The wall and the future demographics of America

Once Trump gets the wall and deports all the illegals what do you think the Hispanic population will end up looking like in America future? They are just under 17% of the population in America right now and before Trump became President (((experts))) were saying they'd make up 29% by 2050. What do you guys think things are going to look like, think it's possible for us to get the white population back up to at least 80% some day?

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>think it's possible for us to get the white population back up to at least 80% some day?



Even if Trump does all that we're still going to be 40% by 2050.


the future is HAPA


Fucking leaf

white population will never go above 60% and after the 2020 census 50%.
Whites simply don't have kids. Eventually castizos will be considered white and that will be the new America.


Castizos are white

>hink it's possible for us to get the white population back up to at least 80% some day?

Sure it is possible but we will not do what needs to be done.

>ywn have a qt big tittied asian wife

im not worried. if we cant fix demographics, we can always just wait until crisis point and start a guerilla war

I'll never let this happen


Oh yes user, if America continues to become less white we'll just go to war will gorillas.

Wtf is wrong with you?

>Castizos are white



Due to the level of hatred and immorality that is becoming the norm in the U.S even after years of civil rights activism, I have decided that as an educated and succesful black man that I will make sure to have more than 5 kids. This is due to several reasons one being what explained above and two being the looks on you racists idiots when you see me walk around with kids. Build the wall if you want too that shit is not going to stop immigrants who are already here legally from having children.

HAPAS are fuckign disgusting

>whites don't have kids
>whites die faster
>immigrants are mostly Asian and Latinos
>Mongoloid genes are stronger

FINE! If that's how you people feel then let's just go extinct. We'll be the new dinosaurs.

It’s going to plummet.

Expanded ICE powers.
Arrests way up.
Punishment for sanctuary cities.
Almost a million people deported in just one year.
750k Indians here on H1B visas going back.
Border crossings way down.
Refugee intake cut over 50%.
People are literally self deporting.
“Shithole nations”

And a big, beautiful border wall

Are you and your children also going to commit murder and other violent crime too? As a black person you're literally like 300 times more likely to commit murder then a white person. Also the likelihood one of your children ends up killing you over the last drumstick is at least 85%.

manlet masterrace confirmed

>>implyng right wing retards have power beyond 2020.

The only thing that is keepign Trump's presidency afloat is the economy and tax cuts. This is litteraly the early 2000s over again. Trickle down economics and deregulation doesn't work too well for the average working man. When this shit crashes again people will get their act right for another decade, 2020-2030s. This country is going to be more like a social democracy.

>>likelihood likelihood


Fuck 80%, I want 90%.

Whatever you say, soyboy.

This place is going to be a Brazil tier shit hole within our lifetime regardless of any vision or idealism you have for it.

Nah, get the fuck out commie and take your shit with you

Eat a pig's dick inbred

At least as white and jewish as Trump's family.

>we're gonna win so much you'll be tired of winning
Still not tired

Democrats are running out of bullshit schemes to burn through to undermine the president, eventually they'll either get out'd for the traitors they are or they'll play ball with the president.
I cannot wait for 2020, I don't give a shit if nothing happens in the first 4 years, I'll vote him again just to hear you fuckers cry

Why do people have any idealism for this place, one way or the other? I look at authoritarian socialism via demographic shift and favela lifestyle as an inevitable thing. Balkanization may be something to hope for, for people in the Midwest and North but, it's pretty fucked otherwise.

You will be crying after 2018. When this stock market burns baby boomer 401k is going to be drestroyed. All this arrogance will end when people wont be able to retire. Do you think people will care about a stupid wall when they can't even afford medicine?

Good luck, I am white and if you start shit I will gleefully inform on you rednecks to the Feds.

lol there will never be a wall

Spics aren't necessarily a huge threat. I live around a lot of them and they don't racemix with whites. The future shouldnt be too bad outside of CA with spics.

That said, the best option is immediate deportation of anyone with mexican heritage.

The media, by the way. Must think we're all really fucking stupid and haven't noticed the nonstop bullshit cycle they are running. The entire 2016 year was how Trump wasn't going to win, every MSM news network ran that shit. Then when he did win it's the nonstop Russia spin. At some point you just look at it and decide it's fucking propaganda and fully ignore any polls or any articles claiming support sways by these shithole papers and news networks. Remember in America your media is controlled by like 6 fucking jews that love sucking off Soros and his like

That picture honestly mad me wiener tingle... wtf I love black girls now

>yfw this gril is actually a canuck
fucking kek

>When this stock market burns
Not something I'd hedge my bets on desu. I know what it feels like to be politically demoralized. Strive for virtue and do the best you can, all of that shit in the media is deceit and exploitation of fear in the lowest order. It will make you insane if you listen.

Trump just deregulated and gave tax cuts to the jews you fucking idiot. The jews get richer while morons like you are blinded by identity politics.

I'm not even white and I want this to happen.

