So we're all in agreement that Humans are completely justified in committing total genocide against all Ghouls right?
There isn't even a choice in the matter, these are creatures that cannot control seeing humans as anything more than food. Even the ((good)) ones who don't kill but just eat corpses are still breaking major taboos for humans. Who wants the knowledge that your son or brother committed suicide and then to add insult to injury some creature mangled his corpse until it was just a stump with organs?
I mean would you trust your kid with one of these cannibals? No they should be killed down to every man, woman and child.
Ehhh, there's no reason that humans and ghouls couldn't come to an agreement where dead bodies are provided for ghouls on the condition they don't kill anybody, and those ghouls that don't obey are hunted down and turned in by their own kind
David Cox
Very few societies are actually comfortable with that kind of agreement though. The vast majority of people don't want to know their corpse or that of a family member will be eaten like a ham.
Hell we spend thousands of dollars just to make sure our corpse is preserved for the brief time before we bury them in elaborate coffins.
Ethan Ramirez
yeah I guess I dunno
tokyo ghoul is just a waste of space though. utterly mediocre, felt like a knockoff of parasyte
Nathan Long
Steppe nomads in classical times were known to eat the corpses of dead ancestors as a gesture of respect
Jack Wright
So what?
Elijah Brown
Exactly, I'd give my dead relative's body to a ghoul, probably sell it to a ghoul for money instead of wasting thousands on a funeral
Ryder Ross
Basically this. I was facepalming through the first episodes at how easy it is to solve the problem if ghouls would just settle with eating corpses
Who cares about them? Ghouls are super soldiers who can pay for their stay using excellent service in the military, national defense, and even rescue operations.
Trading a bunch of useless corpses for powerful citizens is a win-win bargain
Lucas Price
they could just let the ghouls eat death row prisoners
Christian Barnes
Souta pls
Caleb Williams
Fucking this Imagine the presidents and kings all around the world using them as bodyguards and elite military forces Even if some don't want to eat corpses, they can eat the bodies of enemies killed, or bums and hobos when the government sends them on cleanup operations in poor cities
Dominic Morales
It'll only take a few years of research to create artificial human meat, or create "ghoul seasoning" that makes normal food edible by ghouls.
The only reason nobody doing that is there's no money or recognition in it, CCG doesn't fund it because it'll completely remove their reason to exist.
Noah Torres
>ghouls would just settle with eating corpses Pre-modern medicine, there are plenty of corpses to go around, ghouls have a natural part in the ecosystem to prevent the spread of disease.
Now with modern medicine, fresh corpses are harder to come by (hospitals stuff them with preservatives), and ghouls have to start hunting.
Alexander Nguyen
Dude, the coffee shop ghouls are eating suicide people. And the corpse they pick up has already discolored to white meaning it's been there for 3 days. Enough for the eyeballs to melt
They don't need fresh meat and they need only 1 per month
Chase Gray
>Can they control themselves Ok i guess
>How long till they breed fast enough that the amount of corpses provided isn't enough Now we have a problem.
Lincoln Carter
They breed just like humans. They may increase in population but so would everyone else
Andrew Clark
Don't even need corpses at this point.
Pretty sure Kanou at this stage could clone human meat en masse for ghouls.
Julian Perry
Explain to me why the fuck-nuggets didn't manage to completely take control over the humans in the times of sword and board. Explain it. This series is gay. Extremely well animated but very, very gay.
Joseph Cooper
Jesus guys, have you never played Tsukihime? Ciel explains it very concisely. If it's a crime committed by someone who isn't human, you can't hold the criminal to human standards. You have to judge the criminal not through personal moral assessment, or through the body of laws of this or that country, but through the morality of the entire species. Keeping another species alive at the expense of your own is indeed a crime.
Isaiah Edwards
They probably can't breed fast enough to rule over. Who knows? They are probably weak against medieval plague too
Jace Martinez
If it is sapient and sentient, then the law is obligated to consider it a human
Bentley Richardson
It's a shitty excuse. One Ghoul that isn't completely shit can subjugate thousands of humans with contemptuous ease. Let alone one that is top tier. You get a single one-eye and all bets are off. It has to be explained more than literally not at all or the entire point of anyone being on the Ghoul's side falls apart absolutely because they're just so shit at that point.
