Mike Enoch

What do we think of him?

He /ourguy/?

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He’d Be /ourguy/ if he posted a link to the latest episode of TDS.

yes he is ourguy


Is his last name really enoch?
That's a pretty major Bible character, first man to walk with God and just cease to be. Seems like something a Jew would want to emulate.

no you fucking idiot, Enoch is part of his online alias

his face looks weird

So is he an outspoken Christian or an inward Jew? Because that's a pretty obscure OT reference.

it's taken from Enoch Powell

is this the guy that is a jew or married a jew?
either way he gets the rope

this. He's like a more retarded version of Mike Cernovich

you're thinking about it way too hard dude
is probably the case here

married to a Jew, also likely a crypto-Jew


It's not his real last name, and
yes he is /ourguy/

>married to a Jew

this is now a GET thread

Not really, lots of subversives pick names that are tells to taunt the goyim.
Lionel Nation is a pretty good example. Seems like a charismatic good Jew on our side. But why pick the name Lionel Nation? Well, it's because of Lionel Nathan Rothschild.
Same with Sargon of Akkad, seems like an obscure and cool name on the surface, turns out it's proto kike virttue signalling (Sargon was a proto kike king).

he's pretty based
he is too fat, and he sounds fat too, so he should lose the weight
optics and all

No, he's white. "Enoch" is from his scandi mother's maiden name.
>le Enoch = Jew
It can also be used as a pro-white name, after Enoch Powell, or an explicitly antisemitic one, after the Book of Enoch.

yeah his podcast is awesome, they drop the N-bomb constantly

From what I have heard he is for a white ethno-state so I suppose he is /ourguy/.

On the other hand I have heard a lot of accusations of him being a Jew and he has the eyes of a legitimate psychopath so it's a bit off putting.

Fat Serb looking fag

the Ethnostate is not based on argumentation, it is based on ethnic identity


I met him at Charlottesville, he's a great guy.

Well Enoch is pre-Jew. The father of Methusaleh. But if it's in the Torah I could see a Jew identifying with it.

as most informants are

Won't stand for the group, but in light of recent events, I'd say he's contrived as a figure in the Alt-Right in regards to his Dox.

>Beady eyes
>Rat face

He's not married to a Jew anymore. It's his ex-wife, and being married to a Jew is probably what redpilled him to be honest.

Yeah he's cool. People posting about his surname being Enoch (it isn't) and being married to a Jew (he isn't) are shills and faggots.

Mike e-cock


Enoch isn't an explicitly Jewish surname, but I'm saying if he chose it, there's the potential that he chose it as a tell to other Jews like Lionel Nation as I previously demonstrated.
As for marrying Jews, it's a pretty big tell. Just look at (((Alex Jones)))

Sargon of Akkad was not a "proto-kike." He didn't even live in the Levant or Egypt.


Why are you lying on the internet?
His kingdom included part of the Levant and was right next to Babylon. If you pay any attention to kikes and their Talmuddic doctrines, the significance of Babylon won't be lost on you.

>Although evidently widely known during the development of the Hebrew Bible canon, 1 Enoch was excluded from both the formal canon of the Tanakh and the typical canon of the Septuagint and therefore, also from the writings known today as the Deuterocanon.[6][7] One possible reason for Jewish rejection of the book might be the textual nature of several early sections of the book that make use of material from the Torah; for example, 1 En 1 is a midrash of Deuteronomy 33.[8][9] The content, particularly detailed descriptions of fallen angels, would also be a reason for rejection from the Hebrew canon at this period – as illustrated by the comments of Trypho the Jew when debating with Justin Martyr on this subject: "The utterances of God are holy, but your expositions are mere contrivances, as is plain from what has been explained by you; nay, even blasphemies, for you assert that angels sinned and revolted from God." (Dialogue 79)

>The Book of Enoch was considered as scripture in the Epistle of Barnabas (16:4)[23] and by many of the early Church Fathers, such as Athenagoras,[24] Clement of Alexandria,[25] Irenaeus[26] and Tertullian,[27] who wrote c. 200 that the Book of Enoch had been rejected by the Jews because it contained prophecies pertaining to Christ.[28] However, later Fathers denied the canonicity of the book, and some even considered the Epistle of Jude uncanonical because it refers to an "apocryphal" work

I'm not a fucking groupie or anything so the character attacks doesn't mean shit to me. The only thing useful to me is his message so fuck the subversive jews trying to get me to not pay attention with their appeal to authority ad hominem bullshit.

Enoch was the most righteous man in the entire Bible. He was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam, born way before Abraham or Jews were even a thing. He was so good that God took him up into heaven while still alive.

What's the end game?

You realize Enoch is in Genesis plain as the nose on a kike right? If he's a Christian, he wouldn't care that much about Enoch as it's not something we focus on too much other than the interesting fact that he only lived 360 years on earth.

