome H. Hanauer); 3) Guggenheim; 4) Max Breitung.

>It would therefore appear that the revolution in Russia, which broke out one year after this information was first reported, was sustained by Jewish interests.

>In April 1917, Jacob Schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. In the Spring of the same year, Schiff commenced to subsidize Trotsky, who also received a contribution from 'Forward,' a Jewish publication of New York.

>Simultaneously Trotsky and Co. were also being subsidized by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm, another Jewish concern, the Rhine-Westphalian Syndicate and Jivotovsky, a wealthy Jew whose daughter later married Trotsky. Relations were thus established between multi-millionaire and proletarian Jewry.

>A.Goulevitch - Czarism and Revolution

>sources are explicitly anti-Semitic books

kys assblasted homo kike. your sources are jewish supremacist books. see how simple the world becomes when we resort to the same bullshit propaganda termina that you do? fuckface.

>They brought starvation to the country. Even the two or three women boarders who were kept by our mission were starving the last we heard from them. In my opinion, the Bolsheviks do not represent more than 10 per cent of the Russian people.

-David R. Francis
U.S. Ambassador to Russia 1919

>Is the document legit?

Do you retards honestly have nothing to prove that Jews were overrepresented in the communist movements aside from quotes?

How would you react if ANY other claim was supported the way you support your claims.

The task at hand is fucking simple:
Prove that within the original 16 members of the Council of the People's commisars the majority of the members were Jewish. This is a claim that Sup Forums (and Putin) makes.

I am not going to be an asshole and demand evidence that a majority of the members of the Bolshevik Party were Jews, I am simply asking you to prove that a fucking handful of people in the top positions were Jews.

You can't provide any evidence for this.

Kek I've set the bar extremely low and you're still bitching. Got any more quotes by rabbis?

>Quoting jews isn't proof of what jews believe goy!


>And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Jews brought communism to China

And to South Africa

Mao was a (((Yale))) man.

Read "The Jewish Century". The author is a history professor who is half jewish and half Russian. He calls the jews "Stalin's Willing Executioners".

You absolute idiot. Jews and every other theists were part of Stalin's ethnic cleansing.

I asked my politics teacher (the same guy who told me Stalin is worse than Hitler) and he told me Jews had no implication whatsoever in communist Russia.

A Program for Jews and Humanity - Harry Waton

Jews Genocided 60 million Christians in the USSR

Capitalism is a Jewish invention.

Some Christians belong to different factions.

Some Muslims belong to different factions.

In the same way, some Jews belong to different factions.

Hitler disliked jews - mostly communist jews. He worked with Zionists. Havarra agreement, for instance. There's actually another group I can't remember the name of right now, but I remember them having murdered (I think it was) an Italian congressman on a trip to Sweeden.

They would have it be as dull as "the jews" "the christians" "the muslims" "the gays" "the left" "the right" But, unfortunately for them, there's gigantic alternatives to those particular categories, and it'd be naive to assume there can't be any overlap between them. Think divide and conquer, groupthink, etc.

>I asked my politics teacher
stopped reading right there, lose the memeflag, shill

>divide and conquer
A faction of jews are behind this strategy. Funny, how when it is brought up that whites enslaved blacks or the Germans genocided the Jews, no one pops up to say...
Collective guilt for you, but none for me, goy!

serious question, do you think there's a link between Tikkun olam and progressivism?
I get that different Jews have different ideas about what it means - but it seems like progressive Jews are trying to "mend the world" in their own way - but framed as political/scientific and therefore secular?


Marx was not a Bolshevik. As a matter of fact he did not even live to see the Bolshevik revolution, therefore we don't even know his opinion on it.

I'd wager that "racism" wasn't a huge idea in most people's minds until after people didn't really use jew as a verb much anymore.

Tell me more about the EVILS of the Menshevik party. Last time I checked, this more jewish party was actually fighting the other, less jewish Bolshevik party and they lost. So muh for a single minded international Jewry, eh?


How can 1 Bulgar BTFO the entire thread?

Wew lad, 27 Commie Jews. I thought your lot said 95% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish? I thought there were thousands...

Marxism is the philosophical backbone of a Bolshevik (Communist style) government.

Many practical applications have philosophies behind them that allow them to operate. I'm not sure how sturdy an argument can be made that embodies a "philosophical ideas matter not to their practical application" premise. But, go ahead, give it a shot.



>So muh for a single minded international Jewry, eh?
Right. Sometimes they disagree on how best to murder, rape, and steal from the goyim.

>Lenin, not a jew
Stopped reading there

>Lenin's Jewish roots confirmed

Way to ignore the rest of the thread. Of the top brass, ~85% were jews. Not my infographic, but I'll put together a more comprehensive one just for you. You can catch it in the next thread.



Yeah, so much for that.

it is somehow true for Poland. Soviet rule in post-war Poland has been called Żydokomuna (not official name tho) - literally jew-communism.
It was caused by the fact that some of the communists in Poland were proven to be jewish and because of the fact that in Poland it is commonly known that huge part of our nation is polonized jews, the chance that those poles who are communist are also jews is not impossible, since massive conversion of jews took place in XIX century and because of the wars we have no documents which date our origins before XX century. Thank you Kraut-kuntachi.

Should I keep going?

Wait what? Half of them don't even have jewish surnames...

Okay faggots, for the last fucking time: the Council of the People’s Commissars is claimed to be over 80% Jewish. We're talking about 16 fucking people. It sounds fairly easy to prove that those people were majority Jewish.

I am not asking about fucking Hollywood. Stop changing the subject.


Prove that this claim is true. I am giving you the easiest possible claim to prove.
>Commisars - 78%
I will lower the fucking threshold for you - prove that 10 out of the 16 members of the original CPC were Jews.

Mel Brooks is pretty cool though. We should honor him as a Righteous Jewtile !

desu having kids with slav women is like having kids with an asian woman, it's literal russian roulette if your kid is a boy, if he has his mother's genetics, he'll face a small jaw and a small chin making him a beta male, if you have a girl - she will be extremely good looking.
Basically if you have kids with slavic girls, abort the male ones. I've actually left two girlfriends because of their small jaws and chins because if I had a boy with them, his life would be harsh, unless he had my genetics.

Read a book nigga


you don't have to have a jewish last name to be jewish, just have their genetics

Yes. The fag calling for proof won't be satisfied unless we use a time machine to go back to the 1920s and return with a photo of their circumcised cocks. This is now a redpill thread on the JQ.


You realize that most of them changed their names right? ((((Mel Brooks))) was born Melvin ((((Kaminsky)))).