When are JKs going to take back the throne on this board?

When are JKs going to take back the throne on this board?

I want an assjob from that ass.

Gyarus are my ultimate weakness.

Right now.


>JK vs. JC

Why not both?


I want a canjob from that can.

JK: Old and busted
JC: New hotness

That sounds extremely painful.


But Rin has always been The Empress of all

For you

Not if we go full Yell from Akikan

>that flashback to old bad anime

what are these old ladies doing in a high school?

It's a shibboleth to let us know that the old memes are not dead, and that not all is newfaggotry. GJ, good user.

still stunned over this image

I beg your pardon?

>Old lady
But none of them are your mom

isn't she like twenty-five? was she held back?

Kaede is a disgusting old hag.

haglover genocide best day of my life

is the nitta girl the hottest CG?

It's rude to inquire into a maiden's age.


>nice to meet'cha, ma'am

>your son also calls me mommy


Whenever Sup Forums learns common sense. So never.


>armpit pussy

>2009 is considered old now

After 12 women are garbage.

and I still love her

>pedo is so mentally stunted he can't even edit something this simple
Can't make this shit up. Guess the arrested development theory of pedos is true.

Are you a producer?

I hope YD makes a doujin based off this.

Your JD is ready.

in 5 years Sup Forums will be fawning over toddlers, and in 10 more year over fertilized eggs

epic spam r-tard

I'll take the JSs, thanks

get raped male chauvinist pig, this board is for empowering posts only

in 15, it'll be fantasizing about people who aren't even born

I wish Sup Forums would stop saying nice things about girls who aren't strong sexy adult women like me and my sisters, it makes me feel so ignored.

>Era of Cakes begins

those girls are strong. you and your sisters just suck

that's five years after the olympics. all that will be left of pretty anime girls in japan will be ugly, big-lipped characters

Girls are too young, they need to be forbidden from Sup Forums so it be a nice place for real women.