Josiah Nelson
Complete lack of interest, I guess. There's plenty of corpses in medieval battlefields. Trying to establish a government sounds troubling too me
Alexander Gomez
I don't know. All it would take is one that isn't shit to start a tend or form a kingdom. It all just comes off as baby's first edgy anime because you start to apply any logic and it immediately falls apart. The animation is really all this has going for it.
Logan Kelly
This Ghouls would have taken over the entire world very fast and started treating humans as cattle millennia ago
Joshua Cox
It's true. The competitive exclusion principle, directly states "complete competitors cannot coexist", which means two species who share a niche literally cannot exist in the same space of time. One would die out for simply not being as advanced as the other, humanity never really had this problem, if a species like the Ghouls existed "humanity" would've never came into being in the first place. Humans would've either died out or became something entirely different.
Ethan Campbell
>ghouls >standing a chance against the warriors of our Lord
Nicholas Sanders
No. An enemy is an enemy and treating him "humane" to satisfy your ego is suicidal.
Brandon Walker
(OP) >Even the ((good)) ones who don't kill but just eat corpses are still breaking major taboos for humans. Wait, wait. So you want to talk about justification, but then you bring up shitty sensibilities? I can totally dig killing off someone who wants to eat you alive, but if you're killing someone who goes out of their way to not hurt you then you're just being a dick.
Christian White
They are just hungry. Geez Let them loot the cemetery. No one benefits from corpses
Elijah Parker
Just started reading TG, I've watched the show but I barely remember anything. I just can't get over the fact that Uta faggot has tattoed gibberish in greek all around his neck. I mean, it's a tattoo bro, it stays there for life, at least make an effort and write something that actually has a meaning.
Gavin Kelly
The meaning will be explained later on.
Sebastian Nelson
You're asking sheep to accept wolves amongst their ranks. Could you make a relationship that would work to both populations mutual benefit? In theory, yeah, but the fear and distrust on both sides would make it incredibly difficult to maintain and you'd have to move mountains to do it. Even if you somehow create that relationship, it would have to survive our politics long enough to be normalized. How the fuck are humans gonna feel when they're being replaced as soldiers or in the workforce by their cannibalistic variations? There's a lot of reasons for humans to fear ghouls which in turn makes it difficult for ghouls to trust humans to not betray them.
And then yeah, you'll have to get humans onboard with feeding their dead to the ghouls, that's a huge cultural taboo that would take generations to overcome. From a goverments perspective, the ghoul population could offer a lot of benefits that would empower them as global competitors but enitre poltical parties would revolve on being pro/anti-ghoul so even on that level it would be a struggle. They're best bet would've been to be integrated into human society before it became modernized by today's standards and systems and even then they'd still have to overcome wide-spread superstition and fear.
Anthony Murphy
You say that as if it's an easy thing, i'm sure that people currently hate ghouls a lot. In addition to them hating ghouls through a new act they have to give away their loved ones to these people they hate? That aint happening buddy
Aaron Morales
There is no such thing as overpopulation in the military, police, or menial labor, user.
Asher Barnes
Theres literally nothing different between cow and human meat. If you have digestive system that can process human meat you can eat any other mammals as well.
TLDR; tokyo ghouls premise is retarded
David Gonzalez
Humans have RC Cells, so do Ghouls. As far as I remember, animals don't have RC Cells.
Nicholas Wood
Post Touka
Jose Foster
Joseph Cooper
You could say only preteens sexual fluids have rc cells which justifies ghouls raping them to feed, it doesnt make it a good premise. Its completely made up.
Jose Jones
Why do job interviews exist?
Justin Jenkins
If it's for the armed forces, it is for background checks and educational attainment. Gotta be good in trigonometry to handle mortars, you know
In disposable menial labor, it is nothing more than a tradition. If you murdered no one, you start tommorow
Michael Peterson
Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded.
