What are the essential "VHS Anime"? Basically, what anime do you think of when someone says they still have a VCR? Ranma 1/2 & DBZ?
What are the essential "VHS Anime"? Basically, what anime do you think of when someone says they still have a VCR...
Never heard of either of those so not sure how they could be essential.
Bubblegum crisis
Armored trooper votoms
>Bubblegum crisis
I don't get why this trash is so popular in the states.
First anime on tape I ever bought.
Ninja Scroll
What the fuck is wrong with Noa's face?
Sexy girls, cool power suits, catchy music. What's not to like?
dominion tank police
project a-ko
dirty pair
bubblegum crisis
gunsmith cats
first gundam series
first macross series (not the american version necesarly)
fist of the north star
probably tenchi muyo first oavs
demon hunter yohko
vampire miyu
RG Veda
video girl AI
lodoss (just the first one)
dragon half
captain harlock
something something lupin III
city hunter and cat's eye
...and that's it
I don't think about DBZ...it was too easy to catch it on TV anyways
>Dragonball Z
>Ushio to Tora
lurk more
A lack of an interesting plot or characters or action scenes or fan service or good animation
Ninja Scroll
Vampire Hunter D
>lack of good animation
What? The series had people like Shinya Ohira, Masami Obari, Takeshi Honda and Tatsuyuki Tanaka working on it just off the top of my head. There is plenty of great animation.
I miss spine art. Blurays are just too thin to do anything with.
>They lost the master tapes for the slayers tv series so they can't even do a bluray now
At least we got the OVAs & the movie, I guess.
>They lost the master tapes
I hate that this is a thing. Like, how fucking retarded and clumsy do you have to be to lose something like this?!
When I read something like that I assume they weren't misplaced but destroyed in an incident or stolen
I wonder how many old shows are just sitting in a bin in some disgruntled ex-employee's apartment.
To be fair, Japan gets hit by a LOT of Earthquakes & Tsunamis.
Noa looked kind of fucked up at some points in the movies
I don't remember her looking out of the ordinary in the first movie though
>Blurays are just too thin to do anything with.
true but they can at least still do this kind of shit
That's nice, too bad no one will ever see them arranged like that
These are the ones I still own:
>Mermaid Saga
>MD Geist
>Ranma 1/2
>Riding Bean*
>Vampire Hunter D*
>Bio Booster Armor Guyver*
>Iria: Zeiram the Animation*
>Ninja Scroll*
>Fist of the North Star
>Bubblegum Crisis
>Ghost in the Shell*
>Armitage the Third*
>My Neighbor Totoro*
Only the ones with the asterisk I'd consider "essential", whatever that means. Akira and Macross as well but those are on laserdisc.
Why not?
Some of the buyfags display their goods like that.
All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku-Nuku
Tenchi Muyo
Urusei Yatsura
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Gunsmith Cats
And then all the films that were on Sci-fi's Saturday anime. I remember having dubbed tapes from the TV and then slowly buying subbed tapes.
Anyway, that's the shit I remember watching the most on VHS. I think I may have had the first two volumes of Eva on VHS, but then I got a DVD player and started buying them again on DVD.
I had a pretty fucking strong dislike for Tenchi and Inuyasha. I know Inuyasha is shit, but I can't remember why I disliked Tenchi.
Also, the Inuyasha anime came out in 2000. Why the hell would you have it on VHS?
If you are going to count rewrites you might as well count Macron-1 and TransorZ.
VHS was still going on in 2000, just not as strongly as before. 2004 is the markoff point IIRC.
Well, my local dollar store was still selling VHS tapes in 2010, but I'd say it was dead as soon as there were sub $100 DVD players.
The PS2 came out in 2000. That was the final nail in coffin VHS had been slowly climbing into for the last 2 years.
2006 actually. I know, because I once found a copy of that shitty 3D movie "Brave" about those British pigeons & was surprised when I sold it for like $40. Any super late vhs release like that is really rare since they didn't produce many. Picture related is batman begins from 2005.
