Give me one good reason why heavy objects are not the future of warfare

Give me one good reason why heavy objects are not the future of warfare.

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They look silly.

If we get the tech behind them working they actually could be.

>Give me one good reason why heavy objects are not the future of warfare.
They have the same amount of unobtanium as humanoid giant robots. They just have DIFFERENT kinds of cheats compared to say, Gundams.

Too heavy

What's the point of even fighting wars anymore if nothing is cool? Might as well just play rock paper scissors beforehand to decide how each side exchanges resources and territory.

A woman on the front line.

That is what diplomacy is.
War is when someone throws a hissy fit at the result.

Because it's fake anime bullshit someone pulled out of an LN author's asshole.

Women aren't more valuable than men. Maybe less capable though.

Did the show not show you all the glaring issues that tom cruise and his buddy single handedly take a fuck load of them down with.

Agree. I mean hoverboards is now possible. It's based from that western movie. Nervegear looks promising (the anime unfortunately also does...)

Power sources. Mountain vaporizing lazors need a lot of power. If you have that kind of power source in a small mobile tincan and dump the heat produced in alternate dimension, you can make anything from gundams to mahou shoujos.

They can't secure territory.

>I mean hoverboards is now possible
You'd better not mean that gay-ass no-handle segway shit.

Because they're defunct pieces of shits destroyed by Jackass and a foreign prince without almost any real military training. Only reason why they're used in that world either is because world leaders use them to keep the world in balance.

>dump the heat produced in alternate dimension
To make negligible heat for that much energy is bullshit effectiveness straight out of total fantasy.

Because they're really just giant toys being used in glorified action figure battles. Which was all well and good until these two assholes started going around bullying harmless old men and little girls by breaking their fancy toys.

All the heat goes into the beam.

no not that normie bullshit. The one that actually floats. Slowly. Which you can't do any tricks with. And is a stupid alternative for walking. But hey, it's a progress.

LN says it alone can handle a wide area. Basically cover up a whole territory. Only counter is other Heavy Objects. And that one part MC did it alone.

If it's blown up you're fucked. If it gets captured you're double fucked.

Pilot loli elites does not exist yet

Thats not how it works.

If we reach such a technologically advanced stage why the fuck should we even have wars?

Heat redirection fields.

What the fuck do those shoulder things do.

Because we can.

My best guess would be to protect against shrapnel.

Did you mean this? It looks cool but involves some complex supercoductor bullshit, which you need to cool with liquid nitrogen, so it isnĀ“t at all practical.

Not really, you can make Objects in real life, they just wouldn't be as awesome.

Also, most of the object would be either autonomous or remote piloted in real life.

>Women aren't more valuable than men
from a biological standpoint they are
as long as their is one man left he can impregnate all the women
if theres only one woman left things get messy

same reason soviets didn't go through with their super tank plans.

putting lots of eggs in one basket loses a lot of resources to one bomb.

To protect ourselves against parties motivated to find the means to destroy us before we find the means to destroy them to protect ourselves.

>their super tank plans
I thought the problem with those was that they'd constantly have to build special roads for them to get anywhere because they'd be so heavy they'd crush normal roads?

Or a spy bribe their way into the base and sabotage the object.
To dominate the other guy.

super tank plans
Source? I know about the batshit crazy stuff Soviets did like bullshit hueg and heavy (and inefficient) tanks, suicide bomber dogs, and nuclear landmines warmed by live chickens, but not about tanky planes. Were they intended to be a strategic bomber, something like a precursor to the B-36 Peacemaker and B-52?

Plans, not planes.

well they did build one and it got stuck in the mud and then they scrapped it...

Because scarcity will always be a thing due to the limited amount of matter and energy in the universe. Meaning someone will always want what someone else and sometimes sharing isn't an option.

Nukes. The intro showed that one was able to demobilize an early object, just nuke it again afterwards.

Also, most its weapons are rather shortrange, projectiles and lasers get you only so far and even the artillery object would be outranged by missle cruisers. Again the example from the intro is silly, the object should have never gotten in range.

Even without the energy issue, they are too big and heavy in difficult terrain, reliant on communication to the outside for any meaningfull operation and are very limited without this supportl - its rather eady to just jam them or shot down the satellites.