Ghouls having to consume human meat and only human meat is a plot device. The author explaining the mechanism is akin to Lucs introducing mitoclorians or whatever as the mechanism for how Jedi use the force.
There's no point critically analyzing how realistic a fantastical mechanism is in a piece of fiction.
Chase Murphy
>show about zombies >why is this not scientifically accurate
Lincoln Peterson
>abloobloo ghouls are not realistic!
Are you for real?
Noah Peterson
In both fields, there are positions that require both educational and physical abilities. Since ghouls are capable of doing everything humans can do plus more depending on their unique abilites, there's no doubt that in many fields they would have a natural advantage over the human competitors.
For instance, when ghouls are introduced into warfare, you'll have to train humans on how to be able to combat them. The cost for training these humans and the manufacturing of their special equipment to counter would be a large handicap.
Luke Baker
How often do you think ghouls rape humans/other ghouls
Jason Perry
Everyone thought lucas was an absolute retard for explaining how jedi magic works. Tokyo ghoul basically demands the reader to not know how evolution works.
John Bailey
Well, yeah, they would have significant changes on the military doctrine. But it is still incomparable to how beneficial their assistance can be.
Imagine all the lives you can save from their ability to scent out wanted murderers and sneak out kidnapped people. Not to mention fast response to calamity
Connor Howard
It's also because the people at the top, V, were in power since before that was even possible, and now they didn't want to relinquish their powers by pacifying the ghouls. Now with Furuta at the top we know fuck-all about their endgame
Adam Martinez
And the upkeep to keep a ghoul well fed for an entire month would certainly be cheaper than to humans. Budget plays a large role in the recruitment process, military or not, and ghouls offer a large advantage in a variety of jobs. Competition in these fields would increase and it would be enough for a good chunk of the human population to point to these fields and say "They took our jobs!". We have this problem already with immigrants, or perceived problem at the very least and that's the point here: How are humans gonna handle these factors and how are they gonna effect human/ghoul relations?
Tyler White
It's unsustainable. Ghouls neet to eat one human a month. That would mean that for a ghoul to live to, say, 60, it would need to eat 720 humans. 720 human lives for one ghoul is a bit too much.
Ethan Fisher
Godzilla's body would collapse under its own weight, Superman's skin surface isn't big enough to absorb as much sun energy as he is outputting and it is physically impossible for Guts to carry a sword that big.
99% of fantasy and science fiction stories are scientifically hogwash. Did you only notice now?
Tyler Stewart
There's probably a lot more humans than ghouls though. I don't see why not.
Charles Hernandez
who the fuck would accept that their dead love one would be eaten as some kind of livestock meat? Are you fucking retarded?
Eli Johnson
I accept the hogwash when its a fantasy universe, ofc there wasnt evolution in a tolkien fantasy with elves and whatever. Gods created everything to suit their desires.
If the story is set in the real world in a real town its different. Theres too many things you have to conveniently ignore. In our world humans are no different from animals.
Robert Reed
Are ghouls a recent mutation or have they coexisted with humanity for thousands of years? If they were around like ten thousand years ago, how was humanity able to fight them when they only had sticks and stones while ghouls had all their supernatural abilities? How did the ghouls fail to enslave all of humanity and become the master race ruling over them?
Jose Phillips
Dude, an average quiet town has a population of 20,000 to 100,000. At least 1 death is guaranteed to happen per month. I live in a town of 60,000 and I play around the church once in a while. Funerals happen almost every 5 days.
Luis Ortiz
Perhaps just people who are executed or died in prison?
Nolan Brooks
I want this explained too, can ghouls die of old age/disease?
Jacob Ortiz
Just eat the internal organs. Problem solved
Luke Sanchez
Isaac Brooks
Is the ratio of humans:ghouls 720:1 or more though? Because it'd have to be.
Nicholas Reed
And if their population grows?
Leo Walker
They have the same lifespan as a regular human.
Jonathan Roberts
1 death wouldn't feed multiple ghouls.
