
This is your murderer for tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:


JC Staff is animating season 3 RIGHT NOW!

It's not murder if it's for justice and freedom.

I want to beat White Queen up.

There's no justice in killing cute girls.


She murdered my heart.



I wonder if Othinus ever feels sick when she thinks about the people she's killed. She probably doesn't understand why she feels like that.

Kazakiri actually has something she's good at. Being really fucking annoying as a boss.

Mobileposter is stupid but cute.

Tch, Mobilecuck is trying to sabotage our meme magic.

Why is White Queen so damn unattractive?
I can't think of a single uglier girl.

We'll keep her away from robutts and everything should be fine.

>implying she isn't going to add ghosts to her list

You can't kill what's already dead.

She does, but only when she thinks about what she did to Touma. Other people don't matter anyway.

Misaka finds a way

FACT: Biribiri saved Toaru Majutsu no Index S1

You're an awkward person, Mobilecuck.

More. Biribiri saved Raildex.


Have you guys ever read so much fanfiction about a series you sort of can't remember what things really happened and which ones didn't in the original series? Did the Railguns go to buy a ricemaker together? My family just baught one.

Is this true raildexfans?

Oh that sweet denial.

haven't used this image for so long

Misakas saved Raildex

Remember when Mikoto made you guys cum in your pants when she saved Acadamy City with a high flying railgun skill shot where the odds of her actually succeeding were probably a million to one. Remember that?

Do you remember when you were watching Railgun for the first time and you thought to yourself "ehhhh maybe this Kuroko girl isn't as bad as I originally anticipated" do you remember that?

Do you remember when you started to realize that Kuroko was your favorite character and that she was special in a way no other anime character in any other series you ever watched had been in a weird way? Remember when you started to realize that you might like Kuroko as more than a friend?

Remember when Kuroko was full on teleporting into your hearts and you knew deep inside there was nothing you could do to resist her not that it mattered because you guys wouldn't even try at that point? Do you remember what love is?

Rape the White Whore

Remember when you all realized no matter how hard you tried you'd never be with Kuroko and it shattered your reality and you went under for a couple of months and when you finally came back you made a pact with yourselves that you'd all pretend you hate Kuroko Shirai to protect yourselves from the deep pain she made you feel when in reality you know deep down you only hate yourself...

Holy fuck mobileposter, kill yourself.


Meme yourself back to reality, Mobileposter.

>he thinks mobileposter actually exists

Is this your new strategy, denying it? If it doesn't work for someone like ACK it won't work for you.

You don't have to be mobileposter to want to see this smile destroyed.

>Summer 2016
>mobileposter-tan pretends that something exists when it doesn't
>Summer 2017
>mobileposter-tan pretends that something doesn't exist when it does

I'm onto you mobileposter!

Oops, sorry about that PTSD due to Mobileposter.

I want to make an honest wife out of Oriana!

White Queen is literally the most beautiful Kamachi character. Shame on you for wanting to defile such purity.

Seems pretty biased, as a none Raildex fan Misaka ranks pretty low.

As a raildex hater, Misaka is one of the only good tsunderes.

Who did she killed again?



>hating Louise


Who did she killed again is my favorite Othinus spinoff series.

It's time to leave raildex thread yet again.

Thanks for your opinion.

I didn't want to bring it up but what makes Kongou so confident? She wasn't even looking when she trashed this bot but then you notice at times she uses her fan as a defense mechanism in a way. What's the deal Kongou?

I typed this bot because I was going to post the picture with the bot she destroyed but halfway through I changed the pic. The pic I was talking about was the one where she was standing facing away from a robot that she shot into the air with her esper powers.

Raildex timeskip when?


I’ll have you all know my AIM Stalker is the most powerful tracking ability known to man, and I’ve tracked numerous targets for ITEM. I have hundreds of confirmed tracks and I track motherfuckers like you everyday while wearing my tracksuit, so you better watch your tracks. I am trained in tracking and will track you so hard you won't know what hit you. My Level 4 AIM Stalker will target your location with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth and track you no matter where the fuck you try to run. You think you can get away with talking shit about the 8th Level 5? Think again, motherfucker. As we speak I am stalking the shit out of you and I will follow the signal from your AIM field right to your pathetic little house.
...You better prepare for the storm, motherfucker. The storm that reverses the flow from your pathetic AIM diffusion field and turns you into a helpless bitch. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can target you anywhere, anytime, and I will track you down anywhere in the world. Not only am I a the secret 8th Level 5, but I can crush steel with my bare hands whenever some slut tries to steal my boyfriend. If only you could have known how hard I would track you due to your “clever” shitposts, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price. You’re fucking stalked, kid.

Go back to bed you drug addict.

KamiKuro!! soon.

We already skipped 5 seconds from one volume to another, user. How much more do you need to be satisfied.

>people being "that" mad that Kuroko looks better than Mikoto as an adult

>two people

The entire report is unreliable now.

You what!?

Does this stupid website think every image is amazing?

There's clearly five people dork.

Nope, Someone shop this image for fun the real result of this image is lower than 50%

Girls suck, post the Knight Leader.

I will fully believe that without even questioning it user.

Alright, how pissed would you guys be if they pulled a SnK S2 for Index S3 and just cut out large arcs/spoil everything just to get to the current NT volume?


There's no way they'd ever reach the current NT volume. It would certainly be hilarious if S3 was just 12-13 episodes though.

We kinda all just want to see Railgun s3 anyways so I doubt any of us would care all that much.

What's the symbolism of the frogs in the show? Why is Misaka attracted to them?

I'd say most of us but not all.

They can just reveal everything shown in the anime so far is just one of many Othinus infinite hells and instantly go to NT9.

That just ruins what makes NT9 good

Because that's what Kamijou looks like in Kuroko's eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is the lesson. That's why Mikoto likes him.org

Hence the 'what if they pulled a SnK S2' part where they cut out entire arcs/reveal everything.

The only actual people there is Touma and Kuroko. The rest is sub human trash

Even if they attempt this, I only see them fast forwarding to Fiamma because they know people like him

Touma can't even personality. Why is he considered a human?

>I'm a wikireader and I love looking like a fucking moron


Punch Birdway in the face

Touma is superman though, he shouldn't count as people either.

Touma, stop lying to yourself. You're a high class pervert that was willing to go after your friend's sister. You're a bigger pervert than Aoigami.

Neph is lucky she didn't call 10pm Kamijou Touma a pervert

RIP in peace mummy tits


But she's not dead though.

Let's bully everyone with silver hair

Why is Birdway filled with so much hate?

I remember people getting two different results with the same pic before. It might as well be random

She's useless, flat-chested and ugly compared to Patricia.


99% of her is having fun in the new sekrit club

Itsuwa probably wasn't the only playable character they was working on, who else could be in progress?

Probably Kakine, because they can get both a boss and a playable character done in one go
