Why do japanese think all foreigners shave?

Why do japanese think all foreigners shave?

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Disgusting shaver trying to corrupt their bushes

Trimmed > Hairy > Shaved

My wife waxes. She says it makes hygiene,ugh easier.

I shave my armpits myself.

I'm and I have to add that by wife I meant my gay nigger boyfriend. We both have aids but it's a very fulfilling relationship.

1. Same reason they think all foreigners are blonde 2. Porn

A better question, why don't japanese shave?

because they're as hairless as molerats to begin with

Good question, it kind of puts a damper on things when you strip down a Jap girl and its all bush, then tell her you need to run down to the convenience store to buy a shaving kit.

I heard once that they consider it to be lewd, as in 'only whores shave'.

Had a (male) friend who did the full body wax once. He said it felt great, but no hair meant chafing between the legs, so he had to use talcum powder in the morning between his legs.

I don't know, no hair (as a male) sounds like a lot of maintenance.

no hair as a male means hes lacking testosterone or is a complete faggot

They're ashamed of their black labias. So they don't shave so that it's less obvious that their lips are black.

Yeah, I always wondered why. I mean, they shave everything, the legs, the arms and even those little ones in the face (plus: they definitely don't like bearded men), but not down there.

Tried it once and it felt nice for like two days, then the hair growing back itched like hell.

They think black lips look disgusting or something and try to cover it up.

> hurr durr it itches
Are you 12 yo?

Hairy pits and vags are the best.

you fell for the shaving meme, either trim it or just use nair if you want it all gone

>just apply cream and the hair goes away with no pain or hassle

I don't believe it's that convenient. Does it fuck up your skin or something in long-term?

Really? I thought it was for being associated with prostitutes.

>use nair
That stuff stinks. Awfully.

I'll agree on the hairy vag, that shit is hot but hairy pits are a no no.

I dunno the cultural reasons myself, but it's probably for the better since the hair down there acts as a natural barrier against stuff like bacteria and fungi. If you shave it off it also gives you microscopic cuts that can get infected. I guess the reason why OP's pic is a thing relates to most likely.


nah it mean she's in extra extra heat
but depend on the artist though
and 3D hairy pits are always disgusting

because they're only seeing candydoll videos feature hairless white children

it can burn if you leave it on to long. chemical burns suck big time

Heart = Landing strip > generic close trim > shaved = little trimming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a motherfucking jungle

Smells like perm

Because we think all you are sluts. Only sluts shave.

Because shaving is honestly weird when you consider that having hair down there is an indicator of maturity. To prefer a shaved pussy, given its natural implications, may be indicative of the underlying thoughts of a person or the society which made it commonplace to to begin with.

>Only sluts think of their hygiene.

Up until 100 years ago people married and had children at 12-14 years old.

Periods don't start when you're 20.

It's more hygenic to have hair down there and clean/trim it than it is to make cuts, tears, and ingrown hairs in your pubic region.

My JAV says otherwise.

What's with that girl's inconsistent tits?

>cuts, tears, and ingrown hairs in your pubic region.
Laser it, if you can't shave it properly. At least use fucking scissors if nothing else.

Hairy bush is gross. I'm sure most Jap girls actually at least trim if anything.

No girl wants to put a dick with pube hair nearly as long as it in her mouth or vag, neither does a guy want to fuck a hairy vagina.
But when there's no other option, oh well.

And that's what makes it even nastier. People enter puberty around that age and pubic hair when they're 12-14, and around then is when the signs of maturity start kicking in.
A society telling kids that young to shave their hair and resemble something even younger than what they are while still starting families at their age has some pretty disgusting implications.

>use fucking laser technology to erase your pubic hair instead of just trimming it with 20$ machine
What is wrong with you

This is the mentality that leads to Japan's extinction. Most males prefer their 2D cartoon because the women grow rain forest there and you can never know what kind of small mammals live there. Dying out is more honorabru than not following retarded traditions.

>A society telling kids that young to shave their hair and resemble something even younger than what they are while still starting families at their age has some pretty disgusting implications.

It has none. Because most of the time kids that young will only trim/shave their pubes for themselves, not for other people.

Unless you live in some third world shithole where people lose their virginity at that age.

Hairy bush is sexy, you're just dumb.

>Trimming it with a 20$ machine when you can motherfucking laser them off forever


>not wanting to be an adventurer and explore a mature woman's jungles

Because everything in 2D is perfect. Pubic hair is one of the grossest things in the human body.

Reaper, reaper that's what people call me~

>45 posts and not a single bush pic

This thread is dildoes

Because culturally it's associated with being a whore, literally. Only prostitutes needed to shave because they were preparing their bodies specifically for sex, so if anyone else did it they'd be compared to a prostitute.

foreign wildlife and tropical diseases

In my cuntry, the government pays for the laser treatment for girls up till the age of 16, to help them lose their virginity. That way they can enter the prostituation industry sooner and can earn payment sooner. Really poor families start whoring their daughters at the age of 10. The most normal birthday present for the 18th of a girl from the middle class is breast enlargement operation. The best carrier every girl dreams about is porn actress, so a lot of producers get free sex from whores in hopes of getting into the industry. Porn actresses are more famous than normal actors. Also there are anticoncipient pill dispensers on the streets in every city.
It's completely normal.

