Just started this series. More like this please

Just started this series. More like this please.


>>>wsr/ and fuck off.


Best advice: Watch it purely for Hanekawa and Shinobu, not much more is worth it.

Occasionally Araragi goes based too but very few times.

I would recommend Boku no Pico OP, it's quite similar in its themes and I think you would like it


>Not mentioning comfy snail banter

Kill yourself, newfag.


I'll check it out. For some reason I skipped it, no real reason to why.

No u.

did I like it?

>Watch it purely for Hanekawa and Shinobu

This is all there is to do. The story progresses strangely, and the action scenes are sparse.

I watched in Chrono order. Was it better to watch in anime release order?

You'll gain a further appreciation for donuts

Did you?

Pretentious: the anime

I finished kuro (my watching: bake/tize/nekko), but I'm lost on what actually happened to shinobu in the first place. I get the gist of it, but there where many things left out. And yeah I really want the same donuts as shown in anime now.

all above posters are gay losers

Isn't there a re:zero thread that you belong in?

boku no pico