Is the thighs the most erotic part of a loli?

Is the thighs the most erotic part of a loli?

Other urls found in this thread:ロリ

Doesn't matter when her face is that stupid. Worst fucking loli.

Get out.

Because it's the only part a true loli can achieve. Oppai lolis are abomination.

Loli thighs are pure.

Shut up cowslave.
There is no retreat for a man on the road to hell.
A true lolicon.

She's so disgusting.



Ravioli ravioli, do not lewd the dragon loli.

I want to impale that ass.

No, it's the breasts.

No the cunny is.

Fuck off KyoAni shill anti lolicon fucks.

Cancerous facebook fanbase.

No, it's the belly.

the connector plug for recharging

>horizonfag knowing anything about lolis
Just shut up and stay in your boob threads.

>Amane & Cimi

>13 & 12

Fucking sure they are.

The only somewhat believable one on that whole thing is Nono otherwise it's like the artist is just giving fully grown adult characters ages of a kid.


Which loli has the most puff?

All you need a seat

puffy vulva

But Kanna is for cuddling and buying ice cream for.
Not for ravioli.

Lolis are not erotic, they are pure being of light that exist as a reminder that life is worth living.
Only those unlucky enough to be born with genetic errors would suggest otherwise.

are you implying no way lolis love ravioli?

And not only of a loli.

Pedophiles everywhere !


that Lucoa is one lethal boner kill

>Ravioli ravioli
From where is this stupid shit? She never says this bullshit in the manga


>those cellulites

Why do 3DPD ruin everything.

Personality is the most important part of a loli.

Are you pronouncing ravioli rah-vee-ah-lee?
Are you dumb?


I think that one's going with low-lee. Still retarded either way.

"Ravioli ravioli some phrase ending with an -oli" It's an ancient normalfag meme

Well, time to filter that shit then

Its called poetry, not like you're expected to understand it.

Are you pronouncing loli lah-lee?

Facebook-tier meme is not poetry.

I pronounce manga as maynga just to trigger people and hide my power level.

Anko has a cute manko

>t. facebook meme expert

Thighs are good, but the most erotic part of a loli is obviously the cunny, Case in point:


No, this a fact. This as facebook tier as it can get.

It's a joke from Spongebob.

It's a quote from spongebob

Loli or not, the entire legs are always the best.

Ravioli Ravioli you favorite Dragon loli has been ruined

its the tummy

Wonder if any anons here own this doujin.

What's up with normies only liking lolis if they're fat

fuck off

>evil word bad!
Ha, classic Sup Forums.

? it's a commonly used word in translations newfag....keep trying to fit in, though


Why did they have to make her tail look like a hairy scrotum?

As in lollipop

whats this

>This thread


Shitty example tho.

but it's wrongロリ

thats not "lah-lee" either, its "loh-lee", as in "loh-lee-pop"

No loli gagging.

Etna have the perfect chest, and more lolis should follow her fashion sense.

[x] Get my dick out.


I want to fuck Lala

Me too, dude.

I want to gag a lolis womb with my dick

Which loli deserves the most headpats and why?

All of them because all lolis are lovely.

>a full-figured woman cosplaying as a full-figured woman
>Sup Forums throws a fit

Yeah okay.

>cellulite hamplanet cosplaying as a literal goddess in human form
>not disgusting
Yeah please leave, 3D apologist

Lucoa is not obese though.

>Is the thighs
I've given up hope with this place.

>The ESL kids on my Cambodian finger painting forum can't type perfect English.
But they still got the point across, so why do you care?

everyone I know does this in real
I dont wanna correct them because thatd be revealing my powerlevel
but thats fucking wrong

What else is there?

Those are toddlers though.

Not sure if Lalafucker or that guy who respects him either way, Lala butt.

The fact that you can pick her tiny body up off the ground, slam her tender ass right down on you cock, and fuck her absolutely senseless while her little legs dangle freely in the air is definitely the most erotic part of a loli.

Her old outfit possessed at least the slightest bit of modesty, opting for the skirt and a more covering top. Now it's like she wants to raise every cock in the room just by walking in. Is she just trying to show off since Laharl is getting older?

Lucoa has a Sugihara Anri bodytype, she's not a fatass

Every loli thread with Kanna OP has been cancer, as much as I like her she should stay out of loli threads so that we don't get normalfags in.

Watch the show first before spouting nonsense.

> Is she just trying to show off since Laharl is getting older?

Well, we all know Laharl will have to fuck Etna and Flonne someday. This is just a warm-up for when the day comes, I think.

May i ask for source? asking for a friend.

That's the chubby loli tummy you filthy plebeian.

Tell your friend to neck himself.

Is Etna the flattest?

ogata zen


I don't know what you call that thing with the lip but it drives me crazy.



How would you feel if Renge came up to you making this face, the massive monster in your pants just writhing and struggling to get out.