What went right?
What went right?
Giant monsters beating the shit out of each other.
MC role is divided among many characters, they all have significance.
Episode 21is legit one of the best anime episodes ever
Soundtrack is really good
Not the allocation of Dark Master screentime, that's for sure. The coolest one got the least number of episodes, which was some bullshit.
They all got two episodes each except for Puppetmon who had to share his screentime with Etemon's return and Matt's edgy phase
Yeah, Mechinedramon died too soon
Episode 21 is the Ravel one?
To this day, it's still one of the best children's anime/Japanese commercial ads ever done. Tamers is better though.
Tamers sucks dude.
Why do you believe this?
>Episode 21is legit one of the best anime episodes ever
I've seen it recently because of the incest meme, it's really not that good.
Not really.
Here's your (You).
Your taste sucks
You are COMPLETELY Alone
The characters are nowhere as good as any from adventure, only rika comes close
A lot of focus on adult characters that never have any payoff
Digital world is 90% a desert
digimon partners also have no personality except renamon and impmon
main antagonist is boring, just a delete button gone mad
Ryo sucks why are you here
Dobermon loli sucks why are you here
Kenta and whats his name are reduced to comedy relief
Marineangemon is immune to dreaper shit but she never fights
whats his name is amazing at the card game but his guardromon never evolves back into andromon
Its the only digimon series other than adventure that is good
But is still nowhere near adventure
Some arguments would really be welcome
Wada Kouji really managed to make a 6/10 anime into a 7/10 anime with his insert songs.
Oh yeah and dukemon having goku´s voice is awful.
But i liked it, I don't have to argue. user desu~
It's this one.
Really? I havent seen anything better in years. Maybe I just like that style.
Same. In fact, besides the animation bump, I didn't feel it was anything extraordinary.
So what anime are extraordinary to you.
Tamers has this music, therefore it is good
>The characters are nowhere as good as any from adventure, only rika comes close
Subjective opinion.
>A lot of focus on adult characters that never have any payoff
>Digital world is 90% a desert
Ok, this one is legit.
>digimon partners also have no personality except renamon and impmon
Subjective opinion again.
>main antagonist is boring, just a delete button gone mad
Again, subjective opinion.
>Ryo sucks why are you here
Legit criticism, but only because of the Ryo wank.
>Dobermon loli sucks why are you here
Yeah, she really came out of nowhere.
>Kenta and whats his name are reduced to comedy relief
>Marineangemon is immune to dreaper shit but she never fights
>whats his name is amazing at the card game but his guardromon never evolves back into andromon
Why would anyone heavily invest this much interest in obviously are secondary fodder characters?
just post the furry porn already.
We're talking about that episode within the context of the Adventure series. And within that context, it wasn't an extraordinary episode, there were better episodes in that series than it.
Everything is subjective user dont be a sperg
Also maybe those characters could be more than fodder if Ryo wasnt there being someone´s self insert and adding nothing of value
Is Ruki a well-written character?
The heart broken/complete shirt metaphor was too hamfisted, but she is the best character in her anime.
Then why are you defending ? Also, Ryo was there because Konaka though it would be fun for the wonderswan owners, though he admits it was a mistake
Because both those posts are me.
"tamers suck" was not an honest comment but it was made to gather attention and see if anyone wanted to engage when I saw an opinion I didnt agree with (that tamers is better than adventure)
>What went right?
warp digivolving
You being in the target demographic age when it aired.
Kari? While TK went left.
i watched this as a kid in dubbed but after the tri releases, i started to rewatch this subbed and jesus, i was blown away by the themes these characters had. not to mention, the japanese soundtrack is infinitely better. i felt like the growth of each character was actually the real story
We saw Mimi's bra and panties.
If you really believe an opinion about a piece of media can be totally objective you are an idiot and all those years in art school are paying off
What are you talking about the character development is the strongest in tamers compared to all the other Digimon series that I've seen with the partners actually had personality and character development compared to the Adventure partner digimon whose personalities are just various forms of helpful with the most unique on being Gomamon. Really my least favourite of the Digimon series so far is Adventure 02 and I enjoyed the first half of it with the Digimon Emperor. It's a shame it went downhill from there but not everything in the second half was bad, a lot of it was because of missed opportunities.
Our War Game
Disregarding Tsumemon who only appeared for a few seconds and Chrysalimon whose stage was warped past, where is Infermon?
but saban ruined it
RIP sweet prince.
Incest wins again!
All these years later and still best girl.
Sora's armpit!
Is... is that a selfie of her shitting?
Most importantly, what went wrong?
I've never felt so bored watching a Digimon movie before. And why add a tenth who didn't bring anything to the table?
When is the next movie coming out anyway? I haven't heard any news about it.
Production sucks, directing sucks, writing sucks, pacing sucks, it literally sucks at every level but hey, it's a continuation of the original cast adventures! Also releases take forever to come out despite the abysmal amount of effort put into it.
I had a much better time watching Time Hunters.
Posting best girl to make things more tolerable.
The art direction was fucking garbage. Shitty keyframes, bad animation
The evolution sequences look like shit, like in worse than pretty much any other (older) show.
A virus disguised as a digi-pet
He started a fight on the internet
He was making traffic jam
Missiles headed to Japan
Joe was late to take his exams
Izzy and Tai were the only one
But them two more guys joined them in the fun
Dinosaurs and body slams
12 whole megabytes of ram
The world was saved by forwarding spam
This movie was great the first time and an absolute chore on rewatch, it was pretty much nothing but stalling for time to bloat the 40 minutes long run or so with constant cockblocking, felt so much longer than the actual runtime.
Also Angelamon.
To this day, it's best anime for kids.
Sweet, thanks.
The borderline homo between Taichi and Yamato
Dead franchise, though
>we will never have a X-Evolutions 2 movie with all the royal knights
Meiko is a gateway character that's used to introduce the new audience to the older chosen, but in order to make Her consistently relevant (and to develop her character) the tri staff had to make some of tri's "plot" centre around her. However, due to tri's pacing and handling of multiple plot devices, she does come off as an OC.
>beste ANIME episodes
This is jus disappointing of you to say. People always, always exaggerate a lot on the internet, but this is just weird.
Like, if you had said "best digimon episode", then this would have still been debatable and we could argue about it. But that statement there is just ludicrous.
In any case, the magical episode 21 is fine as it stands, but why would that be any better than other character-focused episodes in Digimon?
Mimi and Yamato seem to be getting a lot of screentime in Tri. Is this due to their popularity or the fact that they weren't around as much in 02?
why does everyone wear retarded disney gloves
Tamers characters are more complex, go through more changes and are better writen than adventure characters
Adult characters actually matter and among other things allowed the kids to take on the final boss.
Digimon world isn't generic fantasy alternate reality
Main antagonist isn't some dude that showed up randomly in the last three episodes
Ryo shows that the multiverse exists
Alice is cute and misterious fuck off
Kenta and Marine Angemon saves Takato's life twice by themselves, the 2nd time they save the entire crew.
Point taken
Also don't make me laught at saying that tamers' digimon don't have personalities, because they actually have character arcs rather than being static set pieces like adventure (even gatomon stopped being interesting once she joined kari)
What an asshat