What is the ideal female height?

What is the ideal female height?


the one at 164 looks nice

Yoko is perfect, so 163cm

>The chart only goes up to 5'5''


Depends on several factors. The girl's body type, her personality, your personality, as well as your tastes. My wife is only two inches shorter than me, but I love her that way, since even though I'm taller to the point I wouldn't look bad while standing beside her, I don't tower over her, so I can still enjoy her dominant personality to the fullest while not looking comical, which would be the case if I was far taller.

Yui is one 160, so 160cm.





taller than me

so 185+

Good to see people with taste.

Why are you fags measuring height in cm like a queer?

Btw the answer is 5'2"


190cm, just slightly shorter than me

>Kagari will never princess carry me

>inferior anglophone


I want to rape Alice so bad.

>complains about SI units
>proceeds to display shit taste

5'10" is the minimum.

140 & below. The smaller the better.


>mfw I'm 193 and I've never met a girl taller than me

I just wanna look up at her. Why must life be so unfair?

>tfw I'm Run

>tfw 200cm tall freak

Only Shino can.

Six feet tall.

8 feet tall, strong enough to easy lift and carry you without tiring.

170cm to 182cm
(I'm 183cm)

167 cm
Anyone who says otherwise is a manlet.

154cm is absolute ideal. I'm 188


What if that is my preferred height as well but I'm also a 175cm manlet who is into oneesan girls?

I'd say 3 meters.


I'm a fucking manlet (171cm) so perfect height for me is something between 163-168 cm .

195 cm, prove me wrong.

Catwoman and Korean gurl were the best

this proves only manlets, like womanlets, pathetic.


I always see plenty of tall guys with womanlets, do you even get out of your basement?

americans need no apply.


>he says, after like 3 guys said their preferred height is someone whose head is at their waist.

>normals have shit taste
nothing new

Could you please elaborate on that fetish?
I mean, I olev me some huge women, 12' an such (pic unrelated), but with sizes such as in your pic, that woman will never be able to perceive you, and you're just immediately dead and gone. I don't get it.

Think of it as femdom carried to its (illogical) extreme.

Also footfaggotry?

footfags thinking bigger is always better



Can be. The foot is usually what you're going to have the most interaction with at that scale if you think about it.

>tfw I'm literally cocoa

is sakuranbo syndrome worth reading?

Yes, but not for tall girls.

slightly shorter than their husbands.

6'1" at the tallest
I don't want a waifu taller than me

At least 2m. You want to have tall sons, don't you?

>tfw when 164cm
There's hope right?


If you're good looking, confident, are funny, and interesting, you can probably land anything you want.

Are you at least a cute manlet?
Can I project my size difference/shotacon fetishes onto you?

Hope for what?

Yes, but will they have Netgenes?

4'10-5'1 or 5'11-6'2

190+ no doubt.

I want beautiful ubermensch children.

Nice get faggot.

4'10 is cutest height

How are you so short?

Look at her and laugh.

why would I laugh?

What's 乳 supposed to refer to here?
I can't find a pattern.

Probably spent his childhood on Sup Forums instead of playing outside

I guess.
I got asked out a few times and got hit on, but by taller girls mainly.
Also when in Highschool tall girls like 5"10+ would hit on me, I assumed it was a joke at fist but later turned out they had a thing for me.
It was kinda weird and awkward, given the height difference.
I still don't get giantess fetishes but always liked shotacon, I also feel it easier to self-insert as short or shota characters.
Though it's kinda weird when girls I like are my height or slightly taller than me both real life and anime.

Short parents + asian

Is 156 the master race?

You're basically me. Except I'm white.

People of average height have longer lifespans though.
It's also easier to look ripped and faster to gain your ideal body because shorter skeleton means less overall mass you need to gain.

t. hungry skeleton who has to spend twice as much effort and money on gainz than his shorter friends.

Actually generally in life it's best to be "just a bit above average" for anything physical related, whether it's penis size, height,looks etc. Being at any extreme brings nothing but stress and trouble.

She does realize that you can raise the seat by like two feet, right?

then her tiny feet wouldn't reach the gas pedal

That's why you have a foot-servant who pushes gas, break, and optionally gear shifts for you.

2062 cm

The real question is, what height would you want to be if you were a 2d girl?

remove the 0 and we're in business
also is mt lady the lewdest boku no hero?


That would be Midnight, she's a shotacon.

>old hag

>not liking cakes

>liking expired food


Whatever Akari is must be the ideal, because Akari is the perfectest.


This girl (pic related)

>31 years old
>175 cm
>roofie quirk
>"likes youth and excitement"
I don't know how I should feel about her.

>ywn get stepped on by giantess-qt3.14


>>What is the ideal female height?
>taller than me

truly patrician taste, my friend

Kokona Masamune's mother confirmed?

More height means more leg. Ideal for me would be whatever height puts her around mine whenever she's wearing heels (and I'm 193cm).

60 meters.

I assume 小=JS, 中=JC, and the rest=JK, what is 乳?