Shaving originally came along for a reason prior to the modern age, and it wasn't for hygiene. The societal value of it is rarely talked about, but it doesnt take a genius to put two and two together as to why women in the mid-late 1800s and early 1900s were prefered shaven in addition to married young.
In the 50s the hair came back because people realized what sick fucks they were being.
Shaving only resurfaced in the 80s after pubic lice became a thing with dirty hippies. That was when the hygiene meme came along, but it was just a meme and nothing more. The problem was that hippies were dirty, not that having hair is. People who didn't realize that fact were the same ones dumb enough to still pick up gonorrhea and herpes (which funnily enough is something pubic hair can protect against). Having hair down there is still way more hygenic and healthy than not having any and making cuts down there. It acts as a barrier and protects your junk. Plus it makes you look mature.

What the fuck, man.

Having sex is the job of a whore. A proper lady's job is to neatly fold the husbands clothes as he fucks the whore.



Ancient Egyiptians, the most advanced race in the world prefered shaving. And they had all kinds of creams for it, so no little cuts.

>Needing to shave
That's one of the many reasons why lolis are better than old hags.

United States of America

Fuck me please

Shaved balls > trimmed balls > hairy balls.
The rest should be trimmed.
fite me.

Do you shave?

If oppai lolis exist, are there any hairy lolis? Imagine a loli, with wild hair down there, armpithair and big breasts.

>government pays for the laser treatment for girls up till the age of 16, to help them lose their virginity

holy my sides, is this India ?

Why this shitty thread still exists

Balls look saggy and wrinkly as fuck shaved. Trimmed is better.

>In the 50s the hair came back because people realized what sick fucks they were being.
>people in the 50s caring about what sick fucks they were being

Nigga please. Also that's just how social movements work.

Hell, this even comes up in fashion, art and politics, but basically every "trend" surfaces, becomes widespread, then people start forming a sort of "counter-culture" to the existing trend, this continues until this new counter-culture becomes the dominant trend and it starts all over with the old trend resurfacing after some time.

>Plus it makes you look mature.
I suppose you'd need that, yes, considering you use terms like "hygiene meme" unironically.
Dunno what you'd have to prove to a woman you're already far enough to get in bed with though.

>Medicaid covers laser hair removal
>poor girls without financially stable famikis are being ordered by doctors to prep themselves for sex under the guise of "health purposes"
I'd say lol, but this is kind of worrying that this is what our tax dollars go to.


>Imagine an abomination

Women don't want to gargle hairy balls, man. Get it together. You keep the hair above the shaft and on the pubic pad and style it how you want, but the shaft and balls gotta be hairless.

> Having wrinkly balls
I'm sorry.


I know man. I don't have the money for testicle ironing, so I tried to do it home with my moms old clothing iron. Even on low settings it hurt like hell and got even more wrinkly. I was praying for a faster hair growth so to cover the now permanently red and saggy flesh.

Oh, come on.

She got infected with the titty monster disease.


Actually girls had periods much, much later in the past. Like 16 at the earliest and 18 was common. Little girls having periods at 10-12 is something completely new for mankind.

There is zero reason for medicaid to be covering laser hair removal.

>women in the mid-late 1800s and early 1900s were prefered shaven

Complete bullshit. In the West nobody shaved in that time period. Not even prostitutes.

>tfw all the hormones and shit in the food, water and practically anything we put on our skin

It's one of my many fetishes.

my eyes

It's because they put soy in every fucking where. Asians don't use soy as baby food, and we shouldn't either. Soy has components that are really simiar to estrogen and it can fuck up girls really bad at a young age.

Disgusting, might as well fuck Bigfoot at that point. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Fucks up boys too.

>tfw was never breastfed and only had fake baby food

The lower class didn't shave as often but the societal pressure was on for shaving pubes, legs and armpits. Especially when flappers rolled around and showing leg was a big thing.

but it fucking itches man, wtf?
I personally don't shave at all, just the surrounding area.

Thought its total bullshit. There are studies proofing it on the internert. Sorry for doubting you user.

You really are 12.

Actually going bald means you have high amounts of testosterone. On your head though


On that topic, only sluts shave.
Trimmed=GF materiel
Pattern-shaved=Turbo slut
Bush=mentally ill feminist/virgin
stubble= Slut, but the guy she fucked three days ago was worth shaving for. You aren't.

I don't mind Bush too much, so long as it's kept in check.

What if there is medical reason behind shaving, and you just called a perfect wife material a slut?

Literally porn

name one

Man there is nothing like a nice landing strip that Jap girls are rocking. Ya'll a bunch of faggots.

Because most do.

This is also true.

Nice fanfic.