/NorGen/ - Nordicism General #introductory edition

Because Sup Forums likes to larp as Nationalsocialist but they wont acknowledge the superiority of the Nordic type. To be a NS means to be a Nordicists.
All ancient civilizations sprung from a certain vigour only present in the purity of the Nordic type:
The aim of this thread is to divulge Nordicism amidst Europeans of Nordic (or Half-Nordic) descent, so as to lay aside the Mongrelican claim that all whites are equal... this would lead to a characterless Europe, an amalgam of European variants in which Aryans would be adversely affected, and thus Europe as a whole, and by extension the world.

Essay on the Inequality of Human Races. Arthur de Gobineau 1855 –pioneer of Noridicism-
The passing of the Great Race. Madison Grant 1916
The Racial Elements of European History. FK Gunther. Translation from 1927
The foundations of the 19th Century. Houston Stewart Chamberlain. 1899.
The myth of the 20th century. Alfred Rosenberg, 1930 (spiritual aspect of Nordicism, akin to Aryan worldview by HS Chamberlain).

Other urls found in this thread:


First of all checked
Second, can't we just acknowledge the beauty of all the unique phenotypes and subraces that make up the sons and daughters of Europe? They all need to be preserved, individually, and not mixed. Meds are great, Nords are great, Anglo-Saxons are great, Slavs are great, and so on. No other continent has the beauty that we Europeans posess.

Infact, yes, but there's never any attention for the Nordic aspect of NS, which is the core of the idelogy, for without Aryan there would have been no Wagner, no Hitler... no NS.
This is not meant to disparage other Europeans, but only to conscientize Nordics of their own racial value. Slavs and Meds can have their own threads, no problem with that.

The first “White” Humans were Nordics whose earliest record is to be found on Northern Asia, the original Aryans later fought their way towards the south amongst Mongoloid tribes and settled on the Sogdiana, from where they moved onto Mesopotamia and thus gave birth to Sumerian civilization… the first civilization to be ever recorded in history.
Assyrians,Egyptians,Indians ,Persians,Greeks,Romans(Latins) were all of Aryan disposition. The original Chinese were subjugated by Aryans… the first Chinese Emperors were Aryan. Even as far as the time of the Roman Empire one can still find emperors with prevalescent Aryan blood: theapricity.com/earlson/history/emperors.htm
American civilizations were kickstarted by Nordic sailors who arrived on the 10th century, after sailing from, Norway to Greeland, by way of Iceland. These are thought to have reached up to the Florida penninsula. Ancient Mayan/Inca/Aztec sculptures reveal Nordic features –iron blue eyes-.
However the Nordics were not in substantial numbers and Aryan blood quickly depleted, sufficient enough to uplift the natives a tad, but their civilization didn’t last because of predomination of native blood. When Spaniards arrived in 15th century the american civilizations showed proof of being very recent (no more than 3 centuries old) this is coincidentally fits with the period at around which Nordic immigration arrived.
Wherever one looks one sees the same: Nordic vitality is the key to all civilization, even in the current state of affairs, were Nordics to go extinct, the rest of Europe would collapse. So before you say “hurr durr D&C” this also involves you, because your country will go tos hit without Germans working for your lazy mongrelized ass. I wont stand D&C accusations, and will gladly engage in discussion, as long as it is not out of butthurt.

part of Italy has heavy Nordic ancestry, forgot to include it,Trentino,Lombardia and Piemonte

Oh, well true I guess they can make their own threads if they want to. So how's life in Argentina?

Scandinavians are all feminine cucks who have never maintained a superior civilisation. Just some back door alley among shit weather. They're also currently gender "equal" shitholes full of shit women, and hanging around with Scandinavians us like talking to a wall.

Meds are much more fun to be around. Have a culture, great food, great history and civilisation, and stunning women.

Meds>Hispanics>Anglos/Celts>Arabs/Persians>Pajeets>East Asians>Slavs>Shit>Niggers>Dogshit>Nordcuck white boi

this is not for the discussion of that...

Here's another site of extreme importance:
Specially those 2 articles... help fight the american menace

Schlomo, I...

Civic Nationalism the post.

More Nordicist blogs:

But how do you explain that most European achievement hasn't come from Nordids? In Germany, which is pred. Nordid-mixed, populations more on the mixed side have contributed far more (e.g. South vs North Germans).

Timestamp a full body shot (clothed of course). I want to see your superiority! You can block out your face for privacy...but I just want to see what to aspire to.

