Post villains that did nothing wrong

Post villains that did nothing wrong

>pic not related

>faggot interrupted wedding preparations
He needs to die.


He got between a man and his waifu. But since he's the author's pet character there's no way comeuppance of any kind is going his way. When I realized that, I dropped the manga.

>pic related
Prove to me he did something wrong


>In the end he accidentally convinced himself that his plan was wrong after he was baited by the protagonist

>Sinbad ur wrong
>No why doesn't anyone understand that I think Im right and they're wrong
He's wrong, he did wrong and he's doing wrong.

Obligatory Griffith posts incoming.

Best fucking origin story ever

Too bad the manga it was a prequel to sucked.

Sinbad is special. He isn't just a normal person. He is supposed to lead the world through Destiny. Based Sinbad is just wants peace. Sinbad is perfect and you need a perfect man to lead a perfect world

>and he's doing wrong.
Eh not anymore, now David is back to being the final boss after Sinbad realized he was being a militaristic retard instead of a happy merchant and conversing with gods to form alliances with benefits.





literally talk-no-jutsu'd out of his plans before he could do anything


This merchant Sinbad just want to fix the world with his own hands after he witness the shoah his country and friends underwent.
He's doing nothing wrong.

this redeemed Sinbad for me tbqh.
alibaba came up with a different plan they could try instead and the madman went with it