Spoilers in this thread for sure.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Ymir is best shingeki and best girl.
I can't believe Eren fucking died...
Hi everyone. What's happening in this thread?
I want to cum inside Hisu.
EH best and cute!
Reiner is so handsome.
LM soon.
Reminder that manlet is only happy with Hanji
How is all that R18 allowed?
>Saved Berthold
>Gave the power of titan to Marley
You can see Hisu smiling at Ymir here.
Endgame right here, brothers.
Post cute Annie pictures
Someone was looking for the manlet head pat.
>that bit at the end with Historia waiting for her husband Eren to return
I wonder how she'll react to him dying
Endgame right here, brothers.
the fourth Hall of Anal Devastation, BOISSSS
>people shitposting and having fun
how can you call yourselves better?
Fucking spoilers when?
Hisu is best waifu I wish I had her as my own.
So, was it rape?
Man that was fucking brutal, can't believe Eren rigged the young cadets' heads with explosives to blow off Reiner's limbs when he gives them headpats!
If dubs spoilers in 10 minutes.
Why don't you go back there if its so nice?
If reddit is so great, how about you stay there.
Bert pls.
Erenfag pls
Thanks, now spoilers will be delayed for 10 hours.
Finally, Gabi is a much more suitable main character.
Saddest part was him screaming
At least she is now with Ymir.
6 hours ago was acually very funy shitpost fest. 3 last threads are acually very cancerous.
Double post and dubs confirm
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think there'll be that many people enraged over EM being canon. Well, the hate would likely come from multiple sources, not from just a singular ship.
If singles spoilers in 10 minutes
Dubs, spoilers in 5 minutes
6 hours ago LHfags weren't posting.
Gabi is even worse than Shitren.
Best couple.
They're always here you big doofus.
Can someone dump a bunch of tumblrized fanart? I want to stay awake for spoilers and seeing a morbidly obese black transvestie Ymir with leg hair might just make me never want to sleep again
I don't think I've ever loved a character as much as Ymir Pearl from Steven universe gets close
You have to go back
>steven universe
this is officially tumblr
Another S2 OST Preview from Amazon but this time they're extended for 45 seconds instead.
I'm glad Shitmir died, snk can only go up from here on but Shitmin needs to die as well.
>Ymirfag is also a SU loving tumblrfat
Makes you think
If triples spoilers today
Mikasa is for violent anal sex.
I love mikasa!
where's my grownup Eren?
>steven universe
Dykemirfags, everyone
Post creepy titans to scare that user.
let me remind you that mikasa's pussy is probably stinky and hairy
If singles we get spoilers now!
>Killing Eren.
The absolute madman.
What do people most wanna see out of this chapter? Since there's so much anticipation.
Meant to be.
What the actual fuck
>steven universe
>why are anons so annoyed by a manga?
>proceed to google
Fucking hell, can tumblr/reddit pls go away?
Is he the 9th shifter?
Spoilers in 3 seconds from now
She's asian, what did you expect?
Hairy yes, but NOT stinky
Whoa.. that was pretty accurate LUL
If quads Annie comes back this month
Maybe, could be Pixis.
Spoilers should be out in 4-5 hours.
Hello Marley, I am OWL.
obviously stinky since mikasa never showers
Too fucking close.
>all this shit
>not shitposting
>triggering shipperfags
>not fun
go back, then
So close
The steam coming out of his nape is suspicious.
I want Mikasa to sit on my face!
>literally thousand of people making different predictions
>one of them ends up being pretty close to correct
>woh holy shit guis
Spoil me mangafags, who won the fight between mikasa and annie
so what?
Sorry guys, I failed
A lot of things about Pixis is suspicious too. He talks about a song where humanity fought each other, then made a common enemy so humanity doesn't fight itself anymore. Also the first titan shown is bald like he is.
>Mikasa is for violence
Even God is fucking with Anniefags
annie a shit confirmed
Spot on. Must be a seer
Nobody knows