Any news about Log Horizon?

Is Mamare-sensei working on the 11th volume of the novel?
Is there a place where i can get info or where he talk to his fanbase?

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How do you know it?


Author is still in prison. I hear he'll get out in two years if he behaves well. After he's out, it'll probably be at least another year or two before he can get back to writing books.

I read that he was put on house arrest


Assuming anyone decides to sponsor his work anymore

He missed a parole date and they sent him back.

Don't call me sucker

Why not? His work is still great

S-so still no Log Horizon? Are you sure?
How can we save Mamare-sensei from prison?


As expected of a NEET.

Don't know what user meant exactly, but I'd guess prison = shamfur dispray.
Especially if it's for weed. RIP Kaiji sound guy, RIP S3.

>RIP Kaiji sound guy, RIP S3.
I hate it.

He wasn't arrested for weed, they caught him for tax evasion

Still no news on Mamare-sensei?


Do you think people on Sup Forums are going to get new info right now just because a thread is up? Dude's in jail, there is no much more to know

Blame DEEN

His twitter has been dead for almost 3 years

Log Horizon will eventually be forgotten completely by Sup Forums.
All the fun that was had, all just memories lost to time.

The song will always be remembered.

Good, I want to forget S2 as soon as possible.

I forgot most of it while watching it...

The sad part is, it wasn't just DEEN's fault S2 was shit, the writing was bad outside of the dungeon arc.

>hurr prison meme

Just fucking kill yourself.

all akatsuki posters must leave

A shit.

Reki kawahara is better and actually pay his taxes

The direction was bad and killed the show.
Storywise, S2's second course is not that different from S1's scrub training.
But the direction focused way too heavily on character's drama and was much too slow.
So, yeah, it's DEEN's fault.

I mean pretty good chance that he was bored in prison and wrote a fuck ton right? What else is there to do

Well meme'd, good sir!

>Memory eating aliens that live on the moon, transported them to a world that mimics the mmo they all used to play
>basically they're being used as human livestock and everyone is ok with it
That's bad writing.

He hates it!

>implying he didn't have to pick up soap in the bath for the yakuza
I wouldn't be surprised if most of his characters suddenly turned gay.

>replying to yourself

That would be nothing but improvement.

Did anyone say best girl?

>He missed a parole date and they sent him back.
sauce cause I can't find shit and this feels like a dirty lie
also fuck this guy for forgetting to pay his taxes and removing pocket ninja from our lives

>all just memories lost to time
like tears in the rain

>falling for this old, retarded bait

Stop being a dumbfuck.

>one of the best light novelists in the industry
>got arrested and now no one will publish his works

wow wow



being a dumbfuck on the internet is all i have left in my life. let me have it.



Nothing is yet lost...just hope in Mamare-sensei

OP, is that you?

You seem to be enjoying forcing this stale meme


Not me

>got arrested
>charged with tax evasion
>hasn't released a novel in 3 years

It's not a meme.

OP is a shitposting retard who spams the tired "Author sent to prison" fake news.

-He was told by Japanese IHS that he hadnt payed his full taxes
-He told them that he thought his company/publisher was doing it
-They told him that wasnt the case
-He paid the outstanding amount
-The end

He is currently working on the latest volumes and has had recent success with the Log Horizon TRPG.

>Got arrested
No he didnt
>Charged with tax evasion
No he didnt
>hasnt released a novel
This is the only thing in your post that is correct.

Log Horizon is rad because in an era where most LNs/animu relentlessly push their female cast, LH has a bunch of high tier dudes other than the protagonist
Also even with that it still has Akatsuki

He's just in house arrest, he paid the money back and cooperated with the investigation.

His company is probably bankrupt though, since it got a huge fucking fine.

You forgot tetra.

he's not me, faggot, i'll kill u


Nothing happened.

He wasn't arrested, He didn't go to jail, he just had to pay a fine and that was it. He's still working on the books.

The issue was resolved before the press even got wind of it. They just blew it up and made it into an issue for clicks,

Only Mamare got "fined". And all he had to do was pay the money back.

He was never under "house arrest". He repaid the money and that was it.

This "hurrr prison" forced meme is annoying.


You know it's a weird thing to take for granted these days but when was the lat time a male side character was allowed to get a designated love interest

Even as of the later 90s early 2000s it was all about breaking characters into pairs and while Harem hijinks are hardly new you don't seem to see it much these days. It's pretty much all the girls want hero cock


his website seems to be active
and it seems he's releasing mangu


well how are the sales? because good sales would mean no anime until there are dropping down

i'm searching for a translater

dunno, you'd need someone who can read moonspeak

Yyyep. If Log Horizon were a little different then that dude with the all-female guild harem (Soujiro?) might be the protagonist.
>nice guy
>kinda dense
>wields nippon steel
>all the girls love him

Not that Id complain about seeing Nazuna in a more prominent role but it's good to spread the love

I mean he has his own manga spin off.

I wonder how Nyanta feels about having a weird cat face instead of a human face. I start to hate it if my beard grows out a little so being covered in cat fur probably sucks.

It ain't no thing. Just takes a bit of getting used to, and trust me just being able to soak up the sun rays on a nice day puts any negatives out of your mind


No, he was found guilty.

Even if he pays back the taxes and the fine, he's still under house arrest for 10 months, that's the sentence.

Paying and cooperating is what actually allowed him to get such a small sentence, but he's still under probation for 3 years. You don't get your sentence lifted just for paying the money, that's not how justice works here nor there.

The prison thing is a meme, the house arrest isn't.

He had to pay the taxes and used his (personal) company to pay the fine, which is extra money on top of the taxes.

Do you seriously think all he had to do is pay back? Are you underage? Of course he's going to get fined, he committed a crime, it's not enough to say sorry and paying the money, there has to be some sort of compensation, which is what the fine and 10 month house arrest are.

Marielle is best girl.
Only few can understand the love between tank and healer.


Are you a cat person?

Is that his waifu severed arm wrapped up? I cant remember



I miss those days of multiple pairings in a show. I often liked those side pairings better than the main one.

Zelgadis and Amelia are not canon.

They are in the anime.

I remember when Macross Frontier aired and I gave zero fucks about who won the Altobowl but was terrified that Michael/Klan wouldn't happen, be it by the show just not bothering to take it anywhere or because one or both of them died tragically, which is of course what happened. Thankfully the movies fixed that.

i really liked the whole army of adventuers going against the goblins and they making army formations

One of the things I thought was kind of weird was how they establish that some of the characters get body dysphoria when the apocalypse happens- Shiroe trips up a bit as he adjusts to his character's slightly different height, while Akatsuki can barely move until she transforms body into one that matches her height and gender. Going by that you'd think that the cat people and other characters who were much less human-like would go fucking mad from the change, but they all seem to adjust just fine.

Do the books ever address that? Is it some sort of "uncanny valley" type thing where the people whose bodies change to something similar-but-not-the-same have a hard time but the people who go though extremely drastic changes are fine? Or do those people also go through it and they just manage to adjust before becoming relevant in the story?


I would say it's mostly the latter.
Though in Nyanta's case, he was considered a big roleplayer and probably took delight in the fact that he was able to live in this completely new condition.

Similarly, Tetra is probably trans/a trap IRL (possibly even one of those "I wish I could pass as a hot girl but I'm too big/fat" types) so the Apocalypse was probably the best thing that ever happened to them.