What did Sup Forums think of Another? Just finished it and it was pretty good...

What did Sup Forums think of Another? Just finished it and it was pretty good, though I'm still left wondering why Mei didn't just murder Reiko considering nobody would've remembered.
Also, "horror" is just a code word for "gory mystery" in anime isn't it

If I watched it by myself it probably not as enjoyable. It was a fun ride to watch with Sup Forums.

inb4 pies

Oh fuck, second reply and already too late.

the ending was more hilarious than scary

It was a shitty horror/suspense anime.

But it was a fantastic comedy.

Dunno about that, I loved it for the ridiculous funfest it was and watched it on my own and with no real knowledge of what it would be about.
If you liked it, consider picking up a copy of the novel. It spends a lot of time expanding on characterization. Maybe wait a little before starting it, though... I tried reading it right after a rewatch and set it down because it felt redundant.

It was ok until it went all B horror movie and people started dying left and right.

I liked it.

Izumi is such a fantastic girl. I'm glad she managed to make it through without dying - she threw up a lot of flags in that last episode, but she managed to pull through anyway.

I especially liked the ending, where everyone realized what a terrible character Mei was, so Sakakibara decided to hook up with Izumi. The last scene, where the two of them kissed on the ferris wheel, looking down at the town was really romantic. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who teared up a little bit.

Izumi simply gets things done. She's a girl who has the lives of all of her classmates riding on her shoulders. She carries that weight and won't let it break her. She values the lives of other people - she cares about what happens to them, and as they start dying, the knowledge that she's partially responsible starts to build up on her shoulders. But does she give up? No way. She just keeps going along, trying not to crack under the pressure.

This comes as a contrast to Mei, who, when Sakakibara talked to her, decided to talk back, dooming her classmates to a horrible death. She even knew who the extra was all along, but rather than say anything, she decided to let even more people die. In the end, the only reason she bothered to go stop the extra is because her classmates finally decided to kill her; she might not care if other people died, but once her life was in danger, then she'll do something about it. She's selfish and a sociopath.

Izumi however, didn't hesitate. She went to kill the extra when she (thought) she knew who it was. She wasn't going to let anybody else die. She's smart, beautiful, nice and mature. And to top it all off, she's a god damned hero.

She's a fantastic girl. And I for one am very glad that, rather than dying a senseless death in the last episode, she instead survived and hooked up with Sakakibara. She earned that little slice of happiness.

I don't know, it's about on par with literally every other "horror/suspense" anime I've ever seen. They just seem to be mystery anime that turn into slaughters after a certain point. Shiki maintained some tension though I suppose.
What is this meme, I don't remember anything to do with pies
I wish I could watch a solid horror anime with Sup Forums



>not having watched Mayoiga with Sup Forums

It all started with an edit of this scene and kept escalating.

I didn't even watch Psycho Pass with Sup Forums, I feel sad every time people mention the memes I missed.
Jeez, this seems like straight garbage.

Oh boy.

Well, at least best girl had a good meal before she died

>yo guys if you leave the city the curse cant touch you anymore
>well I guess I'll take my chances and risk my own and my families life
Impeccable writing

>leaving your hometown because of some mumbo jumbo hearsay

But people wouldn't just drop their way of life because of some rumor. More disconcertingly,
>school with 7+ deaths a year for the last 2 decades isn't shut down

Yeah, that's the big plot hole. Any school where people drop like flies due to random accidents that often would get shut down, even if nobody can prove anything.

If it had ben injuries fine. But dozens of people died. I mean, my parents arent superstitious but you bet your ass they would have at least put me into a different school.

Not really hearsay anymore considering the amount of victimes.

just a shit chuu2byou desu



It was comedy of the year

Oh, someone already posted it

Are eyepatch designs the best designs


dude just leave the town lmao

laughed my ass off, idk how can this be scary to anyone

Yeah, if you werent here for the threads then you really missed out on something special.


Oh man, those threads were top.

>Jeez, this seems like straight garbage.
It is.
You cant watch it by yourself, you had to be there when it was airing.



Honestly the threads weren't that great. Just a bunch of people who wanted the show to be full of HAPPENINGS when it was actually meh.

newfag detected

>What did Sup Forums think of Another?

Liked it. The suspense was good, and the twist/reveal wasn't shit.

the amount of speculation and oc in those threads was great

Probably the most fun I ever had on Sup Forums. Hopefully we get another show someday that's as much fun.


Yeah. The last couple episodes just has everyone go full retard.



The threads were wacky because the show itself was really stupid.

Instead of being scary, it just kept getting ridiculous, as if whoever wrote this had no idea how to handle horror

I died laughing at this scene and the umbrella, I am now ghostposting


What went wrong? How do we fix it?

Is the LN actually any better?
I don't remember much of the show, but I don't think I liked it (aside from the laughs it provided).

Start by making at least one good horror anime for everyone to reference, because absolutely none exist

I remember her brother's fate from shitposting.

Literally Final Destination: The Anime

It's slower paced, that's for damn sure. But it fleshes out more of the reasons behind things, which I appreciated. Like why Sakakibara actually transferred, for instance.
A sequel novella with a manga about his mom was translated recently, but you'd have to find someone who's already read it to assess quality there, as it's on my to-do list.

I loved how the anime namedropped Lovecraft and King and ended up doing a story that had jack in common with either of them too, btw.

>watch a solid horror anime with Sup Forums

Next season we have jigoku shoujo, but isn't that popular here, so I don't expect to get tons of OC or something. Still, can be a fun ride.

Jigoku Shoujo was never a horror unless you count humans being stupid cunts as horror.

What was with this guy again? the mc was actually a killer too?

Doesn't seem all that horror oriented but I'll tke what I can get I guess

Define horror.

While I agree the series had heir ups and downs, some of their ups are above nearly any other "horror" anime, and that's without having to rely on gratuitous gore. Episode 19, doll bride? The woman in the tall tower? fake hotline to hell?


No, people were dying because their teacher (his sister) was the dead person causing deaths.