Kado Thread


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>implying mankind had a choice
How much choice do ants have if an entomologist decides to mess with them?

Is Sansa passable through genes or is it something that you must watch for it to effect you?

I don't get it

Just nuke it repeatedly.

Probably the later. You can't pass down your skills, heightened awareness, and highly specialized competences to your kids unless you teach them. That probably goes for Sansa too.
Though I'd bet that there will come a point where the Sansa will become useless because humanity will keep strengthening his bonds to the anisotropic, to the point where acquiring a sense of the anisotropic through Sansa will become useless since the world will become anisotropic like and the kids raised on it will naturally grow a sense of it through instintc, experience, and education. Just like how kids are good with smartphones nowadays.

You saw what happened when something tried to damage Kado or zaShunina. A nuke or three wouldn't even scratch them.

Haha, you're naive user.
I wish Zashunina were put into a situation where someone tries to kill him though. I wonder how he would react. I can't decide between a lack of reaction/indifference and a ruthless instant kill. Or both.

>a show with talking heads and broadcasting a device that removes sleep is more hype than most other anime this season
Why is this so good god damn it.


There's an "Oh shit" factor every episode.

Tsukai did nothing wrong.

It says original but it says the manga came out in march, Has it gone passed the anime at all?

I feel like no one dropping spoilers has contributed to it being so interesting.

The manga is just an adaptation of the anime, so it obviously can't have any spoilers.

He hasn't shown any hostility towards anybody so far. When Shinawa tried to bite his fingers off for science, he let her and even appreciated her eccentric curiosity.

The manga is an adaptation from the anime script though. It's painfully obvious when you read it. It's little more than advertisement for the anime.
The furthest it went from what I know is episode 2. Of course there are no spoilers.

Yeah thought so, If this show had spoilers no way it would be this much enjoyable.

She may not have done anything wrong, but she is wrong.

Sure but we don't know how he'd react to an hostile intent. He's constantly hanging around people who are supporting him. Only Tsukai acted openly antagonistic. And we know he values life. He might react badly to an attempt to kill and endanger life.

He's aware of the possibility. The first thing the army did after Kado arrived was to shoot tank shells at it (as an "experiment", but still). And when they were moving Kado, he put up a shield to protect Shindo. He also has protest demonstrations right under Kado every day.

is this the only non-3D scene in the anime?

Far from it. Pay attention.

The character page was updated. Her name is Sophie Fukamizu.

Agata Atsuhiko

Ooishi Tetsuo.

Abstract Homo End


Looks like Hanamori, Shinawa and Tsukai are pretty much the only characters under 30. Kiddie table confirmed.

Not so fast user. zaShunina could be 2 months old for all we know.

Find out what Unocle is and you'll know his endgame. Life hack: it's cheap and abundant and humanity has way too much of it so they won't miss any

Not very likely, but his understanding of time is indeed interesting. When he first arrived, he thought 3 seconds was a suitably long time to contact all the authorities and arrange talks. Just how fast is his normal thought process?

>it's cheap and abundant and humanity has way too much of it so they won't miss any
I don't know, cock?

It is a path you choose.

Other humans?

I'm not convinced it's an evil smile, and not just the angle.


He's showing his teeth. Of course it is evil.

I wouldn't be surprised if this weird grin was just his attempt to communicate excitement. Something similar happened when he revealed the Sansa too - his smile looked almost evil, but he was just eager to show the new tech. After all, facial expressions don't come naturally to him.

Things seem to be pretty calm afterwards, though.

You are 51% correct. A full description of what it means would likely probably more poetic than literal.

Silly user. Look closer. The remaining 49% of the meaning are transmitted by the white space around the word.

Don't believe his lies.png

Zashunina did nothing wrong, anyway mankind are self destructive. War or overused natural resourses will kill a world. Zashunina wants to save mankind or world from mankind.

> lies
But the Devil's trick is that he only tells the truth.

Well, time is a property of space and he's not exactly anchored firmly in normal space. So, I'm not sure that 'fast' is anything other than relative.

What did she mean by this?

It's code for 'I'm the stupid you're with.'

It's code for "I have terrible fashion sense".

That she has bad fashion sense. Even her dad admitted she's not very good at these things.

Thanks for clarifying guys. I thought it was some kind of slut thing.

True, though his telepathic communication might also have something to do with it. If he's used to simply exchanging whole batches of thoughts in seconds, talking must seem excruciatingly slow and cumbersome in comparison.

Wasn't kuri a word for small boobs or nipples?

Not that I know of. Though I'm no moon expert.

Never heard of a whore-y old chestnut?

There's no hope for this board.

Too bad director already confirmed het end. Fujos BTFO.

>Too bad director already confirmed het end Fujos BTFO
Mooooom. The Tsukaifags are being delusional again. Only this time they're actually lying on the internet. The nerve.

Sneak preview of next episode

I keep seeing this, but I have never seen anyone give a source.

Doubt it. 2ch is still laughing over it because of how "lame" and unfashionable her shirt was, but there's nothing about her tits.

