
im about to marathon the first season. what am i in for?

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All characters are unlikeable

but is it good?

A fucking trip

a really good first season
then u'll drop it hard

pretty fucking amazing if you ask me. BACCANO (from the same animator and author) is better but Durarara is pretty great if you like to invest yourself into characters.

A very comfy show. And while it isn't perfect, it was a damn good ride. Also, good tier city setting.

Just watch it for Celty, other characters are okay but Shizuo and Izaya combo is the best. Main character is shit, his friend is retarded, and Anri is just a tit character.

It's well done (story wise).

>Best boy
Kida Masaomi. Honorable mention: Kadota, Russian nigger, Shizuo, Yakuza Jii-san, & Fedora Guy.
>Best Arc
Shizuo love story with Varona & Yakuza Loli
>Weakest Arc
>Best girl
Pic related

>>Best boy
>Kida Masaomi
Stopped reading here


A better show than Baccano

>All characters are unlikeable

Thanks shittaste-kun.

A nice OP and best Dullahan and little else desu.

It's shit

An interesting show. Glad they focused out side of the school life. School life dramas are boring as fuck.

That was very nice. Would have been better if none of the characters had been high schoolers at all, but it was refreshing to see an anime that doesn't take place solely inside a high school.

Amazing first cour.
Meh second cour.

The rest of the series is also pretty mediocre.

>All characters are unlikeable

>it was refreshing to see an anime that doesn't take place solely inside a high school

Most anime do't take place in high school

>Would have been better if none of the characters had been high schoolers


Kill yourself

Man i really wish they would go and make more Baccano.

It was fun when it was airing and people were calling the MC Mootkado and were making Dollars webchats.

Lost it's steam/popularity after awhile though but it's an okay series overall.

Good start, turns to shit when gang wars happened.

Pacing that's slightly too slow, too much information being given to the audience and slightly too many flashbacks, but an interesting ride nonetheless.

It's really good but the novels are great. Season 1 has very slow pace and filler, only adapts the intro to the series(first 3 volumes). While season 2 is fast paced and misses things that were portrayed better in the novel. But like I said it's still a good anime, just not as good as the novel

I like the KiShouTenKetsu thing in the anime title though.


Oh and remember to watch BDs because of the OVAs.

>Most anime do't take place in high school
That is quantifiably untrue.

It's not about that, it's about variety. There are shows that have actual creative premises but still take place in fucking high schools because I guess that's just what Japanese animators know how to draw. Angel Beats, for example.

This isn't a secret, high school is a massively overused setting in anime. I'm not sure who you think you're trying to impress by acting like it isn't.

You'll love Izaya, he's the nicest guy ever
Shizuo also has superpowers