And finally, Logistics are fucked up, which is the whole point of the show

>from a biological standpoint they are
Not with artificial wombs.

>limited amount of matter and energy
literally unfalsifiable and current cosmology sides with an infinite universe that is more-or-less the same throughout based on what we can observe from expansion and background radiation.

Modern warfare is more about small specialized groups and subversive actions, wars are fought over multiple fronts, over multiple countries.
You can't just throw a big bomb at a huge army and claim victory, you would need hundreds of those and get a fuckton of bad PR at home.
Which is also why nuclear weapons are ultimately useless unless you're planning on genocide and not war.

You really believe in an utopian world?

Seriously though, let's just call them what they are called in the West; Bolos.

But it still doesn't change what Objects are, a fantasy of being able to win a war despite lower levels of production. The belief that you can beat quantity with quality. This is what WW2 proved to be false. If you can't build quantity, you can't afford quality either.

And seriously,
>Not really, you can make Objects in real life, they just wouldn't be as awesome.
Say what? Everything that needed to make Objects work are unobtanium. The power source, the armour, the laser, even the pilot. If you can build an Object that works, you can already win the war the regular way for cheaper.

The author just went out of his way to not have force fields, which just meant he had to go to even more extremes and even less believable tech to get Objects working.

You're like a sitcom character.

We'll never have an uptopian world because more motivated people than I will start shit if it gets too boring. Besides, a species needs conflict to prevent stagnation, if it never has a challenge then one day something will show up better than it and crush it.

One nuke didn't stop it, it still had its main guns. Also the one in the intro is the very first object

Uneven distribution of resources, diplomatical failures, cultural, religious, ethnical differences. All kinds of shit that followed humanity for quite a while.

But since half the world is held by nuclear deterrence and trade, while the other half is small groups of literal (sand) niggers fighting over 1000's square kilometers of deserts, wars are majorly neglected by the millennials.

because giant robot ball jousting is fun!

No, it literally isn't how it works.
There was exactly one Object that did that.

>The author just went out of his way to not have force fields
There were two Objects that did that, even though one didn't actually do it

You forgot the drug wars which probably kills more people than ISIS.

> Everything that needed to make Objects work are unobtanium. The power source, the armour, the laser, even the pilot. If you can build an Object that works, you can already win the war the regular way for cheaper.

I know, that's why I said a real world object wouldn't be as awesome.
If anything it would be just a huge autonomous tank with a railgun.

Objects are predicated on the existence of the JPlevelMHD reactor. In-universe the JPlevelMHD reactor is basically magical power generator that is effectively a miniature sun. It could generate incredible amounts of energy. The question then is how to weaponize this energy.
The answer to that question is the Object. The Object exists for the sole purpose of taking the energy generated by the JPlevelMHD reactor and putting it in a form that can be directed against a target. Railguns, coilguns, lasers, and plasma cannons, are all examples of weapons that can scale up well the more energy you pump into them, which takes full advantage of the fact that you have so much energy to pump in.
Of course, the reactor is large and heavy. So to deliver it to the battlefield you need a powerful propulsion system and the finest protection available. Hence the levitation systems or leg systems, and the magical hand-crafted onion armor (never mind that machines can craft far more precisely than human hands can).
The Object is the product of the magical super reactor. Without the magical super reactor, there is no rationale for the Object.

You forgot one more important point.
The reactor can't be scaled down at all.
It's always a fuckhuge ball and there's nothing you can do to change that.

He probably does mean that.

Gyroscopically-stabilized quadcopters are more likely, though:

>If anything it would be just a huge autonomous tank with a railgun
Being huge is terribad.

>are all examples of weapons that can scale up well the more energy you pump into them, which takes full advantage of the fact that you have so much energy to pump in.
Maybe the railgun, but all the other ones are going to melt down quickly without proper cooling.

Missiles are almost worthless in HO world because anti-air lasers got that good.

Objects are nuke resistant not because of the armor but because they would shoot down hundreds of nukes launched at them.

Because as long as thermonuclear weapons are king you won't see much of anything else.
Sure, everyone is keeping up with the military RnD but none of these fancy jets or weapons are being used at any nuclear capable country.