Colton Gutierrez
zombies atleast eat cows and any other animals they can also find.
Brayden Taylor
Shut up and have a battle shounen masquerading as adult instead.
Christian Robinson
2,626,418 people die in the USA per year. Geez And that does not include all the organs and blood that you can loot from Hospital wastes
Do you honestly think that ghouls can outbreed humans who are already ahead by 10million to 1?
Benjamin Young
Doesn't matter that much, having an aging population would mean a supply decrease.
Number of people needed would need to be much higher.
Thomas Cooper
deport them all back to Ghoulistan!
Christopher Gutierrez
If their population is growing it would happen eventually in a lot of countries.
Thomas Collins
i just hate how quickly it was all solved. the premise is fucking retarded and makes no sense.
the worst part is how it was solved
>cant eat normally >have the temptation of eating humans >oh an organization that provides human flesh and its all good and dandy at chapter 3
and it was pretty much ignored except to show how much of a madman a new ghoul is by how many people he eats.
also i want an explanation because i couldn't read it normally with such shit art, how come after he turned into one of the doves as "someone else" he didn't need to eat flesh? i dropped it when he had memories of his old self and didn't want to turn back.
Michael Rogers
Sure, if the government implemented massive birth control and abortion programs, yeah
Anthony Roberts
>hurr why worry if a population of super powered cannibals grows in the millions, what could happen?!
Brayden Price
wrong pic
Aiden Allen
Dude, they eat corpses. It's all they need to live.
Parker Nguyen
It's a battle series. I swear if Ishida had decided to make it more of well rounded sci-fi I'd have enjoyed it more.
William Reyes
Government doesn't need to implement birth control for it to happen.
Julian Sanders
Gabriel Mitchell
Ghouls are allegory of Muslims.
Ian Jackson
Agreed has nothing to do with this. You think Islam is going to let them eat the corpse? Fat chance.
Wyatt Price
Thats from 1998 and is world not specific countries.
If that's the case, then just import corpses from 3rd world nations. That, or drop them at ME and let them have their feast. Win-win for everyone
Mason Rodriguez
Can't wait to finish TG so I can dive right into Re, Touka art is just too good.
Nathaniel Stewart
I wonder why the ghouls don't just all move to Africa or something. It would be paradise for them.
James Diaz
You are unbelievably retarded. Please, kill yourself.
Connor James
>would you like some AIDS with your steak sir?
Anthony Diaz
I think if you let it get to the point where you are paying for bodies of flesh eating monsters, getting rid of cultural traditions of mourning for flesh eating monsters and trying to get rid of abortion for flesh eating monsters people have degraded to livestock.
So no, Also its not like urbanization isn't starting in the 3rd world.
Jonathan Johnson
>why can't humans co-exist with their natural enemy? Do you not understand how retarded you guys sound?
Jackson Young
I doubt HIV would affect them. Either way, it would be safer than Japan.
Alexander Thompson
Dude, you are just buying dead people from third world countries. They are getting paid to get clean Then you get to feed your super citizens who pay you with better labor than any human could There is no downside in this at all
If you value cultural traditions so much, then why not limit it to just the harvest of internal organs?
Dylan Rogers
Coffee shop ghouls proved #notall
John Gray
And now they are stealing our fucking jobs.
Jaxson Smith
No they won't Demand for menial laborers never run short
Gabriel Reed
Solution: genetically engineered livestock cows with human RC cells.
Dominic Martinez
That expense justification applies to any nee and disruptive military advancement. Its also not a deterrent but an additional incentive. Your enemy develops chlorine gas and starts using it in war, so you're forced to develop and deploy gas masks and train your soldiers in their proper use.
Here you're arguing that a military will pass up an advantage because it might causs its enemies to develop a counter measure, which is silly.
If I design tanks that can roll down no mans land and take trenches, damn right my government will pay me help build them.
Nolan Moore
Where are you at right now?
Luke Rodriguez
That would create incentive and potential for abuse of inmates. Today its death row inmmates. Tomorrow regular inmmates or people end up on death row to fulfil higher demand for bodies.