Mfw she went to my high school in Toronto

>Identity politics
Please fuck off, I'm a registered independent and I fucking hate this government and you

did you smash?

nervous laugh there Paco?

No I was a fucking dweeb in HS
I still am but I have a qt now

Yay an indepedant, how does it feel to be abslutely useless?

Hell I'd like 100%, but let's try and live in reality.

Pretty fucking great


nope, just reality

>mfw your vote in a country of 320mil is worth like 1/10th of mine relative to population size and you're calling someone useless

>I do

So's your mum, but i closed my eyes and came on her face anyway

Trump voter logic

>>gives tax cut to the wealthy
>>Tries to cut health care that rght wing states need.
>>hates the ((Elites)), gives ((them)) more money

>What do you guys think things are going to look like, think it's possible for us to get the white population back up to at least 80% some day?

"White people" in the future will refer to whites, Indians (pajeets), Asians, some Latinos. Basically anyone with an IQ 90+ who can function and contribute in a first world economy.

America will get Brazilified. From an economic POV, the demographics are not a problem, whites & Asians know what areas to avoid, and the black % is stagnant. Although Hispanics are a mixed bag, at least they're Christian.

Ultimately white women aren't exactly a great catch, why would a white man throw in his lot with someone who is emotionally cold, not nurturing & supportive, and has the legal upper hand.

Jesus that picture

Trump said today he is letting the dreamers become citizens.

The midterms are key this year but people like bannon keep shooting themselves in the foot losing states killing off local political movement. Dems plant seeds in many states to gain influence and trump can only do so much and wears out like any human being. Why did he bother setting up interview with mueller? The maga movement of 2016 isn't showing local political momentum and would rather focus their energy on ecelebs rather then focus on taking over local politics and doesn't play as dirty as dems. On top of that neocons don't fuck off and they continue to get their echo chamber support from people like hannity that dont back trump. it all comes down to whether the midterms blue wave works or not to determine future demographics and frankly trump voters aren't pushing hard enough to stop it

>posts some g0000k00kk ant

gtfo loser

s-s-she is asian anons s-s-ssshe isn’t materialistic like those w-w-white girls that i cant get heh heh

hhh-her pussy isn’t entirely slanted and it doesn’t just taste and feel like a cold dead fish!! you wouldn’t understand asian culturrrrr!!!!

she is so unique!!! there aren’t 4 billion black haired black eyed godless women on the planet already!!! she is so unique!!! f-f—fuck white grills...!?

I think his presence is affecting positive change in ways that won't be obvious until we look back on this time period in hindsight.

For instance, have we had a single muslim mass shooting since his election? Remember the pulse nightclub, san bernardino and tons of others occurring constantly throughout 2015-16?

you’re fucking retarded and the reason i personally mock southrons even though i love you and you hate me, is because you’re a fucking moron. this take of yours is some 2004 basic bitch (((dennis prager/ben shapiro))) level.

they all have to go back we aren’t mejico

lol wut

donald and his kike kushner buddies are the reason for the end of maga

Brittany Renner

Keep the IdPol going with Latinos to move them further away from the Catholic church. Then push abortion on them.
That's how the AA pop has stayed at 13%.
Ying and Yang my friends.

Why aren't blacks more against illegals and immigrants? You'd think they would want to inherit the country if yt were to die off.

They are very against.
>For example, 85 percent of black Americans said they supported a merit-based immigration system, rather than the current flow of chain migration. Another 72 percent of Democrat, former voters for Hillary Clinton agreed that the legal immigration system should be based on skills, not family ties.

>educated and succesful black man that I will make sure to have more than 5 kids.

As long as you raise them well I don't care. They will probably get killed by other blacks though if you don't raise them around whites.

God damn is that good to read. Gives me a little hope.


Nigger your kids will turn out be be retarded.

>Source - Their dad.

Based hoteps have been doing a good job on YouTube redpilling niggers against the bean migration
It makes sense desu they’re at the bottom of the job pile so every time a Jew politician says we need more beaners they’re slapping nogs in the face

>when you see me walk around with kids.

That look is one of shock, 1. Being that mutts are nasty shit to look at, and 2. The nigger is still there.

They are but the gibs and anti-white agenda always takes precedence.

That's why Corp D's backed off immigration in the budget bill. The prog D's went with their last fallback, which is screaming racist.
Trumps 1.8M amnesty plan offer was to counter the prog D's messaging. He knew they would call any plan racist because that was the new marching orders after that study was released. So by offering MORE and having it be called racist, he exposed them as totally unreasonable.
The amnesty number will go back down, sharply, or no deal at all will be struck from apathetic Corp D's and totally scared Corp R's who don't want to lose their seat this year, so they won't touch immigration.
Highlights of the week, Bill Kristol taking the Prog D's messaging in lockstep.
Trumps plan could be called 4D chess, but really, I think it's just XKEYSCORE access.

There will be no wall.
There will be no way to increase the white population above the Mexican population.