Senpai didn't listen
Do you think he was at least thinking about something interesting?
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shit chapter
Did senpai fall into Jun's fist?
This series is so garbage now.
i hate you fumita. I swear you do this to make my job worse.
How can you cut someone with
a fist
it's like you've never watched boxing or mma
Title: An Unintentional Conclusion
Panel 1
Senpai: (Jun-kun is incredibly strong! I don't think I can win, but...if I can just land one hit...!)
Panel 2
Panel 3
Jun: Oh, crap...
Senpai: Gah...
Panel 4
Jun: He suddenly came at me, and I just sort of...
Senpai: (I couldn't even hit...)
goddamn, it's actually nothing
What the fuck is the point of this arc?
his eyes are so dreamy in the first panel
To get jun to karate club
>Senpai was able to cut Jun's cheek and make him go full power unintentionally with one punch
I wonder what would've happened if that connected with Jun's nose.
>Jun actually hit him
Wew. Thanks.
That would honestly make this arc worth it for me. I really want Jun to attend the karate club since it will be likely be somewhat new and different.
We don't know yet. Read this shit weekly so you can stop bitching in every thread.
It's been ages since I've last read Tomo-chan.
Can someone give me a rundown of what's happened so far?
He's hiding his power level
Jun finally knows tomo's a girl and treats her like it, but there's another half dozen years of mental issues to work through before anything else happens.
Just read the thing, retard.
One hundred pages of senpai
nothing happened at all, thats why everybody complains
Nothing. Any time we think we get development between Tomo and Jun we get blueballed.
That's a lie, I've explained this multiple times, fuck off with this memery, you're getting people to actually believe your sorry asses.
If senpai fainted. Would Cotton Candy assassinate Jun?
>you're getting people to actually believe your sorry asses
Good, they should know the truth that this series is stale. Name one piece of development that's happened between the main couple. You can't, because there hasn't been any. Even the author is getting tired of doing this shit.
this will never happen again.
hasn't Jun started to see Tomo as a woman, to the point that even he realizes that he holds more than just feelings of admiration towards her?
>Name one piece of development that's happened between the main couple.
Just one? Every time there's been a fucking "reset", the way they act together has changed. Jun no longer treats Tomo like his best bro. He's no longer extremely physical with her. Was the fucking festival arc completely lost on you? How about Jun explaining his motivations. Hell, we just got a significant amount of more information just yesterday.
Fuck off.
This arc is so boring.
I wonder if Tomo has a nice firm butt.
that's not even a question.
Wonder no more, she does
Of course it's not, I didn't add a question mark.
The Bogdanoffs bow to Misuzu
Redraw is gonna take a while. Hang on.
boringfags BTFO
It would be literally impossible for her to not have.
needs more carol
Maybe just create text boxes in the first panel?
Maybe you should fuck off. Don't tell me how to do my job.
Then do it right.
Fuck you. You're not the one who has to deal with this shit.
Maybe you fuck off and don't impersonate me while I'm working, faggot
Nice shop, cunt.
Only one way to tell who's the real one.
Everyone post PK Subban and the Stan Lee's cup.
It's not over. I dezoomed and it looks bad.
Fuck off. Pens in 5.
Make a proper love triangle from Tomo, Jun and senpai?
Depends on where you stopped. We had a flashback arc with Tomo, Jun and Misuzu as kids; a fireworks arc where Tomo got cold feet and didn't confess; an arc where delinquents almost raped Misuzu and Carol before Tomo beat them up... What's your jazz?
>passing out in the arms of the man you admire after he hammers you hard
Trap mode when?
Don't listen to these faggots. Jun and Tomo totally fucked and had millions of babies.
Maybe I can help?
I want to punch sempai in the gut
Preferably while fucking Carol
Too bad I'm already done with it.
Sempai's hidden potential > Jun > Tomo
Sempai comfirmed for true main character. We battle manga now.
At this point I'm starting to find the whining as entertaining as the chapters.
Quite a lot, actually.
>not punching him in the gut while fucking him
No. Don't fucking encourage it.
Please don't. It's actively hurting these threads.
Why contain it?
Best I can do for these fucking action lines.
Quit being a faggot and stop shitting the threads up (or any thread for that matter.)
>Senpai grazed Jun's cheek
Bold prediction, Senpai will understand what Jun means by Tomo being stronger since Tomo would have dodged Senpai's attacks perfectly in a real fight.
if you absolutely had to read something into it, it would be that he's the kind of guy to do stuff without noticing, like before
Looks like Sempai's pinky fingernail scratched Jun's cheek.
Because all the nails are hidden except the pinky fingernail and the pinky finger was closest to Jun's cheek.
Sempai isn't strong. He is just a girly faggot that needs to cut his fingernails.
now i see it wasn't very clear, i was talking about jun.
When will we see a Tomo/Akemi threesome?
This is kind of like DBZ, the battle itself has been going on for how many chapters now?
He's like Gohan landing a graze on piccolo for the first time
2 1/2 pages.
Read Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga if you want some DB type of shit. I think the last fight lasted at least one volume.
Well, at least the fight is over.
The cup is 1% full, everyone!
next chapter - Tomo and Jun are fighting, senpai wakes up and recognize that Tomo was going easy on the whole club all the time.
It's more like a burn than a cut, have you guys never been into a fist fight?
Cute gorilla and cute gorilla jr. aren't into incest so never.
>the whining actively hurts the thread
>not the boring chapters that give nothing to talk about
Can we say that Jun fisted senpai while Tomo was watching?
Powerlevel BS. Muh mafia beating dojo.
Who knows, maybe the pressure of the falcon punch finally caused Senpai's balls to drop?
Punched in the gut so hard his scrotum popped and his testicles rolled down the leg of his gi.
>one chapter ago
>Jun gives him advice
>trial-by-fire is the only way to be strong
>does just that this chapter
Character development. By the end of this arc, Cotton and everyone else are going to acknowledge that Senpai has changed for the better.
so its basically peels the skin with enough friction to draw blood? I can understand that from boxing gloves but skin on skin contact?
Did he died?
It's all gonna be Misuzu's keikaku to get back at Carol
Will he see Carol as a woman now? Could this be (dare I say it?) progress?!
Carl is gonna see him as a wimpy man. A man, but wimpy.
Man ass
Compared to Jun, yes, Senpai is a wimpy man. But how many upper-class rich pricks do you know that can even do a press-up never mind do karate?
I'm sure Carol is quite proud her man is a manly man among the world of aristocrats.
He may be a wimpy man, but he is HER wimpy man
>ywn have a pile of fluff devoted solely to you despite your weaknesses.
He died as he lived, in the arms of another man.
lewd edits when?
It's a fucking 4koma, do you expect an in depth discovery each fucking page?
>full power
user, if Jun had punched full power, senpai would be coughing up blood.
What a shitty chapter and a shit arc.
Jun should have manned up and punched senpai full force, acknowledging him as a man. Not this 'accidental' bullshit.
Better than the "pinky nail" logic, if senpai cut Jun with his nail then he's not making a fist correctly.
Was it rape?
>The cut in boxing occurs most frequently on the bony prominence of the head. In most cases it can be caused by a head butt and also with the gloves. With a direct blow to the bony prominence, the skin above the bone is compressed to the extent that it is ruptured. In some boxers this prominence is more pronounced so that they suffer from repeated trauma in that area. These prominences are found in the eyebrows and the cheekbones.
Sheer pressure against bone does the trick.