CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP:terrible leftist drivel edition

Post your worst/ pol/.









that steve banon on the milk container is pretty funny though.




This one actually made me chuckle



This is kinda funny but why do all leftist memes sound like a lecture




because they are lectures. compare the amount of text in these to the amount of text in right wing memes.

Obvious takeaway: Every classic movie has an outstanding male lead.




Do these people even watch the movies they criticize?




>compare the amount of text in these to the amount of text in right wing memes.
Don't be so hard on yourselves.

Do these people really not know that TRUMP is a 5 letter word? Holy shit, these people think "we" are scum of the earth and they can't even count.

>...families whose last names contain 4 letters, ending with "P".

Well, I guess that excludes Trump.

did he really darken rey?

down with trump
up with hillary

Observe how all their jokes are 5 miles long.


Smart people are precise & can cut to the point.

Leftists ...

if they think they going to reinvent the hero's journey with their nigger cuck and feminist shit they're just delusional.

Wrong. Inn of the seventh happiness, gone with the wind, The Wind, Orphans of the Storm, The White Sister, Hearts of the World, It, arguably Wings too




This is actually pretty funny




It's bad enough these are terrible, but do they have to be so god damn ugly too?

so instead of taking on her husband's name because he was a man, she keeps her father's name who is also a man





absolutely disgusting, it should 100% of civilian owned guns

>time to make the racism
this needs to be a /general/ welcome every day

where are you finding this straw filled cancer

>They literally removed the washing memorial to.

Fucking hell Trump was right to be worried that they would try to take down important statues

Gone With the Wind alone sold more tickets than any other film in history. But they keep pretending like there's never been a female lead in anything until The Last Jedi

We don't own more because those leftist pansies think guns are just so scary. Get some fucking freedom in your life.

>It's actually getting colder now.

Those are rookie numbers. We gotta bring up those numbers.

They could push for cuts to military spending if they weren't opposed to arming the population. If they really wanted to tackle the issue of preventable deaths they can at least start top to bottom. The US has more cars per person as well, which causes the largest non health related cases of death in the US, yet leftists would rather spend more money on illegals, refugees, and welfare than public transportation projects.



Are they suggesting there were no ethnics in those movies? There was when it made sense to have them

jesus christ these niggers can't count to 5



You know what the funny part of this is?

Marlon Brando originally objected to the role, because he thought it should go to an ethnically Italian actor.

none of these are funny because the left doesn't have a sense of humor

So they do want to get rid of all history.

Replace the faceless suit with Zuckerberg, or who-ever is running Google, and this is a right wing meme.

Hmm, so lefties imagine an alternate reality where Hillary won too. Maybe we aren't so different after all

Yeah, I love destroying art because they depict bad people.

Wait, do these people just do this on the side, or do they actually earn their paycheck this way?

Because I'm 100% confident I can do this job and excell at it. Shit on everyone to the right of Stalin, lots of words, general anti-Western idiocy and racism. Seems pretty easy.

Don't forget to make it very bland and boring. Reading this is like torture, I feel bad for people that call this comedy.


Oh yeah, I give up on about half of them. This Sorensen fellow has some good brevity, though. Clean art style, too.

Kind of funny how most of this stuff looks like shitty copies of 70's comix. I think that's indicative of the modern left. They're perpetually stuck in the 70's. They talk about Nazis as if WWII just happened, they treat the Third World as if the decolonization was yesterday, they equate everything and everyone on the right to wanting to go back to the 50's, and they style themselves as underdogs speaking for "the people" only just now on the verge of getting any meaningful power. Ironically enough, this makes them insanely conservative. This is why the "alt-right" has become such a boogeyman for them. They can't conceive of right wing people not being American Southern Christian conservatives. Shit, just look at those comics again. Half the right wing stereotypes are Southern hicks.

Irony is the crux of all humour. Lefties don't do irony.






>35 posts
what did i stumble upon?


The fuck culture do goths, punks, and metalheads "appropriate" from? Those are the downright whitest subcultures I can think of. Which is also exactly their point.

Because they’re incapable of being funny now so they just talk down to everyone.

All of these are terrible, everybody knows true liberal propaganda must include at least 2 paragraphs per picture and or comic, NO EXCEPTIONS!



A lot of them appropriate African culture by sticking spikes through their noses and ears

Well the artist was right about the jews, and the niggers. I am confused are we supposed to think these positions are outlandish?

Oh, Barry Deutsch. I know that guy. He's one of the reasons I hate Sup Forums. Because Sup Forums is always right.


Do women really hate to be flirted with at the bar? Every woman I've flirted with loves it, though most of them didn't want to have sex with me.

I'm convinced the only people who have a problem with flirting are ugly girls who are jealous of the attention pretty girls receive. Of course, they have to direct their hatred at the guy in the situation, it's his fault for not being attracted to the ugly bitch.

No, just no.

I don't see any of the logic in this one at all. I agree with all of those points.

Hillary's father looks great.


How tedious and boring. Lefty meme are a snoooooze fest


White welfare bums are basically niggers too.