Rapper forced to change name because of Sup Forums

How do you guys feel? You made this poor rapper change his name after all these years!

>After releasing three studio albums for Mello Music Group as Red Pill, Detroit MC Chris Orrick has announced he has retired the moniker for good.

>As he explained in a statement, Orrick's move comes after watching the misogynist internet community of the same name continue to rise to prominence.

>Over the last couple of years, I've noticed a growing movement on the internet called 'The Red Pill' that continues to gain momentum. They spew hate and ignorance, in a totally misconstrued interpretation of the famous scene in the movie The Matrix that we both draw inspiration from," he wrote.

>He continued: "I tried to ignore it, but given my own values and principles and especially given the current political and social climate that we live in, I couldn't live with myself being associated with their bullshit. From now on I'm going by my real name. You can call me Chris."

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Reddit actually gets credit for this one.

He is part of a weak cultural idiom with no vitality, so he has no choice but to yield to Sup Forums.

>They spew hate and ignorance
That absolute state of rappers today

Why do niggers and wiggers always use this word? It's annoying.

>Detroit rapper Chris Orrick is tired of living in “The Matrix” and is ready to take aim at the Trump-era ambition built on lies and self-aggrandizement. That is why he recently announced that he is officially retiring the moniker “Red Pill,” as a much-needed reminder that while your 401K may be prosperous, it doesn’t mean your vapid soul is any less empty.

According to a statement from the blue-collar emcee, he has decided to officially revoke his alter-ego in an attempt to distance himself from internet trolls and outspoken political activists.


Because they don't have an argument they can only make their opponents seem dumb.

old Sup Forums would have had a good time with this one.

How do you bluepill yourself so hard you think you took the redpill?

>Ignorance: lack of knowledge or information
All the fake infographics, misleading statistics and generalizations that get posted here are literally the definition of ignorance

He can always change his name to blue pill.

this is a good idea. Let him know on twatter.

You sure this statement isn't a generalization in and of itself?

Pay attention to this story. The progressive left can't meme and employ a scorched earth/shun policy in order to stay alive. So, whenever someone proves to be a problem, they refuse to communicate with them. When anything becomes associated with something they don't like, if they can't immediately solve the problem they abandon it or ruin it.
This is an IMMENSE strategic mistake for people that want to "unite the world" through their "inclusive global expansion".
They also hand powerful aesthetic and rhetorical tools over to their enemies.

For example, associating the "star wars galactic empire" with "white supremacy". By doing that they allow us to justifiably make things like the "stormtrooper" /ouruniform/. Pure idiocy.

Provide an example.

Fuck. I had to retire two of my Twitter Accts last nite.

What happened?

Star Wars ended up throwing themselves in with Admiralette Tumblr and the Mary Sue Brigade so who cares.

Just more lost cultural ground to cede temporarily until the backlash completes.

New rap name: Soyboy

Was trolling some asshats who think they’re Anonymoose actual. Those accts were a few months old anyway, so they had to go.

its cool he can call himself blue pill now and rap about how hard he is

this guy is a confirmed autist, but I after looking at it again, I see what he is saying, or at least it makes me think that

Take the Soy Pill

confirmed secret society

Purely out of Opsec I don’t keep twitter or farcebok accts longer than a few months and burn the throwaway email acct straight away

Old wars got deleted and replaced with trash nobody likes.
Old wars imagery can EASILY become ours, and, like I said, the galactic empire = white supremacy to them.
That is some very powerful imagery we can take and use, with the escape clause of being "ironic" or just being "star wars fans". Just look at how effective pepe the frog has been. It's literally a goofy frog and you guys someone turned it into a fucking brutal hate symbol...

Imagine if people ACTUALLY STARTED TO FEAR stormtroopers.... if CNN was actually start writing tearfilled articless about "alt right stormtroopers" ruining all their fun and offending them.

It might be autistic but it is true. We have a very unique ability to be able to take things over and hold them, even things that the enemy consider to be their own.

They simply cannot meme.
Take the gay male symbol for example. It's a double sign of mars. The circle is the shield, the arrow is the spear.
It also looks remarkably like a phalanx formation.

We could, if we wanted to, easily make the gay male symbol the official symbol of the Aryan male radical traditionalist phalanx against cultural degeneracy.

The problem is that the left, and the media, associates stormtroopers (in SW) with the WaffenSS. the headgear is too similar. The real coup would be to disassociate nazism and ww2 nationalism from popular culture icons such as Star Wars. How you’d achieve that I’m still working on

Part of me thinks it's good that it's associated with nazism an ww2.
I like the strategy of calling leftists "worse than the nazis". or "at least the nazis didn't advocate appropriation". etc.

