When retards on here claim to oppose socialism but are perfectly ok with a military and police force funded by...

>when retards on here claim to oppose socialism but are perfectly ok with a military and police force funded by socialist methods

Explain your hypocrisy NOW.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hurr taxes are socialism

Piss off.

Peacekeeping is not a product, and therefore has nothing to do with state owned means of production.

Just another Ancap

>kill la kill
>in any way left wing
I don't know how people believe this.

Really? That's what my GOP friends tell me all the time when my Lib friends talk about using taxes to fund healthcare

I think both of you need helicopter rides

Communism - Left
Capitalist - Right
Socialism - Centre

>that meme flag tho

Taxes are theft, so yeah. It's socialism.

Your error is in assuming our problem is with government programs. Its not, its about the scale of the programs, and the particular programs being done.

Sup Forums is mostly satire and other half are full blown retards

Socialism is the seizure of all means of production by the state. Government spending isn't Socialism you moron.

I refuse to have a serious discussion about politics with someone who likes Kill la kill

Im not, but most people usually will separate the "essential services" provided by pretty much every state to be different from socialism.


Its not socialism (at the most basic level anyway) but it is theft.

>Every societies means of self defense and funding it ever is socialist
>Considering a relatively recent ideologies name as a legitimate criticism of the foundation of every civilized society
You're honestly worst than a communist subversive. At least they intentionally bring ruin to the state they are subverting

Typical Bernout.

Oh honey...

Except that police and firefighters aren't fucking conscripts. Their service to the public is voluntary.

>helicopter rides
The absolute fucking irony. Pinochet was a military dictator, something that is impossible without taxation

>whenon here claim taxes are socialism but are perfectly ok with being a fucking retarded monkey be confusing socialist methods with peacekeeping and protecting the general population from both foreign and domestic threats

Sup Forums how far you've fallen...

>when ancaps think anyone cares what they think


socialism is redistribution for the sake of poor people

in america the military is redistribution for the sake of rich peoples egos

Ask the people that lived under pol pot how peaceful they were with their government funded military and police

Economic systems are separate from governance systems dipshit. Stop conflating the two.

I’m only against socialism in that it’s really fucking shitty in providing daily necessities like food, and it does stupid shit that utterly destroys work ethic, but you know what governments are really fucking good at? Killing people in massive numbers. You need to be able to kill lots of people, and if it requires theft in order to function, then call me a fucking thief. A fascist nation would absolutely steam roll your Ancap mercenary force

You fucking faggots always say my island is shit because of socialism when it's exactly like the rest of the US. Fuck you niggers.

Your "friends"? First, stop lying. Second, are they just as retarded as you?

Taxes that have a basis in funding direct benefits to the safety and well being of a population via maintaining the law, protecting of property and personal rights are socialism according to your GOP friends? Ask them to justify that shit, please.

Abuse of power doesn't change your economic system; it's an abuse of power, period.

"Hurrrrr taxes will change the entire method of business and markets in whatever country..."

It artificially stagnates or allows for the market to move at a natural pace depending on %'age, what is being taxed and how often.


>collect taxes
>use them to fund government institutions that keep law and order
dumb animeposter

No, socialism is a state owned means of production. It's a steady state. Redistribution occurs when you switch from one mode to another.

An Ancap commune or whatever the fuck you call it would get fucking genocided by well organized militaries. There’s no national unity to even keep Guerrilla movements motivated

Economic system =/= Abuse of Power by Government

False equivalency you monkey, nice try though.

You're confusing correlation with causation; while Socialism and Government power are often running parallel with one another it does not mean one causes the other; it's easier for a Government to abuse its power when it seizes the means to which it can abuse power; for your simple mind let's break it down this way:

Socialism is the large stick with which a corrupt government can beat down it's population.

Capitalism does not offer such a stick, because the private sector works for its own interests; but Government abuse still exists.

You're 15 I'm guessing?

A commune of trigger-happy, territorial guerillas with no limitations on the type of weaponry they can have will get rekt?

The motivation to keep your hard-earned private property and way of life is stronger than "muh national unity".

>government institutions that keep law and order

They're just lapdogs that maintain the regime, whether it's good for the people or not. Spoiler alert: most are not.

Can you honestly say that your clapistani police are friends to the people?

I don't oppose socialism.

Ancap communes would be rekt by corporate armies because ancap is the cyberpunk future.

Just like the amerimutt army rekt Vietnamese farmers?

Should have used more napalm really.

> anything funded by taxes is socialist

Wasn't it set in a universe where nazis won?

>he thinks of political and economic systems in binary


can we PLEASE not fucking post degenerate weebshit?
This is a frog board after all.

No it isn't, they just have a history class on Hitler for like 15 seconds

The shows message is pretty complex and I don't think "lefty" in any way

Should have just used nukes


Under AnCapistan the Corporations that monopolize their businesses to grow as wealthy and influential as possible will essentially form a Quasi-State therefore making Anarcho Capitalism a sham

I'm NatSoc. Marxism is a cancer on this Earth. Hitler was right, etc etc etc

as long as the police and federal law enforcement limit their abuse to poor people, they're performing the necessary function of protecting wealth in society

Na, it's just morphs into feudalism and the cycle continues.

Interventionist and Socialist are two different things.
In your example of publicly funded healthcare, who exactly owns the hospitals and medicine? It's still private companies. These private companies accept the governments payment in exchange for their services. This is not socialism, clearly this is interventionism. Both you and your friend are wrong.

>kill la kill
>good ol black & yellow
>talking about socialism

Fuck off you half assed liberal

back to shitbook with you.
Oh, by the way, kill yourself faggot.
Do whatever you want with this (You).

Gets me every time

Being against socialism is being against dialectic materialism as the proposed mechanism for history.

Labour equality, taxes, etc are NOT socialism. They are simply the end that socialism envisions.

Know what else had labour equality?
Primative band societies.

Know what else had taxes?
Feudalism and every capitalist society pretty much ever

Know what socialism has?
A piss poor theory about history and zealots that want to enact what a Jewish madman deduced as its consequence.

>Hurr durr, why do you claim to not be socialist when you want to protect your borders and people and stuff? checkmate, phaggot!