Google Home

Reminder that if you have this in your home you are an idiot or a betacuck.

Don’t fall for the ((progressive tech))) hype. These products are SWJ tiers and a brainwashing tool.

my stupid boomer consumerist grandma bought me an amazon alexa for christmas because she thought it was simply the coolest gadget for millenials or something and i want to destroy it and send it back to her

don't be a nigger just sell it

>not playing 1488 speeches all day to it to manipulate its machine learning algos

Isn't selling it the nigger thing to do?

Which means the NSA and the data mining companies know how to target you.

I have one. It's pretty nifty. If I'm discussing something I don't want heard I unplug the thing. Otherwise it's great for controlling my lights and music and asking general questions.

Also, if you use Facebook, instagram, etc etc outside of promoting your business, then you are a cuck

>literal soyboy retard

Statistically speaking you are probably a poo or a chink, why should I care what you think?

Generic good goy bugman drone

>Isn't selling it the nigger thing to do?
only if you do it standing around on some street corner and inside the box is a carefully wrapped brick

>If I'm discussing something I don't want heard I unplug the thing.

dude it doesn't need electric to hear you,

anybody know how we can fuck over the big data thing by buying a few thousand of these and feedmining them fucky data?

statistically speaking you probably own a nintendo switch and your wife has a son with another man

It has no battery, when unplugged it ceases to function.
I do have a switch, but I have no wife and thus no wife's son. Sounds like you're salty for not having so much disposable income you can buy what you like without interfering with long term finances.

>It has no battery, when unplugged it ceases to function.
Wrong. Open it up and it has a 3.5 volt lithium battery, like a watch battery, on the circuit board. That said, it probably is just for system time and probably doesn't have enough power to record you.

Certainly not enough to transmit wifi either. You think I'm afraid of the Canadian government knowing who I am and what I believe or think? I wore an NSDAP armband to a 5000 person event with police everywhere and nobody had the balls to say shit to a nearly 7 foot tall man. If they know, let them know. Bunch of cowards trying to hide from the world on Sup Forums.

don't be a nigger its your goddamn grandmother, just sell it

would you be more heartbroken if some1 smashed your gift into pieces, or just sold it?

Hey google, OP is gay.

Would it be possible to get two asking each other questions in an endless loop until the whole system disappears up it's own arsehole?