>Thread moves tooooooooo fast
>Thread moves tooooooooo fast
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Post your scenario on how Akko will recover her yay.
Ahaha... AhahahahahAahaha....
she won't
>if you float you burn
I want something super cheesy like each person she's helped comes back to tell her how much yay she gave them and she slowly realises what the final word is and uses it to solve everything.
Hard work conquers all, and thank god for that.
reminder youve been bullying a literal retard
What did i mi-
Is SHE was a witch, what would her skills or powers be?
Edgy as fuck
We must find the Evil Bitch!
No era gol
That's too low for a dream-wrecking terrorist.
>Gives Akko a dream she will pursue her whole life and get mocked for
>While crippling her so she can never achieve that dream
>Then teach her and watch her fail
I think Ursula might give Ragyo a run for her money in "Worst Trigger Maternal Figure".
It's fine that Akko hates me, I didn't even deserve to have a student that admired me anyways. All I deserve is this shoe hat.
Wait how did Diana get her magic back, and Akko for that instance if it was siphoned from them at the Japan show?
>That face
>I deserve this
I'm partially regretting being the one to initially point out that book.
My little pony is a terrible show. Absolutely TERRIBLE.
You deserve to be burned alive, evil bitch!
La mano de dios
read last thread.
The super power to drain semen from any vessel.
This pussy sport cause wars. handegg and hockey will never be that manly
I'm of the opinion that magic = spiral power. Not sure how I'd fit life fibers into this. Anti-spirals?
I'm Pisces. When will I find a Virgo waifu?
Describe Akko's mood with music. I'll start:
What's your moon, ascendant, and Venus?
Croix has literally done nothing wrong.
What am I looking at here
semen demon
what did she mean by that book?
She should have told Akko about Chariot sooner.
This guy was awesome, would riot with.
go away Amanda
Except for the impending war.
Like Croix, without magic she has nothing but own skill, knowledge and wit to rely upon. Now that she understands that she isnt a retard but doing so fucking well for someone who have been completely neutered in the past, she will dig deeper into understanding f magic and probably find a way to mend herself with ritual sacrifice of Ursula and consumption of her life and soul, just like Ursula did to her back then.
Ursula knew Akko would probably never be able to fly again, she's trying to teach Akko from the ground up to prove that the damage she did wasn't permanent.
She is a sadist
>Akko ritually sacrifices Ursula in ep 24 so she can be powered up for the finale
Ursula deserves it desu
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
>tfw still haven't watch episode 22
Moon is Sagittarius, Ascendant is Aries, Venus is also Aries. I know nothing about astrology, what do I gather from these?
Magic users are amoral pieces of shit. Gas the witches.
>What am I looking at here
Football history.
What if Akko uses the world reconstruction magic to bring mahou back to the world, but in exchange she has to delete her own existence and become a Concept?
>she walks in on Homura and Madoka fucking in concept land
Akko will start intravenously injecting espresso into her veins, becoming a danger to herself and others
The power to kiss Satsuki-chan whenever she wants.
Is there a way that Akko can regain her yay and make the first episode OP not be absolutely sad now?
I used to love it because it was all about loving something so much that it becomes your life's inspiration.
Now is just about Akko being robbed of her dreams.
she'll become the concept of Yay.
It feels much more now that chariot will sacrifice for the sake of their "Dream" which is the 7th word as croix said.
It's too trendy
Tape a new balance pair to your head and then we'll talk
>I should have brought Diana with me.
>"Your favorite students... Akko, Diana - witches, wrongly sapped of their magic... But their sacrifice served as a message to others: that ours is a society that steals from the gifted. Do you, too, believe that your sacrifice will change the world?"
>Croix literally turns in to Dark Chariot when she uses Dark Rod
>first episode OP not be absolutely sad
Sad, you say? It now looks like fucking sacrifice of newborn children to dark gods to obtain eldritch powers.
Diana becomes the concept of Sasuga
I wonder how Imaishi's storytelling will be next
with a proper leash around him
I want to steal her shoe hat.
>Homura and Madoka being united
Your optimism is cute, but misplaced
She fell in love with the yayyyy
susanoo is hype as shit
Thanks for spoiling SMT5 man
>Breakfast With Sister reaction image
Thread finally slowing down.
>Green, Red and Blue team form a covenant to convince Akko to come back to Luna Nova. Diana and Akko become their leaders.
>The New Nine Witches
>two of the best broom riders around
And now...
I love the face of their team partners, they don't even want to be there
She thought that if Akko was capable of relearning to use magic, she can do the same with flying.
>the Nine Little Witches
Unlike Croix, Chariot completely deserved it.
What? Croix used to ride a broom you know.
He means Chariot deserved to lose her powers, Croix hadn't done anything evil yet when she lost hers
But how would you know that was an SMT5 spoiler if you weren't already spoiled?
Both of them cant now.
No one deserved to lose their powers.
they both sacrificed it to save others.
This is what I deserve.
Your sun sign is only a small part of your chart. Roughly and simply, your ascendant is like a second sun sign and many people take the outward characteristics. Your moon governs temperament and your Venus obviously the heart and love. Then your houses dominate everything.
Then again, astrology is bunk.
She has the hopes and dreams of many innocent children in her hips and tids.
Both of them lost theirs when they were saving someone. I think its irony.
So now that Akko knows about Diana's loss of magic temp, can she connect the dots?
Why did croix accepted the teacher position? Keep tabs/gloat on Ursula? I wish it was because of the stone at school, but seems to be exactly not the case.
I love Barbara and her big butt!
>they have to reseal the magic after Croix released it while also causing global nuclear war
So my soulmate should be an Aries? I don't think I've ever met one so far.