How come allot of anime seem so fixated with nerds and otakus as main characters...

How come allot of anime seem so fixated with nerds and otakus as main characters? How come we never get to see a meat headed jock get sent to a fantasy land with a water goddess or having to babysit for a demon lord? Is it because jocks and bullies are just not likable or are nerds just easier to write? They just seem so common in comparison. Or maybe I'm just a normie.
Pic sorta related.

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>How come allot of anime seem so fixated with nerds and otakus as main characters?
Easier to relate to

What's funny is, 18 years ago, Isekai which involves NORMAL PEOPLE were common. Case and point, Those Who Hunt Elves.

The main guy is literally a perverted Jock.

Fuck off

Because thats the audience that watches it.

Sup Forums prefers the term "normalfag".

>Easier to relate to
But what if you're not a nerd?

We do, but they always get cucked by the nerd character.

See Arifureta.

How have you never seen Those Who Hunt Elves? Go do it. Now.

El Hazard > Those who Hunt Elves

Weren't all the 80s/90s manga about meat-headed jocks? Like they were all delinquents who had no money and could only afford instant noodles but had hearts of gold and could hold their own in a fight (even against the real gang-members in school"

I miss those guys

Only OVA 1.

>bullies are just not likable

Son. You need some Jinnai in your life.

Everything during that time was meathead jock glorification.

what said.
It caters to their Chuunibyou delusions that something like that might happen to them too

Which is why it has so much comedic potential if it happens to the guy that just beat you up for your lunch money.

>But what if you're not a nerd?
Shouldn't you be out getting drunk and laid or something?

As someone who is attracted to faceless characters, what anime is in OPs pic? Is he the main character? Does he get a love interest as a scary skely monster?

It's the overlord from Overlord

It's funny how the character you chose isn't a nerd or otaku

In order: Overlord, yes and yes.

You have good taste, user. That's Ainz Ooal Gown, the main good guy of an RPG/D&D based anime called Overlord. He has a super deep voice and that makes him twice as sexy.

yfw thinking that maybe if you get bullied enough, the gods will let you get isekai'd to a place where your idiotic nerd hobbies can be of value.

why live?

What's that isekai where the MC is a sociopath trained to kill with Nippon katana and first thing in the isekai he does is kill soldiers armed with sword with his bare hands?

When are we going to get something different in this fucking genre? Like it´s a mom that gets Isekaied, or a dad? Or for that matter, how about a whole family?

I´m sick of bland, overpowered nobodies. And I guess we are finally getting a son and mom, except the attention is still on the kid for some reason.

Who cares unless it fulfills your specific fetish which is the ultimate purpose of the genre?

yeah, isekai as a genre got stale fast.

Next up will be superheroes. It's simply a cycle of fads.

You clearly have not watched the allotted amount of anime required to become a true user. Be so kind and remove yourself from the premises by defenestration.

Meatheads and bullies are not the typical choice of everyman character in any medium I can think of.

Fuck off and kill yourself, newfag.

Son and mom isekai just came out actually

Meathead jocks are the MCs of shonen battle manga/anime.

Not really. Shounen MCs are typically plucky underdogs and/or happy-go-lucky children, and obsessed with protecting people and shit.

I wasn't aware we were using jock as another way of saying "bully". I figured we were using it to mean those who push themselves to their physical limits and beyond, and are often obsessed with the idea of being the best at something.

Your iPhone is showing

for future reference, it's "a lot", not "alot" so your phone won't turn it into allot. faggot.

No, jock means evil muscle-head at its core

what's it called?

Name for that, I can't find it

>Owning an iPhone is bad now
It's the best smartphone out there, get lost poor asshole


By which I mean,
>Or maybe I'm just a normie
Yes, you are. As you're proving by being a cancerous phoneposter.

>believing this
It can't even play webms, an internet standard.

I want a slice of life isekai about a horny mom transported to a fantasy world lusting after the neighbors shota sons.

Or maybe I'll write it myself, can't be that hard when everyone and their granny shits out that crap like early 2000s anime music videos

I'm posting from Clover what now dickass.

I wish the MC in overlord wasn't overpowered skeleton but instead a some thrown away bones that goes around the world killing people and taking their bones for him

>transported to a world that is just like a RPG game
>mysteriously acquire a harem of atleast 7/10 girls
>protagonist is always a 17-20 something with not much going on in his life, but somehow has such a personality and look to make most of the girls in this harlem fall for him.

Jesus fucking christ, this shit is so stale and NONE OF THEM have really captured the essence that the first 1-2 episodes of SAO did.

I know SAO is dogshit, but I was so hyped during those first 2 episodes, I went in expecting a show where we were gonna see the development of the world (without the slow pacing of log horizon) as well as showing the boss battles/losses/exploring and shit.


How does that change the fact that you're a cancerous phoneposter?

Who the fuck wants to watch a show about a normalfag? My main complaint is that most otaku or "nerds" in anime are really just normal people who happen to like anime and don't actually have any of the attributes of an otaku or nerd. Basically, posers. I want to see a REAL otaku get isekai'd, and for him to really suck at everything and have to lie, cheat, and steal just to survive.

So basically you want yourself to be transported. Way to circumvent the self-insert my dood.

Clover is almost exactly like the website, so the experience is almost the same. You are probably only jelly because I can afford an iPhone and you can't.

That must sting :)

>Jesus fucking christ, this shit is so stale and NONE OF THEM have really captured the essence that the first 1-2 episodes of SAO did.

The only good thing in the first episodes of SAO was when the bad guy revealed that 99/100 female characters were actually male, and the one cute little girl was a tall, dyke-looking one.

Literally the only piece of insight into the MMORPG community in the whole fucking thing, and it was probably inspired by the "there are no girls on the Internet" meme rather than by that hack of a writer knowing anything about videogames.


In Log Horizon, this served a purpose.

gonna try this isekai device.
wish me luck

Well yeah, but you can't deny a real japanese otaku would act completely different.

Cuz jocks and meatheads don't reliably buy light novels, manga, and anime. They're trying to appeal to their primary demographic to bolster sales.

there are tons like that. lurk more.

stop falling for this obvious rec thread.

Here's the link


I thought it was a mango, not a right nobel