Yep. I don't care about his past, all I care about is the message, and he's a good messenger. He's made it past the hurdle of being doxxed, and he continues to indoctrinate people towards thinking critically.

divide and conquer by calling every public figure that agrees with us a Jew or CIA

Greatest orator on the altright. Kikes fear him so much they have teams slander him on Sup Forums every time he's mentioned.

Y'know, he's a kike and all but who cares.

I want to point out something else about the character of this man.

About a week before Andrew Anglin started purging people from the Alt-Right for not worshipping the American flag, Mike Enoch was making the argument that the right needed to become an intolerant minority.

An intolerant minority is a fringe minority like Jews who can get kosher foods in every grocery store in America despite being a completely negligible percentage of the population. Same with Muslims and Halal.

But then, when Andrew Anglin said that we all had to start worshipping the American flag and appealing to PR and Optics, he abandoned this position overnight (because you can't be both a big tent PRcuck movement and also be an intolerant minority movement).

Why did he abandon that position though? Why did he jump on board Andrew Anglin's purge? Did he not really believe it very strongly to begin with?

There's plenty of evidence he's a Jew, but people will simply choose to disbelieve it if it's inconvenient. But to do a 180 like that overnight is very telling. It says that these people are mercenary liars who will adopt whatever position sells in their target demographic. They believe in nothing other than their own brand and what gets them the most influence among gullible goyim.

>40 posts in and nobody has mentioned that he married a Jew
TRS shills fuck off

Isn't the question: are we /hisguys/?

I thought that was common knowledge. He's stated it multiple times, so has other people that he's friends with.

He lives in New York, and before he was redpilled on the jg he married a jew. They're divorced, so bad that he cannot legally say anything in public about it. His entire family ostracized him for his views and the divorce as well.

The Egyptians and Romans owned part or all of the Levant too, I guess they're all kikes too. Sargon lived a good 1500 years before the Babylonian exile.


The dude is named after an old testament jew. Jews famously cannot help themselves but to rub it in the faces of the goyim and laugh at how gullible they are. And really who can blame them -- it obviously works.

You can prove these alt-right people are jews and their golems will simply choose to disbelieve it.

Facts don't matter, only emotions matter. This is the soy age.


It's just an interesting fact that Sargon of Akkad's empire was right next to Babylon and included Jerusalem. I'm not saying he picked him because he's a crypto, but it's certainly the kind of thing cryptos do and he certainly pushes Jewish idealogies.

Gorilla Mindset is a retarded concept and a retarded book. Fuck Mike Enoch.

He's not a Christian anyway, if you listened to the show you'd know he picked Enoch as a name when he was still a Libertarian. It's a slightly shortened version of his mother's maiden name, and she's not a Jew.

>he's a kike

>Sargon of Akkad
Yes but in Mike Enoch's case I'm pretty sure it's a reference to Enoch Powell.

Enoch is not his real last name, retard. He's probably chose it after Enoch Powell


But apparently Sup Forums does nothing but ad hom people now and will just call people jews and coalburners instead of actually considering their words or actions in order to judge them.

Possible, like I said its' not damning evidence but it is something to pay attention to.
Another good example is Styxhexenhammer. Why did he choose the ouroboros? It's an awful jewish avatar, not as jewish as a star of remphan but it's up there on the kike-o-meter.

The ouroboros isn't a jewish symbol at all what the hell are you talking about?

Jerusalem was not called Jerusalem and was not a Jewish city during Sargon's life. There is no connection at all between Sargon of Akkad and Jews.

>he pushes Jewish ideologies

I am well aware it is not his real name. Because his real name is (((Peinovich))).

He is laughing at how gullible you are, watching you defend a jew named Enoch Peinovich. There's even recordings of him talking about noble jews earning their place within national socialism and that "in my case I think I've done that."

But, again, facts don't matter.

Enoch isn't his first name either, dumbass
It's Michael

looks like a beady eyed kyke to me

Jesus christ you are a top tier golem. I tip my autism to yours.

As a sidenote: Peinovich is the English spelling of a Serbian surname (Pejnović)

It's ancient egyptian. Kikes adopted ancient egyptian and babylonian religions commonly referred to today as "devil worship"
Well I did say proto kike did I not? Jews and Babylonians might as well be the same thing. Most of their beliefs come from the Talmud and Caballa(Babylonian and egyptian horseshit) not the Torah.

>Why did he choose the ouroboros? It's an awful jewish avatar, not as jewish as a star of remphan but it's up there on the kike-o-meter.
How is it Jewish?

You're a fucking retard. Sup Forumss paranoia is getting to the point where they won't believe anything they can see because they suspect that their eyeballs are actually little round jews lying to them.

So the Egyptians who enslaved Jews are Jews now?

I think if you put this guy and Mike cernovich together you might end up with enough chromosomes for a normal person.

Sup Forums isn't nearly paranoid enough. I made an argument about Enoch's character which none of you have touched.