There isn't any. It doesn't make much sense either; why would the director talk about the ending at all, straight or otherwise? The last thing an original anime needs is spoilers.

> Laughing at fashion sense
Nips have insane priorities and may in fact be collectively homosexual. News at eleven.

Nipland cares more about appearances than we do, so no wonder.

>caring about fashion means you're homosexual
Are you a redneck?

Doom Paul is disappoint, user

Being presentable means a shower, shave, clean clothes and maybe a dab of skincare/makeup.

Anything more is fag territory.

If you can't see how blatantly, painfully obvious it is that Shindo and Tsukai are going to hook up, you need your eyeballs checked out.

Maybe where you live it's enough. And I suppose it depends on what you mean by clean clothes.
Still you'd have a huge handicap finding a girlfriend/climbing the ladder/being taken seriously by people in general if you lived in my country.

Don't try to argue with vermin, they will stay delusional no matter what happens, like it's been for decades.

I screened your post. I'll post it in the thread after the final episode.

Ok. Sure thing. You do that after your "abstract homo" end. Right.

>implying there's going to be enough of humanity left for any hookups
Somebody is an optimist.

Well there's always the possibility of Tsukai and Shindo having to repopulate the earth after humanity is wiped out and the aylien is gone.
Haha yeah no Tsukaifags are all deluded retards. It's either nobody wins or abstract homo end. Believing in anything else like a full homo end or Tsukai winning the Shindobowl is delusional at best, the product of a sick mind at worst.

How can it be homo if it's abstract? You'd just be interpreting it in your favor

Technically, zaShunina isn't even male, so "abstract homo" is still wrong.

>you'd just be interpreting it in your favor
No shit, did you have to graduate from Captain Obvious University to reach that conclusino?
Take the ending of Aldnoah/Zero for instance. Both leads are stuck together and neither get the girl. They never had any chemistry but it's still homo end by default because there are no other options left for either.
It's the same for Abstract homo end. If Shindo leaves earth together with zaShunina for the anisotropic, then they're stuck together in a world where girls don't exist. Homo end by default.

If it sounds and looks like a male, then it's male.

Realistically, you can't repopulate the whole planet with just two people. The genetic defects would be off the charts.

Inbreeding doesn't work that way.

Inbreeding is dangerous because everyone already has genetic defects. If you get the same defect twice, such as from your sister, then bad things tend to happen.

If the genes are already perfect there is no risk beyond what a clone has to deal with.

>If it sounds and looks like a male, then it's male.
He wouldn't keep his human form in his higher-dimensional realm. Doesn't that make it not gay by default?

DNA errors crop up to over time, it's inevitable. You can't really avoid DNA damage and transcription errors. Even if we started with two genetically "perfect" specimens, their offspring would become much less perfect very soon.

*crop up over time

>Take the ending of Aldnoah/Zero for instance. Both leads are stuck together and neither get the girl. They never had any chemistry but it's still homo end by default because there are no other options left for either.
You forget that Inaho has Inko and that Slaine is in solitary confinement by the UFE, he won't get any romance. Inaho has no special power over his situation like fujos want to think. I might as well call it abstract straight ending because the male leads never interact in a friendly way and both were in love with a girl, it's a terrible example.

That makes it alienphilia, whatever the word for that is. Which is probably much worse. But who cares as long as it's unocle.

Genetic drift doesn't matter for at least a hundred years. The issue with inbreeding is simple mendel genetics. A harmless family specific defect on one chromosome gets inbred onto both chromosomes. Thats when bad things happen.

With different families the defects are different so you don't have a pile of defects all lining up at once.

>inaho has inko
>I might as well call it abstract straight ending
>interact in a friendly way
Thanks for the laugh, user. No, really.

The show spells it out for you, he is shooting at Slaine trying to kill him and saves him only after Asseylum begs him. He even says that in the ending, but thanks for showing a great example of the completely rational behavior of fujoshits.

Even if Shindo fucks Tsukai on screen it's going to be homo because "lol I say so".

Is it Friday yet?

It'd be bestiality from zaShunina's side (because even a premium mouse is still a mouse) and philotheia or theophilia from the human.
Absolutely haram.

The word is xenophilia.

Best girl

Xenophilia is technically correct, but seems somewhat inadequate in this case. zaShunina isn't just unknown, he's borderline incomprehensible.

There is a regrettable lack of Lewds for this series.

>expecting any semblance of a "homo" end
Delusional fujos please, this is embarrassing.

Go read russian fanfics.

Kill yourself.

It's a shame fujos just treat this anime as their seasonal homobait, it's a fun story and an enjoyable anime original. I still don't want to visit any place to discuss this anime other than Sup Forums.

So why do they keep switching between drawn and CG?


The two previous thread were pretty comfy and had nice discussions though, it's just one salty fujo ruining this one.
Three threads in a week was a mistake.

To be fair, the threads are generally very comfy and the discussion is legitimately good. Occasional shipperfaggotry of all stripes doesn't change that.

I guess you're right. Shows like this which have a small amount of watchers are the comfiest.