Detonator Orgun.
>Ctrl+F "Lain"
>0 results
Really, niggas?
This nigger knows what's up
Why are all new anime so fucking trash?
Lain came out a lot earlier then I realized. I didn't get to watch it until 2001, when a friend bought the DVD set.
Lain is available on vhs?
Moe and shounenshit.
Makes it seem that Saiyan and Namek are one long arc
>Lain is available on vhs?
It's on laserdisc too, & DVD, & bluray. It's on pretty much everything.
Kill yourself, piece of tasteless shit.
It's underaged and/or le ebin shitposter. Ignore it.
You go to hell. It's not trash.
>Never heard of Ranma 1/2
You are dead to us.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but anime outside of a couple shows each season just doesn't feel the same to me anymore. I don't think it's bad or trash or anything, but it just doesn't have the same draw any more. Still love early 2000s and earlier shows though.
>>They lost the master tapes for the slayers tv series so they can't even do a bluray now
There would be no benefit from DVD quality footage anyway.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
They could rescan it at 4k or more if they still had it. Look at the OVA/movie bluray they did.
Delusional nostalgiafags who can't let go of their sacred cow.
Just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean it's trash.
leave this board
Neither do I, it's all about power suits, & Power suits are like Fursuits for mecha fans that wish they were Robots. Only reddit likes bubblegum crisis, & only because some youtube e-celeb reviewed it recently.
>watching yt e-celeb garbage to know this
Fuck off and die, kid. Your taste is shit. Your life is shit.
>VCR wider than TV
are you implying the TV is too small or the VCR is too big?
if you got into anime before internet fansubs you're a creep and if you got into anime after crunchyroll you're an ironic weeb
I remember when I had a tv that you would punch the channels in (i.e. punch channel 3 in, the last channel would pop out). I think there were only like 13 buttons on its face and that was it.
Holy fuck how much of a fucking hipster/horder do you have to be to still own that crap.
What a waste of space.
>Not watching anime on vhs for massive reddit upboats
Why do you care how people enjoy their cartoons?
Not all of us fell for the tiny house meme.
I have a huge house.
I still wouldn't want any of this ugly obsolete shit laying around.
Otaku no Video
I've got some limited stuff that's not on any other format as far as I'm aware. I suppose it might be on youtube though?
Oh fucking boy. Welcome to the fogey VHS thread.
>California Crisis will never get a DVD release
How are those vhs tapes floating?
They're magnetic tapes.
Think I got some SVHS fansub tapes of Escaflowne in a box somewhere.
I'm not sorry about the passing-on of low-resolution VHS tapes and grainy n-th generation copies. But I do miss the communities that formed around the trading and communal watching of relatively scarce anime materials. It's too easy to be a solitary consumer these days.
PVMs don't come much bigger than that, especially not for reasonable prices.
Why would you need a PVM for watching VHS?
You wouldn't, I assume he only has it hooked up with composite for that matter. But PVMs are still good for watching DVDs or playing games and whatever else.
I still have a box of recordings (off german late 90s cable tv) of:
Big Wars
Blue Submarine #6
Fist of the Northstar Movie
Lily Cat
MD Geist
Midnight Panter
Tekken the Movie
Streetfighter the Movie
The quality is super shit and there's commercial breaks every ten minutes for porn hotlines since the only channel that aired anime before it was cool decided 2 in the morning would be a good time for it.
Anything between 1980 and 2005?
>implying they aren't
Golden Boy, Photon, Tenchi Muyo, Fushigi Yugi, Flames Of Recca, Sukeban Deja, Yu Yu Hakusho, Guyver, Riding Bean, Bubblegum Crisis, Ghost In the Shell, Battle Angel Alita, Project Ako, La Blue Girl, Legend Of The Overfiend, DevilMan,
Patlabor, Babel II, Akira, OG Gundam, and Fist of the North Star. These where pretty much what every anime fan had on VHS, because these were the only ones available. Fansubs were also available for other titles, but you had to know someone from Asia, or at the very least make conversation with the guy who sells Vidya, models, and wall scrolls in Chinatown.