Nah user. To dive a wedge into leftist ranks, we need to divorce the association between nationalism/ racial homogeneity and and ‘the right’. Break that association and normie will be forced to look at what’s actually happening outside their front door. The programming goes too deep for the plebs

Haven't the left already done this with "representation" which is entirely nationalistic?

What do you mean by representation?

New name: MC SoyBoi

He deserves it. Rap music is subhuman shit that melts the brain.
Read a fucking poem and you get more out of it that listening to turd.

nice gets

>chris the cuck


representation is a leftist concept that says that people cannot feel "represented" unless they see people of the same sexual, racial, ethnic, religious etc, background as them in tv, business, politics etc.
It ironically totally validates nationalism and the idea that people are racially tribalistic. It's also basically an argument in favour of de-diversification and racial segregation.

Wasn't that "Red pill" movie made by some feminist that went out to prove her point and ended up being "red pilled" to the men issues? Where's the misogyny?

He needs a diet pill



>You can call me Chris
That's nice, but what are Chris' preferred pronouns?

>names his band after the fundamental revelation of human existance
>is a well asleep leftist
imagine my shock

Did he not try "Super Make Vitality"

Ah I get you now. That’s a lever with a very short handle and little purchase.
Literally divide and conquer. Academia seems to be littered with attempts, most of them, successful, to create in and out groups, using their parlance.

Desu, I reckon this is the lefts weak point. Remove their ability to classify, by race, by socio economic status, by ideology, and they’re 50% fucked. Problem is, that there’s a built in hypocrisy in this. But the fags won’t notice until it’s too late.



Anyone who's white and hates whites has to be first in line to die on dotr.

fucking kek

>misconstrued interpretation
What a faggot. No, it's the perfect interpretation.

He should've just changed it to blue pill; it'd be more accurate.

Chris, Chrim, Chrisself

The real red pill is that the best way to destroy the jew is with Christ. That's right CHRISTopher Orrick.


>All wiggers are lefties deep down.

Geee who would have guessed. They are the first to go when the SHTF.


No. Re-education camps are much better.

>doing simple, right things is what we all gotta do in this era.
Cool when's your suicide Chris?


>they spew hate and ignorance

that where the kiddo is wrong
they are ignorant and we are hate
>the absolute state of normies

No, a bullet is.

>slightly unrelated but...
I've thought about efficient ways to kills jews(since gas and cremations are cost and energy intensive, it makes no logical sense to use those methods.) I think the most efficient way would be to have a row of harnesses to hold their heads, restricting movement. Get maybe 50 kikes' heads harnessed and aligned. Then fire one steelcored rifle round through them all. Thats 1 bullet costing around ($0.25[5.56mm]-$5[.50 bmg]) for every 50-100 kills. Bulldozer bodies into mass grave and we can really start solving the jew cancer.

Why not just crush with the bulldozer?


>Bulldozer bodies into mass grave and we can really start solving the jew cancer.
Just build a temporary bridge to use as a plank above the mass grave to push them into it after. Save on bulldozer costs.

Rape is haram. I don't gaf about some no-name raper.

>Why not just crush with the killdozer?

>white rappers opinion

Isn't a white rapper like some kind of a token minority quota thing?

That man is a legend in Colorado

Thing is, they violate all the rules they claim to be against, catching them out on this stumps them in public as peterson demonstrated (if being offensive = bad and you are offending me then that means you are bad etc).
Their current approach completely justifies our right to identity politics in the name of self defence.

is this real? lol.

>I've thought about efficient ways to kills jews ... Thats 1 bullet costing around ($0.25[5.56mm]-$5[.50 bmg]) for every 50-100 kills.

You didn't think very fucking hard, US government has over 1.2 BILLION hollow point ammo stockpiled for domestic use.. More than enought to kill every US citizen many time over, never mind just one, small minority..

That ammo has already been paid for and exists


I thought Bobby Fisher died.


I bet those german nationalist socialist party members still alive are shaking in their boots..

>misleading statistics
sources are on the bottom faggot

But it’s not working. Using alinsky against them doesn’t work. Doxing them doesn’t work. Refuting their arguments with logic and facts doesn’t work.
So we need a paradigm shift. Iotbw and mbmc have shown recently that libtard dissonance is all pervasive.

I’ve seen it my own family. They just don’t want to,listen to reason

Thanks for making me smile user.

sounds like a good guy, I would like to hang out with him. going to give his music a listen as well. Fuck you cunts, he is saying exactly what I think as well, you have perverted the meaning behind the meaning of the term "red pill". I love coming to this board to annoy you all.

