Pick one

Pick one

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which one have a dick?

second from right

The blonde was the best.

indeed second from right.


This is the only correct ranking.

the part where red gets pissed on was the best

The ending where you become Marie's butler or whatever was disappointing.

>tfw blonde is best girl
>tfw no route to become her exclusive slave
>tfw no route to marry her and become her property
Fuck this world

>marika at the bottom
>mitarai not at the bottom

Blue, I choose you!

i want to be fucked by second one from the right whilst i fuck third one from the right


I unironically like Mitarai.


Agree, delete half of glasses scenes for more Blonde

I want to get mindbroken by the two from the right. Normally I'd go with the mom as well but scat is a little too much.

I'll always be upset that there wasn't a blonde ending. I suppose green is best in light of blonde getting no screen time though.

Why they must made the dickgirl the most attractive and likeable and the "main heroine" the most boring and lame?


>Sup Forums- anime and manga

Nobody likes Mitarai, user.

It did technically get an anime. It wasn't very good, but it introduced me to the game.

The blonde seemed like she could be broken into being a decent human being. So yeah, her.

Blue. Cunt.
Purple. Refurbished used goods.
Brown. Retard brocon.
Red. Pedophile.
Green. Cock.

Scat woman

>Green. Cock.
You say that as if it were a bad thing.
Seriously though, Green was the least fucked up person in her family. At least she treated MC decently.

You know who I always felt bad for? The son. Not the femboy son, like, whatever the fuck the son of the Mamiya's is named.

He's treated like shit by his entire family, wants friends but doesn't know shit but dick, shows some genuine compassion for the femboy and the protagonist, and no matter which route is taken you know that the healthiest relationships he has in the story are going to collapse leaving him to become worse and worse.

With her penis that is

She was truly full of herself, unlike blonde who only mostly postured. Green's ending isn't as awful as others, but it's still pretty fucking bad.

Which one was Green's ending? I only remember the bad endings.

>He's treated like shit by his entire family, wants friends but doesn't know shit but dick, shows some genuine compassion for the femboy and the protagonist, and no matter which route is taken you know that the healthiest relationships he has in the story are going to collapse leaving him to become worse and worse.
I just thought he was a cunt.

Using MC as a fucktoy 24/7 to produce a baby. But first she'll have her own baby.
But since she's less fertile for being a herm, it's possible it'll never happen.

>shows some genuine compassion for the femboy and the protagonist
And yet brings his school pals to fuck the broken sextoy of a former human that Brown ends up being.
Nah, he's also a monster.

>But first she'll have her own baby.

Dick girl is by far the best

because japan

>And yet brings his school pals to fuck the broken sextoy of a former human that Brown ends up being.
Well, she shouldn't have lost that lottery game if she didn't want to end up like that.

>Try game

Starless 2 when?
It's a shame there were no brother/sister and sister/sister scenes.

I haven't actually played this game. Do any of the maids do femdom?

So you didn't get as far as the beastiality then?

>It's a shame there were no brother/sister and sister/sister scenes.
Now that you mention it, they were strangely lacking considering all the other taboos the game featured.

Scat is removed in a version of the game.
If you're that much of a pussy, that is.

>blonde will never forcibly piss down your throat while stroking you mad
>will never force semen back into your balls
>all while verbally berating you

I was never into femdom but she was the hottest shit, I want to call her mommy.

>Do any of the maids do femdom?
Not the maids, no.

>Scat is removed in a version of the game.
Man, considering how prominently it features in the game, that must be confusing as fuck.

>will never force semen back into your balls
One of the few parts of the game that made me uncomfortable.

>If you're that much of a pussy, that is.
It's just that we don't get a boner from shit.

The semen sommelier

I don't either, but that bathroom scene was fucking amazing.

>will never force semen back into your balls
>One of the few parts of the game that made me uncomfortable

It made me uncomfortable because SHIT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT.
I've come to accept stuff like nipple penetration and elastic women with no internal organs, but that's where I draw the line.

