i haven't watched new anime or hung out here since 2010. how much and what did i actually miss as far as modern classics go? what major trends have come and gone? what is the state of the business?
I haven't watched new anime or hung out here since 2010...
Other urls found in this thread:
all the monogatari stuff after bakemonogatari
Forget about coming back, Anime is filled with SJW shit and normalfaggotry.
There hasn't been a really good anime nor masterpiece in the last 7 years.
2010 was the year where modern anime reached it's peak.
dont believe their lies, the only thing you need to watch is boku no pico
This isnt terribly far from the truth, theres a few good series out there. Other than that were starting to eclipse into sequels of shows from almost 2 decades ago.
"There hasn't been a really good anime nor masterpiece in the last 7 years"
>Koe no Katachi
>Your name
>Re Zero
>My Hero Academia
It's not any different faggot.
Laugh at this man's awful taste.
I even liked Erased mostly, but to say that it's either really good or a masterpiece is hilariously stupid.
And I'll be honest with you guys, only true modern masterpiece I can think of is monogatari series second season. Of course we had "good" anime but good isn't at masterpiece level.
*coughs*~ ahem
That only thing that makes me assume this isn't bait and actually a description of your shit taste is the Sup Forums tier reaction pic.
OP here, I forgot I actually watched erased as one of my students recommended it to me. I found roughly the first half to be really good, and then it kind of dropped the ball the second half. I also watched Steins gate recently and found it decent.
While this thread has been going on, I've been looking in to Psycho-pass which I'm probably gonna give a pass.
You should watch KLK, it was really good.
>ant arc 61 episodes long, nearly 30 spent on several hours of one night in the story
>gon in coma
>killua suddenly remembers his sister is jirachi
I bet you also think re zero is good
from the new world is a solid 8 or 9. Slow to start, but give it a go
>SJW shit
Fucking where?
The Tatami Galaxy.
Why isn't Cross Ange in here?
You missed Re:Zero
Konosuba & Monster Musume
I'll keep it simple for you, go watch:
Everything by Studio Trigger, but skip Kiznaiver if you don't like the first two episodes.
Ufotable's Unlimited Blade Works
Psycho Pass, skip season 2.
Madoka Magica, but if you can't stand the godawful pacing of the TV version the movies are acceptable.
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Death Parade
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Kono Suba is also pretty good, probably the only worthwhile show to come out of the isekai genre.
Thunderbolt Fantasy
>Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
>rec thread
>but it's okay since he's an oldfag
you are all faggots.
meninists find their little ideology in everything
Love Live is the biggest franchise right now
This thread makes me sad.. wasn't there anything good in the last 7 years? Fuck.
Those don't actually exist you know
No, but that dude does need to learn to hide his power level. Social justice hasn't even reached Japan, so to think anime is influenced by it is stupid.
Kemono Friends
merman in my bathtub and bananya
Yeah. There is some fuckery with localisation, but who cares about dubs and video games.
For anime recommendations about "good" anime in the last seven years, please go to the worksafe request board.
What genres do you like?
>i haven't watched new anime or hung out here since 2010
How did you do it?
It's not just slow to start, the pacing is just complete nonsense at times. Still a pretty good watch though.
Video games, sure.. but not anime.
Not OP nerds. The most fun I've had in the last 7 was probably Food Wars, which isn't exactly life changing.
I suppressed my power level and became a normalfag
I think I've enjoyed something from every genre, from Clannad to Boogiepop Phantom to Gurren Lagann. I am kind of particular to mystery and sci fi, or just well told stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Mushishi or Monster.
is code geass in the past 7 years?
eden of the east was good
no game no life if you want some hype
konosuba for somewhat original humor
but one thing that comes to mind is
Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san
but thats mainly because i couldnt breath when i saw this
and it makes me smile everytime
Should I even watch Erased? I've heard good things, but i spent the past few months with really depressive aynimay and vidya and i don't want to prolong that suffering.
hey. i still need someone for my "kingdom death monster" party on tabletop simulator.
you seem to fit the bill
Mushishi Zoku Shou
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
Shin Sekai Yori
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Boku dake ga inai machi
Shokugeki no Soma
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
One Punch Man & Mob Psycho 100
>is code geass in the past 7 years?