Jokes on you faggot. You can’t leave.

Literally who?

Make sure you go after big targets if you do something revolutionary. In the long run though, you will need a good propaganda game if you are going to do more than submit to Jewish Cultural Marxism. The reality is that the average white will need to see strong leadership in the Pro White movement before he even thinks about joining. I don't blame him. How can he be expected to join a movement that pretty much exists only on paper?

Be extremely careful if you do anything harder than flyers. The Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor scheme protects hundreds of trillions in the Derivatives Market. The MICL scheme is the reason for the anti white and pro race mixing propaganda and it is controlled by Jews who run Central Banking, News, Entertainment and Education. Their two big weaknesses are that they can not tell the truth or fight very well. They have many a Good Goy Enforcer to help with that. Converting their white enforcers should be a major priority by any Pro White movement that is looking to get off line and into the streets. Study up on what happened at Charlottesville. That teaches you a lot of lessons about what not to do.

Some guy shouting death to nazis on twitter

Liek the war didn't end decades ago..

Everyone is a Nazi to him. He means bullets in everyone’s heads.

posting in a marketing agency thread

Not from my experience. Stumping them definitely works and it recruits the genuine. Catching them violating their own positions allows me to reveal my hand regularly. It's one of the reasons they flee debate so regularly, because people are getting better and better at calling them out on their hypocrisy.
Sure, some people will never listen to reason, but others will and when you demonstrate the superiority of your positions in public contests, that's why our numbers are swelling.
Use whatever works for you though.

How does one utilize those weaknesses now though?

I broke my sister down pretty bad by calling her out. In my case it was because I saved a faggot from a nigger while a bunch of college kids stood by and watched. I let her know that I’m a racist and homohater but it takes a conservative like me to have the balls and backbone to step up to niggers because liberals are too weak to do anything about it. She didn’t have much to say about it after that. Funny thing was I just wanted to fight the nigger, didn’t realize I was saving a fag in the process.


By calling her out? Wdym?

I’m an old cunt mate. I’ve seen this snowball from the 80s. Poster campaigns remind me of blackfaxing and suchlike. Fun, but ineffective. It doesn’t help that the ‘alt right’ ullshit cropped up last year in full force. The alt right was a mistake. So are overt doc martens tier skinhead antics.

So do you believe niggers are geniuses?

Their fault is genetic

My opinion is, keep exposing the white leftist hypocrisy on racial integration as wells as Jewish Leadership. They can never tell the truth without waking up a lot of white leftists. This is why those silly flyer campaigns are getting a reaction at all. The white lefties are so deceived that they can't believe anyone could even think such thoughts. They won't change without seeing strong challenges to the race mixer agenda, though. Before that, they need to hear a perspective that they just can't even believe exists. First they will be enraged but after they calm down, they will begin to think about the consequences of diversity and unsafe neighborhoods. Ask them why they don't go fix the problem themselves and watch them freeze up. Their lack of walking their own talk is the key. Some deep part of them prefers to live around white people too. That's why so many of them flee the diversity they claim to love. Question them about their hypocrisy before you try anything else. I believe that a man who can't casually advocate a cause won't be an effective fighter in the long run. Whites have to believe they have a right to be white and live white before they will defend a white community.

Sup Forums doesn't own the term "red pill."

>Sup Forums doesn't own the term "red pill."

Thank you for your contribution to this discussion

Did you have a point?

Neither does some faggot rapper

Since when do rappers care about 'misogyny'

Sounds like we need your advice then. I'm throwing pain on the walls to see what sticks, so to speak. I'm not a brawler so I try not to push the physical fight strategy. Getting the young whites to think about how much worse they will have it when the darkies are more numerous might be the best play going forward. They will have to walk the talk that their parents only had to talk. America is not as white as it was in 1965. Race is real and exposure to it beyond the token level can wake a young man up fast.

Correction: paint on the walls, not pain.

samefag here
but they dont see what havoc they themselves promulagate. Great Britain is a shining example of what not to do. but instead of being disgusted bt the results of their actions, they laud them. Their controllers even conditioned them to think that brexit was a bad thing, that sovereignty was a four letter word, and are utterly convinced that someone (((else))) knows whats good for them. its utterly depressing.
the conditioning runs too deep.. when, and if, it breaks, its going to be a bloodbath.


i liked pain on the walls better
and dont look to me for advice, just because im geriatric doesnt mean im in any way wise. i fucke my chance up 20 years ago..