If at any point in we develop a 100% effective ICBM counter then we can only hope that all nuclear capable countries are either at good terms or develop it at the same time or shit hits the fan.

The core idea of the Object isn't the invincible super tank, but a near perfect ICBM defense system.
The rest of the things is just there to defend that.

>make series about giant mecha death balls
>the most hype parts are actually about the mercenary loli getting into dogfights with the forgotten fighter planes

We are already getting there.

RAILGUNS are the future, or heavy impactors

No, the best part is PUTANA HIGHBALL

If we ever get the mechwarrior-tier ultralightweight durable armor and compact power source technology, Objects are better than humanoid mechs, but so are plain old tanks scaled up a bit (just enough to be still deployable by airdrop, fitting through railroad tunnels, not crashing through roads into sewers etc)
Also sphere is retarded for ground forces, cone or pyramid is better.

Objects are that big and have that shape because of the reactors.

So, was this anime worth watching?

Exactly how heavy are the Objects supposed to be?
And do they install those faggy-ass pontoons to cross any tiny river, or are they always there?

You might find it boring if you're watching it solely for commander sexy.

It was a good ride. The first couple of episodes are admittedly rough but it's generally a fun show with two of the best bros in anime.

Optimized fusion reactors could power up a fuckton weapins

If you like buddy cop films, delicious girls, and very nice action scenes, sure.

It isn't if you're butthurt about this being adapted instead of more Index though. Because boy did they get up in arms about it.

Most of the butthurt was from the nips. As for Sup Forums Heavy Object has basically been integrated into Raildex threads.

You tell me.

Such a top tier brown


Depends on propulsion type. Hime's HO is old so it needs floats. Most new ones don't.

Man she was built for sex, between her design and Shizuka Ito she can't make me harder.

>The core idea of the Object isn't the invincible super tank, but a near perfect ICBM defense system.
>The rest of the things is just there to defend that.
If it is perfect it wouldn't need any other defence.

My problem with Heavy Object is that it had TOO MANY asspulls. At some point the author added so many excessive alien tech that it stops being anything recognisable as a weapon.

And to add supersoldier pilots as well? At that point he really should stop pretending he wasn't writing about magic stuff.

Genetic modification was in the series from the get go.

>it stops being anything recognisable as a weapon
Almost like it's a monster, huh?

cause we know its all about Tanks VS Robots

Patrician opinion incoming:
squad of cunts in power armour > mecha

>squad of cunts in power armor piloting mecha

Only if you put the mecha in tanks.

Where my Sup Forumsces at

The characters are retarded, so is the plot, and you'd have to be 12 years old to find the jokes funny. Of course, a lot of anons eat this shit without trouble, so you'll probably love it

What anime do you like, my friend.

This series is all about two crazy dudes (and occasionally a crazy loli) blowing shit up. I don't know why people get so autistic over muh realism and the details of the objects. Who gives a shit? If you've read any of his other works you should know Kamachi's technobabble always takes a backseat to the over the top fun shenanigans the characters get themselves into.

Don't be so Objective

The thing needs several kinds of magic to even exist. Magic energy source, magic materials engineering, magic missile shield.

And even if it could exist, it's been well proven that r-strategy beats K-strategy every time. Concentrating all of your resources into bigger, less expendable weapons always loses the economic war, which is what actually decides the course of history.

GW pls no
current edition is always worst edition but your current edition is the worst.

Putana goes to show that Objects aren't the most dangerous thing on the battlefield. Goddamn, they are the true bullshit super weapons in the age of Objects.

Why not just create a superior economy where you can create more balls than the enemy has explosives and missiles to take them out?

Then you'd be American.

Why not create a superior economy where you just make your single ball bigger and bigger?

There's a point of diminishing returns, and big balls shoot way past it.

Well yeah, why not?
By showing the enemy that you have a fuck-huge arsenal of huge balls that are superior to all their tanks and are even numerically superior to them, you ought to instill fear and dread in them.
Enemy nation has 50k tanks? And a ball is worth 100 tanks? Then just build 2k balls.

Except that's not the point.
The entire rationale for the Object is that the magic reactor provides a flat amount of energy and it can't be scaled down.