Nope, 2006. Shit is 11 years old.
Ain't seen Eden of the East or No Game No Life, guess Iook into them. Konosuba was alright I guess.
>and it makes me smile everytime
Alright, made me smile. But that's not enough to watch it or call it good.
>comparing a modern day masterpiece to lol zero
>2010 was the year where modern anime reached it's peak.
Actually true, as that was the year K-On!! was released.
As for trends, I believe there was a major battle harem boom, but it's down again now and replaced with isekai, anime where the protagonist is transported to another world.
Also, fujoshi are getting more and more important, with more anime pandering to them, as they are the only ones buying anime nowadays.
Overall, anime sales have collapsed, only a few shows break the Manabi line each season.
Use English titles were possible, most people here don't speak moon.
You mean the death knell of anime?
I absolutely love tabletop, and i also absolutely don't feel like learning a new rulebook.
MUSHI-SHI -Next Passage-
The World God Only Knows
From the New World
Your Lie in April
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma
Humanity Has Declined
One Punch Man & Mob Psycho 100
It's a masterpiece actually.
The director, Naoko Yamada, has become one of the most popular modern director. Although she hasn't made that much yet, people are excited for the future and many of her works are praised.
Another trend may be Light Novel adaptation. And they are no longer something people are excited for like Haruhi and Bakemonogatari, when you see an anime is a LN adaptation you pretty much expect it to suck.
I was expecting a snarky comment in return. Thanks dude.
>Modern Classics
There will never be anything like pre-2010 "classics" again. Western anime communities has been overrun by normalfags because of SAO and Attack on Titan so there won't ever be anything close to consensus again on what is good.
The most notable titles I have seen in this thread are Red Line and Rakugo
I don't really care about K-On!! personally, but I wouldn't say it's bad. I was referring to the endless piles of copycat moe slice of life shows that are currently shitting up anime.
I couldn't keep watching that, how is it good?
the game itself isnt lewd. but of jeez they make some pinups.
By being something that isn't trash with actual talent and vision used in making it. You might have gotten it if you didn't have an attention span of 5 minutes.
actually i would say mob psycho is one of the better ones in the past 7 years.
Well there is a lot of fucking due to how the game works.
>SJWs in anime
Look it's Sup Forums being delusional
Anime is infinitely more degenerate than it was 10-15 years ago, it's otaku shit and LNs 70% of the way down now
>Fate / Zero
its only between 2 CONSENTING survivors. and its cute.
Friendly reminder to lurk for 2 years before posting and recommendation threads belong on .
Steins;Gate is bretty gud
Nothing happened for 3 episodes, does anything ever happen, or are you just insulting me to feel superior?
To be fair, all this board talks about is the latest slice of life moe hellscape.
No it isn't and if you actually lurked you'd know that isn't true. Get back to lurking.
Hyperbole dickwit.
stop posting
Leave Sup Forums.
OP here, I will certainly go back to the old ways of lurking moar after this thread.
You should, Sup Forums and anime in general is at a low point right now. Check back every 5 years.
>anime in general is at a low point right now
it's fine dumb manime poster. watch more anime
We just had a whole thread trying to come up with good ones from the last 7 years and had to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
Learn to sage you dumb newfag, why the fuck would anyone reply seriously to a rec thread when there is a board dedicated for it?
Been here 11 years now, why would I sage? Plenty of replies here, the board isn't dedicated to anything worth a shit.
>i don't like anime
>i don't watch anime
>i don't like Sup Forums
>yet here i am on Sup Forums
kill yourself
Recent anime, recent Sup Forums. Ladies first.
Were you in a coma or in jail? How the fuck would you not know about mainstream shit like KLK, Titans, Re:zero and other shit that is completely everywhere?
Bakemonogatari record is under serious threat.
I put my money on its being surpassed in another 3months.
>killua suddenly remembers his sister is jirachi
That's because he remove the needle his brother put on him. It did quite a lot of brainwashing. But I agree for the way it was put into light to us.
I thought Shirobako was really good
definitely better than most of the recs in this thread so for