One Punch Man

Just how fucked would the world be if Saitama wasn't around?

A little.

Unless Blast is as powerful as I think he is,they would be fucked when Boros appears

Please, like some class B hero is that indispensable. The world would still have King. He'll save everyone.

Well, yes it would be fucked but it would be epically fucked

Saitama is not someone who is hellbent on killing everyone. Just the ones in his way so that limits his influence within just a single abandoned city.

The house of evolution would still be taken down by a combined force of A-class heroes albeit at a dear cost.

Boro's arrival would be a surprise to everyone and might actually get to kill some S-heroes but he would still come to face with Garou and their fight would end with the 2 of them dead.

>but he would still come to face with Garou and their fight would end with the 2 of them dead.

Ah right, wasn't it theorized that the alien prophecy was actually meant to be about Boros and Garou, and Saitama just kind of fucked everything up?

Tatsumaki and the other S-Class could have taken care of everything aside from Boros and Garou but they'd be very disorganized since Saitama was indirectly responsible for the creation of the Hero Association.

Probably not at all. It's probably like the Samurai Flamenco/Avengers ordeal that more superpowered people just attract more bad shit like stand users attracting stand users.

Wasn't it said that it's because of saitama that there's so much strong monsters?
ying yang shit

Tell that to the meteor.

If Saitama wasnt around, I dont think the meteor would have come. Saitama is a magnet for bad shit, if you dont get where I'm coming from.

Yes, but it was that Boros came too early, actually.

Boros was probably for Blast.

There's the Joker/Batman paradox where Joker argues the villians only came into existence because Batman decided to be a superhero in the first place.

You mean Garou.

Who is Blast?

The universe always find a balance by tiself, the lack of Saitama would automatically make all the strong villains to dissapear, and ifthey existed then another being like Saitama would appear, is simple as that.

King wouldn't exist. HA wouldn't exist. But hold up.

Tatsumaki would still be stupidly OP and if by some turn of events Garou weren't misguided then people would basically have another Saitama right there.

Boris wouldn't appear. He only showed up because of a prophecy about fighting Saitama.

The world woulda been fucked because there would be no hero association. Tatsumaki would be there, but the meteor woulda hit, and all the various other bad guys woulda wrecked all of the cities


Genos would be scrap metal from self destruction.

He wouldn't need to self destruct, since he only lost because Saitama was distracting him.

We're not in DC universe though and monsters don't really choose to be villainous in a convenient sense, it's their basic nature. The paradox you named only creates people like Garou in saitamaverse, who eventually prove to push monsters' shit in worse than any hero could.

Tats literally forces meteors out of their gravitational orbit
Blast is around

There is literally no reason for Saitama or even Blast for that matter. They're just there as a joke, and to please little children.