Hands up who here remembers watching a 17th generation copy of Gundam or Bubblegum Crisis subs so old, they credit Moses and the dinosaurs?
It was a different time back then, they didn't expect people to still be talking about this stuff 5 years down the line, let alone 30. There's tales of people digging up stuff like original cels from Macross and Ghibli movies from garbage dumps. Can you imagine how much that would go for nowadays?
they definitely have the most story correlation between any of the DBZ arcs
last ever mainstream VHS release was A History of Violence in 2006
>90's anime VHS keep going up in price
I'll never have enough to afford all that I want.
How would I go about recording to vhs? Could I plug my PC into my VHS recorder then hit record while playing video files?
bubblegum crisis, appleseed, legend of crystania, record of the lodoss war... man, this is taking me back. think i still have BC and LoC on VHS, lol.
How many VHS tapes was required for all 110 episodes of LoGH? I assume someone out there had it at some point.
i mean, you're wrong for starters, but nostalgia plays a big part in it. you're like, 12, right? don't worry, you'll understand later.
Actually archiving entertainment is a fairly new concept, people in the past didn't think other people would be interested in old entertainment. Shit also deteriorates over time and accidents/natural disasters happen. The reels of the original Star Wars trilogy was almost lost to deterioration and was only saved because they brought them back for the special editions.
all of them. every VHS tape ever made. man, i really gotta sit through that sometime. does it ever pick up?
I enjoyed it from the start. However I picked it up for a nice slow paced show to slowly work through.
Picked up.
The entertainment value goes up and down. I was hooked halfway through the first season so if you don't like it by then, it's probably not for you. Maybe wait until you are a little older, because I tried it when I was younger and disliked it. I have nine episodes left and I personally think the latest arc has been one of the best.
Can't speak for everyone, but the guy I knew, his VCRs would start copying incorrectly when he put it in that mode that would let you basically double the length of a tape (super VHS? I forget). So a 4 hour tape could hold, about 8-9 episodes. That meant you could get the whole series in, what, 14-odd tapes? Still not easy to carry, especially since you can fit the whole thing and OVAs on a single micro SD these days
The first ending theme is what helped me start loving the show.
Has anyone ever tried recording modern anime on VHS? I wonder how they would look like.
Go watch some circa-2005 fansubs of Bleach or Naruto on Youtube, it's not too far removed from that.`
hmmm well, i'm 26 now, so i'm definitely interested in most of the themes of the show. i think i've watched 3 episodes, so i haven't given a real shot quite yet. are the political themes similar to macross at all? cuz so far, i was only rooting for the main character but not any of the governments.
>are the political themes similar to macross at all?
Never seen Macross, but the main theme of the show is benevolent dictatorship vs broken democracy.
>i was only rooting for the main character
It's established very early that there are two main characters and they both pretty much get equal screentime.
>but not any of the governments.
You are going to like it.
case closed
cool. I'll give it a real shot after I'm off work later, haha. thanks!
>Ranma 1/2 & DBZ?
Who would be insane enough to tape all of these?
I have Evangelion on three 240 min tapes, plus some other stuff that was shown on late night TV here in the early 2000s. Aika, The Hakkenden, Blue Submarine No. 6, Record of Lodoss War and Armitage III Polymatrix, to name a few.
was it on toonami?
Also whatever you do, don't view the show as a science fiction show.
for sure. i figured i'd look at it like a gundam show, where it's about the message rather than the delivery.
Nah, German television.
One of the private channels (VOX) had a block reserved for external cultural programming. And one of the companies in charge of it put anime there.
my germanigga
that's where got my early animu fix too