That website is DOGSHIT. Red Nordid is the most pseudoscientific pile of crap I've ever seen. And associating phenotypes directly with haplogroups... just no

This is a lot better:



kek best post I've seen in a long fucking time. 10/10 you are one blessed individual Italianon

After settling on the Jutland penninsula and above the Nordic became stationary, lost it's will... Reasons are not specified but I suspect an spiritual decadence due to Protestantism and the abandonment of their native paganism...
Prussia and the Hansa were Northern German, Charlemagne king of the Franks was Aryan, Oton I was Ayan, and so on
Do not forget that South Germans are still mainly Aryan, as are British and French. In the same vein Italians were also Aryan, Da Vinci for example...
I have no answer for the stagnation of the upper Nordics, but Germans have never in history remained Stationary, nor have the British or French. Ty for the site

What about the Swedish empire?

I'll dump my Nordic folder
I use it mostly to shut up anti-Nords on /his/







The site is incredible. What you want to do is click on glossary/phenotype search, and then search for a phenotype. So for example, you can search for Hallstatt (Ultimate Nordid basically). It will give a description, distribution map, morph plates of both sexes, and related types that you can click on and see them too.

If you want further reading, check out SNPA:


In particular, on that site, Carleton Coon's "The Races of Europe" (link will download it onto your computer):



There is an issue with Nordicism though, in my opinion, and that is that pure Nordic societies were never the ones to create great civilisations, but rather Nordid-Mediterranid mixes. Rome and Greece, as opposed to the Celts and Scythians - for example.

Perhaps this is why Britain won the game of civilisations, of the Old World Orders that is.

have you considered the possibility that the Mediterranean is really good for travel, and the distinction between Med and Nord isn't really that useful?

I mean, seafaring was pretty important for the Greeks. The Scythians were mostly landlocked because of their lifestyle. In fact it was because of this Greeks established colonies all along the Black Sea.

Regardless, the Jews have surpassed Old World Order influence with the more recent New World Orders (not in the Alex Jones sense!), and they are meta-civilisational.

Perhaps it is meant to be.

he has a MS degree in chemical engineering, and he is a cool dude in general

Nothing wrong with civic (civilised) Nationalism. I like Asian women.

The paganistic mords where the ones that had all that pussy worshiping, while the mediterraneans had a more male centric perspective, now that i remember, it was a mistake to bring the nordcucks into christianity because they were the ones that bringed all that pussy worshiping

I have considered that, but I have also considered the fact that much more thoroughly Nordic tribes other than the Athenians existed, such as the Thracians, and they too had just as good an access to the Mediterranean. Why did they not create great civilisations? The Macedonians were pred. Nordic, but they did NOT create a great civilisation - they merely conquered one. Nothing great ever came out of Alexander's conquests, bar the glory of conquest itself.

can you show me an important Roman bust that shows the characteristics of the pics in the OP?
closest one I may think is a Brutus bronze although the nose is very different and is not so dolicephalic
most of Romans show very marked signs of Alpinization/Dinarization, and those who are more on the aurignacoid side can very well be robust Mediterranoids(like Caesar)

I am a Nordic proud man, but I have no problems admitting that Scandinavia was a poor outskirt of Europe for most of its history

but we have the most beautiful people and our peoples influences Europe
the British Isles, France, Germany... these were all settled by Germanic/Nordic peoples and achieved wonders

we are blessed by God, and we are the genetic fountain from which uglier races draw inspiration and influence

again the term Nordic is kind of outdated.
>Nothing great ever came out of Alexander's conquests
Hellenization was pretty important, trade networks also.

I mean, compare Brits and Swedes today. Would Swedes have broken off to form America?

They are too feminine - even the Vikings were feminine (despite the pillaging, not a joke - their women had a lot of influence ever them, Vikings spent tonnes of time grooming their hair etc.)

It's not just a lack of masculinity and initiative, but also intellectually I considered Nordics stunted. They are just too innocent and child-like and lack any sort of cunning to be great thinkers. As for great artists - those seem to be based around the Alps for whatever reason, though I haven't figured that one out yet.

>and those who are more on the aurignacoid side can very well be robust Mediterranoids(like Caesar)
I may add that of course traditional anthropology recognizes that basic Meds and basic Nordids pretty much cannot even be told apart by skull measurements

That's more of a by-product, I don't think you could call spreading the ideas of more Med. influenced Greeks a Nordid achievement.
You guys are the closest race to angels - but angels don't have to be thinkers or artists.

the 2nd picture looks more anglo than nordic.

Nordids have evident CM features - yes, even Hallstatt (despite the high gonial angles).

British people aren't Meds.

which ones? referring to OP's pic?

Britain is pretty much the only place on the planet where Meds and Nordids meet.

