This is Sana-kan

This is Sana-kan.

Say something nice about her.

I have the net genes

I have the net terminal genes.

neto teriminal

I don't have net terminal genes

I want to shoot up my net genes inside of her


fuck off cancer

i'd give her my net terminal genes

Her rear USB port is well lubricated.

Please step on me!




I am terminally NEET.

Are you a fuckhead without any redeeming habilities or traits, a neet or a edgy psycho?
We are looking for you!


Hello there.

sanakan died protecting killy

She sacrificed herself because she knew she couldn't defeat the safeguard, saving humanity in a single split second decision

Biomage > Blame though, especially this nigga.

How's dental?

Her movie design was weak.

We'll replace all your teeth with metal fangs or your whole jaw with mechanical tentacles, not that it matters because all nurishment will be deliver throught a tube attached to the feeding port in your gut.


I want her to step on my head.

You are a good safeguard

Level 5 safeguards cannot love level 9 safeguards.
It's forbidden love. And there's too much of a level difference.

Cibo's superior.


Were her sexual functions restored?

Tall Cibo is best Cibo

best legs of all Blame.

I don't quite get why she suddenly had a heel-face turn at the end.

Blame! has inspired me to learn how to draw. Nihei's gargantuan landscapes give a nostalgic feel and the silicon life's blend of bdsm body horror and cyborg part fascinate me.

She's simply doing her job.

At first, it was her job to eradicate squatter humans.
Then later, she was sent by the authority to secure the illegally downloaded level 9 safeguard, which formed out of Cibo's body.

>Biomage > Blame though,

no one but the clinically retarded says this.