Why did Rome fall?

When we answer this, and enact the measures required to make sure it doesn't happen in ourselves, we'll have solved the truest problem of the 20th and 21st century...

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>why did rome fall?
because of immigration and jews, duh.

i actually dont know but im gonna assume they held way too much territory and were constantly at war with people that at one point they were overwhelmed, shrunk, and then died.

All empires have a lifespan. All fall eventually. It is the way of things.

because civilization is inherently unstable and will always collapse under its own weight no matter how hard you try

>i actually dont know
If you don't know, don't comment.

They got too big for their time period.

with today's technology the size of an empire is immeasurable

Rome won't happen again

lead plumbing and utensils drove them all crazy.

its why nero fiddled when rome burned

They were consumed by the passions. Read Augustine for more on this.

this. also jesus is coming back soon to take his people. you'll see global civilization eat itself to death along with the plagues. can't wait to watch this from my comfy mansion in the clouds.

It's already too late to save this civilization.
Romans saw the signs of decadence way to late, just like we did.
We could try to prolong it (just like we did with Trump) but in the end it's already inevitable.
This thing has to collapse so we can build something better from it, just like the golden age of European civilization and colonialism and technological advancement came from the civilization the rebuilt after the collapse of the Romans.

It took time and effort, but it worked.

I'm no expert but from my layman's understanding, here were the Romans main problems
1. Bad rulership (Some emperors would be great and amazing but some would do nothing and let basically anything happen while they fucked children, sucked cocks, or killed people for fun)
2. Immigration and citizenship (All fucked up on this front during the later years)
3. Overexpansion and world-police tier goals (The empire controlled way too much land, and the amount of land they had to defend from any invaders proved to be so big that it caused negative consequences)

Numerous reasons. Corruption from inside the government, degeneracy running rampant, and Germanic barbarian refugees. All slowly ate away at it. We are in those stages now.

Good question user. despite the (((barbarians))) at the gate, it is the nature of society. check this short video on the mouse utopia experiment. we are all rats. youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM

>Why did Rome fall?

The short answer is also the most trivial one. Because everything comes to an end.

The long answer is
-too much state spending and taxes
-currency debasement/inflation
-population decline
-too many diverse people forced under the same banner
-breakdown of traditional values, spread of decadence and vice

just to name a few.

They started selling citizenships to "the Diversity".

FYI pic related is not Rome, OP. Anyways, onto the question:

The nation has been in a state of crisis for hundreds of years, and running a massive empire at the time proved difficult causing heavy decentralisation and corruption, even splitting the entire country in 2 in the 350s. Religious divisions as well as the adoption of Germanic barbarians into the empire also lead to its fall. It was at peak during Augustus' reign IMO.

>Why did Rome fall
I didn't. The royalty of Europe can trace their ancestry back to Rome and further. Rome just became Christian and transformed. Thats why our buildings are built in greco-roman design. We use Latin to name species - which is the animals and plants REAL names. We still use Roman law


This is true, but the Roman over-structure fell.

Which was arguably a good thing. Perhaps the rise of the black sun will be a good thing, and we'll birth something grand from the ashes of the west.


I'm white

United States, as many problems as it has, has solved the problems which caused Rome to fall. You will never see the US die the same death Rome did in OP's pic related. We will end a different way.

I was joking


Rome didn’t fall, it reformed. Holy Roman Empire which reformed into the United States after creation.

I think the main reasons were overexpansion and granting citizenship to foreigners that served in the military. Those foreign legionnaires did not have any reverence for Rome or its customs and held only loyalty to their commanders.

Romans also used lead in everything including their plumbing. Romans were effectively suffering from mass lead poisoning and all the problems associated like dementia and death.

Illegal german migrant

>When we answer this
We won't.

The west is dead LONG LIVE THE WEST.

Romans would cream their boots if they learned how to manipulate society with an organized news media, massive surveillance programs, and introducing chemicals in the water to make society docile.

So many different reasons, you cant really blame just one

Sup Forums is the worst fucking place to discuss this question.

holy roman empire was a cheap imitation by Frankish king. The real empire was in the east




White people.

they recruited too many niggers into their army and ate off of lead plates



I post it on /his/ every time I see a thread on the subject. It pisses me off so much since I did my dissertation on the causes of the decline of the Western Roman Empire.

Protip: The Roman cultural proclivity towards ambition and the weak institution of imperator, leading inexorably to civil war, was the main cause of its decline. Virtually every other cause is in some manner marginal. Christianity had little to do with it, meme terms like 'overstretch' which has been proven to be meaningless was a non-issue, and the barbarians, who numbered only in the tens of thousands, would have posed absolutely no threat at all without the Roman army essentially wiping itself out between 400-430 AD. The whole 'hiring barbarians' thing is reductive bullshit. Franks were probably the most loyal officers in the entire army, and the mighty Stilicho was half-Vandal.


Well same thing really.