4cucks is actually enormously gullible and credulous of every top secret informant threat etc etc.

You guys could stand to be a little bit more wary.

It's a reference to Enoch Powell

>Ad hominem
It's not just him being bad, it proves that he is a massive hypocrite and does not take his ideology seriously.

Never heard of him

His message seems to be well rounded and put together, and he advocates for everything I stand for. But I can't get over how fucking creepy his eyes are. It triggers some uncanny valley shit within me. When I look into his eyes, something deep and instinctual inside of me is raising a red flag and telling me that something is very, very wrong here. He's not ugly in that photo, and he looks like a fairly normal adult male. But the eyes aren't human, nor are they of an animal. Even though it's just an image on my screen I have to fight this strong urge to physically move away from my desk as I type this. Something in the animal part of my brain is trying really hard to override all higher thought and get me to run for my fucking life. This is not at all normal, considering I've grown up in a society which mandates that I fine tune my mind to be used almost exclusively to analyze sensory input and make conscious decisions that produce a sane and reasonable outcome in line with societal expectations. But even now my brain is saying "fuck you, faggot, get the hell away from that" just like it would if I were running towards fire or the edge of a cliff. There are very few things that I've seen or felt that have made me feel this way, but Mike Enoch is one of them. Not even the actors in the movies with the all black contacts come close to this level of creepy. I genuinely hope that I never meet this guy face to face, especially alone and at night, so that he doesn't try to ass rape my soul.

>Hehe, he said it again. I can't believe these goyim are buying it! They'll believe anything, heh heh heh.

>Tell them that Peinovich is actually serbian again, heheheh!

No you autistic hypernigger, he's not a Jew
You can make arguments based on him having been married to one, but there's no fucking basis for claiming he himself is a Jew

No, read the Bible.
The Jews of the OT are continually referred to as practicing other religions they picked up from Egypt and from Babylon.
Such practices include sacrificing children to Molech and carrying around a "star banner".
For example, here's a six pointed star or star of david or star of remphan.
Important side note: the Masons often refer to an "ancient egyptian mystery religion" and feature six pointed stars prominently. Many prominent Masons have alluded to the organization being a "good goy's" club.

absolutely üntermensch

Those black soulless eyes are horrifying but yes

Is weev your guy too? Check out these strong aryan features.

Also I didn't even notice it but notice the lunar eclipse on the right hand side by the sun-god. it's identical but inverted when compared to the one featured in styx's logo.
So yeah, any old jew shit you find should be scrutinized closely. Especially if it refers to anything Babylonian, Egyptian, or Old Testament.

Why yes, Enoch the seventh son of Adam. Correct. Wait where have I heard seventh son before?

>I made an argument about Enoch's character which none of you have touched.

Actually was you did was say his first name was Enoch and then put brackets around a Serbian last name

I would estimate that the low-end number of current Sup Forumsacks who supported Obama in 2008 is 75%. Very few of the people currently actively supporting white interests were doing so even a few years ago.

You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and put subtle references to their jewishness right in the faces of the goyim?

Come on dude, you're being too paranoid. These fat, bald, fat lipped, brown eyed spokesmen are /ourguys/ for sure.

He's a great debater. Probably the best we have. Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin say too many weird things, that are frankly hard to follow for people. Whereas Mike Enoch always picks the right words and succeeds in presenting our ideas as normal.

was Enoch Powell a jew? His name was Enoch.

This is illogic justifying non-action

>following e-celebs
>making threads about e-celebs
>defending e-celebs

Wasn't he referring to his Serbian ancestry? They used to discuss on the show how Serbs might not be white and he's acknowledged he might not have a place in the ethnostate. Also are the recordings even real? I've questioned so many anti-mike shills about this before and never got an episode number and timestamp to look for the sauce itself.

And ffs we know his family history now and there are apparently no Jews in his family tree or said shills would be rubbing it into our faces by now

I love these assholes who act like they popped out of the womb knowing all this shit and think they're experts on who is and isn't a jew.

Can someone explain to me exactly WHY 8/pol/ doxed him? They seemed to be obsessed with him+TRS


Are there any pro-white figures who are not Jewish? Obviously we all know that 99.9% of them are mossad agents, but is there one or two that aren't?

>What do we think of [first name] [last name]?
Gas them all.
Necks on train tracks.

He married a half Jew in his early twenties and only started to get redpilled on the Jews in like 2011/2012. You can't realistically hold it against him


If we were forming the ethnostate tomorrow, then it would be a problem if he was married to a Jew. But he's not married to a Jew; he divorced her. And we're not forming the ethnostate tomorrow; we're trying to convince people of the idea of an ethnostate. Which means we should be focusing on argumentation, not adhominem

>married a Jew
>conveniently got a divorce where he can't mention anything
>suddenly becomes one of the leaders of the alt right
Yeah, this screams FBI to me