Why does Japan worship Finnish girls so much?

Why does Japan worship Finnish girls so much?

number2 is a god.


That's not a finnish girl, that's a finnish cow.

Anime Finngolians are perfect

I sucked a teat once. It was good

Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War, and Finland gave Russia a good kick in the teeth in the Winter War. So the countries bond over mutually not being scared of Russia.

>you will never ever be born into a number2 doujin
What is the point of living?

Because Moomin

Why does the west worship Finnish boys?


Or at the very least "A little less scared of Russia".

I dont know but i'm okay with it.

he already has his own LN


Because they don't know Canadians exist.



Why am I not surprised. Already it sounds disgracefully bad.

It is

Thank god Hitler prevented Russia from overtaking Finland. It'd be a similar shithole to estonia with 1/3rd of its gdp right now if it wasnt for a single austrian fellow.

Because we're blonde, cute, faithful, and know our place.

Finnish girls are the best both in 2D and in 3D.


Heh, not really ... the Winter War ended with the Soviets just flooding the place and their involvement in WWII almost cost then very dearly as for Japan ... well Japan tried to take Mongolia and Battles of Khalkhin Gol were a crushing defeat for Japan, that put a end to the notion of expanding into the Central Asia leading to the Pacific and the rest is history.

you are thinking of sweden. finland isnt run by feminist government.

Anime Finns are pretty cute


Nice try, buddy.

This girl is so disgusting.

t. flatshitter pedo

Sorry but I only like dicks.

Half finish girls are cute

Why does this finn want to fuck a japanese woman?

Kill yourself fucking retard.

They also have toned firm bodies


>tfw full-blooded American Finn living in largely US Finn population dating back a few generations
>tfw most of this is still true even here
Definitely not as mongol looking though. The 3D girls are nice and conservative homely types. Not that i can fuck them anyway.

They're cute blondes


finland mention?

Finland is such a meme country, second only to Brazil

"Wälkomme tö de Hydraulik Press Chännel."


Millast siellä jenkeissä on asuu ?

This is a Finnish submachine gun

Far northern Michigan. One of the largest Laestadian/Apostolic Lutheran pops in the US i believe


Oh so you're one of (those).

user, he was asking how it is to live there, not where you live

Not personally, no. Still though, they're decent enough people even if I don't agree with them/

I only speak American

Spurdo is so stupid, but I can't help but laugh everytime I see it.
What is wrong with me.

I'm so sorry you have to see this not all of my countrymen are like this I am so sorry. Now lets discuss about anime.

Because High Jumps

Rin never jumped the high jump. How can she bring Luvia to act like this?

You are not sorry enough

Easy, cuz finns are snow chinks

Is there any meme subs where everything is written like spurdo speak?

Spurdo is great, nothing to be ashamed of.



How about Finnish boys?

Finns are sluts

There are no Finnish, only Russians.

Japan remembers the Hyper Fingolian Wars, and knows it is rightful Fibnish clay!

Here is a picture of your average 'cosmopolitan' Finngol.

>miss helsinki
Literally no one cares.

and here's miss japan
those contests are bullshit everywhere

But you see, as both saw the High Jump, both have a common interest in the same man.
And from there, the tapestry of fate begins

No Lotte???


How Finnish is she?

I need to make a Finnish folder

She literally lives in a Finnish 7-Eleven

She and her family practice traditional magic. I'd say more than an average Finn, but not as much as a Black Metal musician

I'm so sorry you have to see this not all of my countrymen are like this I am so sorry. Now lets discuss about anime.

>L kiosk

The reason they went into Pacific colonies was for resources be the US embargoed them. This gave them X amount of time for their war machine

Its funny because japs use L and R interchangeably

Shit show, right?

Winland is Win.

torilla tavataan pojat

Where's the police and Tuomiokirkko screenshots from?


Kuka /suomalainen/ täällä?

Vittu hiljaa

Haluuks turpaan?

Because they worship germans even more.

Amerikan ylis taas vauhis :D

Probably doesn't need to be mentioned, but everything on that pic is bullshit. Ironically it's probably written by a Finn, we're big on self-loathing here for some reason.

More like everything is true, just exaggerated and generalized.

Täällä näin

Oh, FFS!! How about you Google "Finlandization" for starters? Sure, we did put up a decent fight with a little help from everyone's favourite bully-beater A. Hitler, but after WW2 we were as much of Soviet Union's bitch as we possibly could while still retaining a semblance of sovereignty. Saying we're not afraid of Russia... What are you smoking, pass it around a bit, please.

There's literally no genetic or cultural connection between Finns and Mongols, hilarious memes aside. There's not even debate about this among actual scientists.

Bullshit. Finland was simply lucky enough to not be THAT directly between Moscow and Berlin.

-a Finn.

why not?

This is something only a fucking homo would say

Would a man enjoy titsucking even if he doesn't like milk?

best gïrl :DDDDDDD

well yeah
most tits dont have milk anyway