Central Europe doesn't count, as instead of a Nordid-Med mix, you have Alpinids (and some Dinarids) acting as a buffer zone.

I agree that Nordids are clearly a branch of the Med stock in the broadest interpretation, but to deny CM influence is ridiculous (think pigmentation (ANE in origin), huge frames etc.)

we are talking about specific taxons though not populations in general
NordiCs definitely show more CM features on average, sure, but what OP depicts in his ideal phenotype is a basic non-CM influenced NordiD, which doesn't really show Cromagnoid features(which are metric features as we do not have info on the pigmentation of the defining specimen*)

*but we have DNA from UP Europe(Goyet, Kostenki, etc...) and those paleo Europids as far as we know were not depigmented(and neither were Malta Buret or Afontovo Gora aka ANE)

South-East Anglos are the greatest Europe has to offer - this applies to non-Cornish England and lowland Scotland broadly, but ESPECIALLY to SE England - as they are basically hybrids between North Atlantids (more common in the West) and Anglo-Saxons (more common in the East). No other subrace is prominent at all in the regions mentioned.

I'm not of Anglo or even British stock, by the way.

What makes or breaks your face is the nose as far as if you are NS

>tfw not nordic
>tfw I'll witness the extinction of nordic people in my lifetime

>Literally a nordic rapebaby
''They wuz too feminine''
>Same IQ level with higher % of niggers
>discovered 4 less elements with 6x smaller population
>birthed the inventor of the systema nature
>Some of the greatest kings ever
>subjugated the finns, fought bloody wars with russians, poles, germans, danes etc
''2 feminized guyz nd intellectually stunted''
fuck off inbred anglo rapebaby

not nordid

not nordid

most of them are not nordid
not nordid

not nordid
at least , if you try to shill or larp as nordicist, know what a nordid is you stupid retards

>tfw no nordic Lebensborn breeding camps

You don't have to be pure Hallstatt aurignacoid to quality as Nordid you dumb mountain kike

He's not wrong about the feminine part. Swedes are the weakest people I've met.

Also is it just me or do nordic people tend to get poisoned by liberalism more easily than others?

nordid - atlantid - atlantomediterranid - north-iranid - north-indide

are basically the same racial type, just adapted to different climates ; they are all robust aurignacoids and anthropometrically equal

so you might not be nordic (aurignacoid with blondism) , but you might be aurignacoid

most people that are blonde, are NOT nordics (in the racial sense)


nordic = geographical term
nordid = racial type
nordicism = belief that the nordid race is the most greedily selected
aurignacoid = one of the two main types of europids, developed originally in warm and temperate climates, but can dominate all climates
cromagnoid (f.e. dolph lundgren is a unreduced cromagnoid): one of thje two main types of europids, developed originally in codl climates (original hunter gatherers), can be racially reduced (lose their proportions) opposed to aurignacoids which can not be reduced

pic related is a pure unreduced aurignacoid nordid

>mfw I realize they had maschendrahtzaun back then
some pictures from that time look surreally modern

That's kind of a weird thing to say if you mean physically. Physically, we are one of the tallest peoples on earth ( much taller than brits on average) and we generally have pretty robust frames, we are extremely overrepresented in strength sports, and fitness/strength has always been a part of our culture. I mean most 15-year old Swedish lads put grown anglo men to shame in the gym, and that's not even a joke, I work at a gym myself. About the mentality: well, the kikes sure did a number on us.

Nordics are nothing but dumb slave race to be exploited by other whites, they haven't contributed anything to European civilization

pic related is a pure unreduced nordid from the side

yes, nordid = aurignacoid at the very least

it's a matter of terminology in the first place, but most people that are blonde are not nordids , they are reduced cromagnoids

besides that hallstatt nordid is not the "best nordic type" , so get familiar with the different types if you want to argue with me

Clearly partial Dalofaelid influence, gonial angle shows this

pic related, drawing of a aurignacoid side profile (with hyperprogressive tendencies)

Yeah geez i wonder why (((anyone))) would want that
This obviously hasn't always been the case, don't be a faggot

You don't know what you're talking about if you think that is unreduced aurignacoid.

Nordids are meant to have sloping foreheads, for one. This upright forehead is a clear CM influence. Her occiput should be slanted backwards more too, if she were pure aurignacoid.


This is a much clearer example. Done by Agrippa.