It's 2D though, so it's basically chocolate.

This one.

If the Mc wasn't a complete pussy and a transphobe, it would be the best ending

2nd one from the right.

for very big,thicc, hard reasons.

Nice tumblr terminology.

Where the fuck is the horsecock bitchboy? I choose him. That fucking scene where Chun- Li forces you to fuck him is by far the best one in the game.
Big Red is second for being the best milf ever.
Gas everyone else.

>Futa most attractive and Likeable
>In her ending she refuses to let you fuck her and decides she's going impregnate herself and have you raise the baby

None. They are all shit.

Three actually.

Are any of the other games by this artist any good?

Marika obviously.

Unfortunate. I knew the others did, but I was hoping for more.


You ranked them from worst to best, right?

Should I finish this game or Euphoria first? Not too far in either.

Green's ending was bad because the MC is a spineless pussy. If the guy had balls he'd have been able to negotiate a favorable ending for himself, since Green genuinely loves him.

Never played the game but how is purple and what are her endings like if she has any.

Isn't there an ending where they end up giving the MC boob implants and he becomes one of the maids ?

Both Dominance and Vita Sexualis are great too. Especially the last one. Not sure why Starless, of all his games, was the one to get so much attention. Probably because it's the sickest fetish-wise.

Euphoria has 2 good scenes. Starless has far more than that.

Purple gets one of two endings (among 12) that is not actually a bad one. You get to marry her and fuck her with her son. His dick is twce the size of yours though

Have to agree with this user Euphoria looses steam halfway through.

why are their boobs so low. is that the art style?

Euphoria for plot, Starless for porn value.

I can recall three.
>nemu anal
>doing the quiet one in VIP room
>mindbreaking the gasmask
Everything else ranged between mediocre and hilarious due to the prolonged squeals of the actresses.

They're more or less fine. Proportions wise, the nipple goes one head length below the chin.

Why were all the endings so shit?

I don't think those two have translations, so that may play a part in it. Always loved Discipline myself.

Because it's a game about shitting.

Good question. There's no ending that feels satisfactory. Also, is it just me, or is there no list of all the endings to be found anywhere online? I've no idea if I've got them all.

Game for masochists, imagine playing a game, getting invested in the characters and 'plot', perhaps picking a best girl, then getting a shitty boring ending where you drive off into the sunset with a glasses maid.

Who else had drill hair as their favorite bible black?

Is Starless the only one with a translation?

>then getting a shitty boring ending where you drive off into the sunset with a glasses maid.
That's the bad end.

I kind of like it in the retrospect because getting all endings makes you feel violated. Exactly what the game was aiming for.


>I kind of like it in the retrospect because getting all endings makes you feel violated
Even the "good" ending?

I wish it would explain which ending was which. Some are obvious, but what is "The Black Video Letter" or "The Flower of Evil"?

The good ending still cucks you by leaving you with no cash.

Considering what happens in the VN, I wouldn't take anything short of MC driving away towards the sunset with the case full of cash and the house and all of it's residents+Mitarai burning down in the background.

Just count however many endings you've found against the total endings

Think the black video letter is the one where they let you escape but keep the maid behind (who you've chosen as your waifu up till now) and every week you get a videotape showing you how much of a slut they've made her without you to protect her. (Also your characters become a shut in and jerks it to the videos)

Marika can come with him though.

I wish I was innocent enough to actually question what hapens in the hentai ending titled "Black Video Letter".

It's Starless, user. It could mean anything on the scale of depravity.

Best girl incoming

>retards itt actually believe that Marika is not a sick cunt who is just LARPing relationship with MC

Animeonlyfags, I swear.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Is there any other Sei Shoujo works besides BB, Discipline, and Starless with English translations? BB2 wasn't him and I was very disappointed.

How about that part where she gifts you a car without breaks and generally assists Marie to fuck you over in all the worst endings?

Do any of them not have a penis?

The best one.

MC in that "I thought that hanging out with Mitarai was a good idea" ending.