How do we save them Sup Forums? ;_;

no, besides that you can't even see the gonial angle from the front profile lol

she has a positive chin (which purely unreduced cromagnoids do not have) + her gonial angle is far from cromagnoid (cromagnoids tend towards 90 degrees)

the woman in this pic won numerous prizes for being an example "der nordischen Rasse"

the germans generally classified two different types : 1. "grazil nordid" (woman in this pic) and 2. Daelofaelid (unreduced cromagnoid with blondism)

If Nords are superior then why have they never made a relevant civilization before, then?

the most I'll give you is Atlantid

They're not in danger yet, the population is more than stable.

I didn't know maschendrahtzaun were a modern thing desu

the drawing i posted was also done by agrippa

no, aurignacoids (with exception of iranids and gracile meds) tend to have straight foreheads and not sloping ones

the only a-typical region are HER EYES , not her forehead

she is fully unreduced with very little neoteny

Asians look so much cuter than these ugly and sad abominations.

Not true at all, aurignacoids definitely have sloping foreheads.

wow thats some bad anthro larping lol

What the hell are you smoking? Whites are getting outbred by subhumans all over europe.
And especially nordic people are a very tiny minority in the world.
Meanwhile more than a billion poos, chinks, and niggers each.
The future doesn't look too bright.

Outbred, sure. There are still millions of Nordids though.

it's possible , but not typical

the woman i posted is purely unreduced (except for her eye region)

besides that the forehead also depends on boneyness (maturity) - more robust types will tend to straighter foreheads

while gracilized types will often have sloping ones

nordids are atypical , because "gracilized nordids" don't really exist, almost all nordids are robust-leptosomic

Hitler wasn't a Nordicist, Himmler was.

What's your opinion on the intellectual shortcomings of Nordids?

Is this just because Scandinavia, being mostly sparsely populated and mostly isolated (bar coastal regions in the Hanseatic league) until a few hundred years ago, didn't have the same selective pressures that places with more trade had?

>Latest paper date is 1930
Wew lad

Not true, at all.

>mfw pig skinned nordtrash approaches me

Can we start banning race cucks. They fling shit on racial pride threads more than they do on leftists.

The alt lite was a mistake and this mindset leads directly to everything they hate


nordids are the greediest selected type (on average), they are a literal manifestation of the Faustian human - what Germans are known to do with their machines (selling their souls for maximized efficiency) nordids did with their bodies (maximized social dominance) - maybe even overdid it

however nordids have certain weaknesses : 1. sexual dimorphism is lacking in some cases 2. they tend to produce neurotic types 3. there is a tendency towards a receding chin in very asthenic nordid types (also linked with neuroticism)

the infighting between meds, nordids even iranids/north-indides is entierly stupid because all these types are more or less the same, just different flavours suited for different enviroments

however on average, ( purely aurignacoid) nordids are the most heavily selected, greediest type

''muh aysian wymen''

>calling Nordic people greedy
what dimension is this

> can't differentiate greedily selected with being greedy

> t. abu isa "VIKANG" al nordistani

The amount of jewery in this thread is staggering. Can't we have one thread without the other sub-races getting triggered?

>Mountain Jew calling anyone greedy

Yes, but this has to do more with nordids being leptosom-shizothymic.

Shizothymy leads to fanatism , which when coupled with liberalism leads to extreme left (or right wings) more often than not.

Shizothymics (meaning people with a tendency to shizophreny) also exist elsewhere, practically everywhere where religions are/were created. And exactly the same racial types are found there existingly (ofc with different skin complexions and soft parts, but anthropometrically on the dead skull equal).

Most of the times people who perform priestly functions.


up your standards and stop chasing after cutified/infantilzied chicks you literal loser

also never tag me again you filthy ape

>mutts, slavs, and Yellows are the superpowers
Nordic apes are the only people unironically claiming they wuz kangz an sheeit. And the Aryan ubermensch propaganda is top cringe.
>horge norge vikijeer you're 56%
Hey, at least I'm honest. Enjoy the sunburns


I am a mutt. I do not apologize for who I am, unlike most LARPers here. Enjoy your racial purity when your kids are inbred brainlets with 12 toes.

>manifestation of the Faustian human
What is that?

I agree that Nordics are the purest exponent of the European race, but I don't see that as a reason to be an obnoxious cunt and treat other Europeans like mongrels. Treat 56ers like mongrels, not Meds. Europeans are brothers in arms, don't fall for this D&C shit. Yes nords are the purest example, but to recognize that isn't to put them in some altar and worship them. It's encouraging them to breed with those of similar phenotype and the rest of us should do the same.
My hair is brown and my eyes are green, but I've got blue eyes genes. I have kids with a blue eyed dark blonde hair woman and our 3 kids have blue eyes and blond hair.
If you're not corrupted by the modern world you'll naturally gravitate towards those with a similar phenotype anyway.