How did you feel about Chaika in the end? As in the actual show, not the memes.
How did you feel about Chaika in the end? As in the actual show, not the memes
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decent show up until second season shit the bed
S1 was pretty good, S2 was rushed as balls
Pretty good until season 2 happened
Even though S2 had a shitty rushed original ending I loved the whole thing. Mostly because the characters alone carried the whole thing.
Purple > Red = Blue > White > shit > Black > diarrhea > pink=green
Loved the characters and the setting.
it was shit
Fucking stupid ending.
Great, it was refreshing to see a happy ending for once instead of some pretentious edgyshit.
First season was boring, dropped the second season by the second or third episode.
It was alright. I liked Scrapped Princess better though.
A decent series that could have been a GREAT series if they hadn't rushed Season 2 so much
I still had a lot of fun with it and its probably one of the better recent fantasy series since it's not isekai
I liked it a lot, and I love Scrapped Princess because I am a huge fan of "Dying Earth" fantasy, and the Book of the New Sun is my favorite fantasy series
I liked it even though the plot went to shit near the end. The characters were very enjoyable and played off each other well
good show with a bones ending
A solid 6/10 all the way through until the ending nosedives to a fucking 1. The author couldn't have possibly thought this was a good way to end the series.
It was awful.
I was mostly okay with everything except the gun getting shoved in a closet. That was just mean.
Loved it but they didn't stick the landing. I think the ending itself was okay but the way they got there in the last episode was terrible. You could really tell the reduced episode count fucked everything up.
I want more straight fantasy shows like this, I love the journey with likeable characters. It also handled exposition really nicely, all the details about the world get revealed naturally.
Give me more of this and less fucking isekai.
I wish Freddy was less of a jobber.
Yeah that got old quick. I guess they just never had a consistent source of mooks for her to demolish.
They really needed to reign in her powers differently rather than just have her get "killed" so often.
8/10 for S1
5~7/10 for S2 until the 2/10 ending.
It ended happily in the novell too, right?
asspull ending ruined it a bit but it was only a 10 ep 2nd season so I guess there wasn't enough time to wrap it up properly
Scrapped Princess had a better ending.
Season 1 was a solid 7/10 show, season 2 was a 3 or 4 out of 10, and overall just disappointing.
Despite what idiots keep saying, the show took a nosedive long before S2 aired. Mediocre affair.
You're so cool and contrarian, user~ You show everyone else with your spicy opinions.
Watched a few episodes but the whole time I was thinking "this is like Scrapped Princess but worse".
In love. Toru with Chaika. But from different dimension. Unknown destiny!
And Chaika confessed that it has not been awarded by the deus ex machina in the boy's phone number. Please do not mind the strange area code, she immediately call him, he is overjoyed to find that you have a you too crazy girlfriend.
When Chaika talked about the day of confession to the boy before, the next day, he is to her, it looks into how you embarrassed each only. After some investigation, the boy she called, she know that she is not the same as the boy fell in love. In fact, he does not fully exist in this universe. Recognition of his conflict, it has had to enable her collision fell in love, of another world, calm self of her AU without him. SHOCKING TRUTH!
They are to be equipped with each other in the arms, it creates the need to conquer their darkest heart of alter ego, has continued to Hijinks to beat the contract that gives the most private secrets to each other. Two, while chasing each human love, they instead, fell in love with each other, began to question the love of the NATURE of KANSHA, then drama followed.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
Every time
I thought it was shit.
characters are shallow, 1-D and unineteresting to the point I don't give a shit about their interactions or any of the plot developments sorrounding them.
I'd red chaika
>#1 in the Japanese box office for 14 weeks, 13 weekends
>Earns 20 billion yen and counting to surpass Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Japan
>Reached 10 billion yen 9 days faster than Frozen
>Wins LA Film Critics Award
>Has become the no. 1 highest-grossing Japanese movie in China
>Has become the no. 1 movie in Thailand
>The film immediately topped Korea's box office opening on 555 screens all around the country which is a new record for the Japanese film.
>Also dominated China breaking the all-time records for the most advance tickets sold and the fastest film to reach 100 million yuan ($ 14 million or 1.7 billion yen), with the first 100 yuan earned in just the film's opening day.
>The film also dominated the charts of Hong Kong and Taiwan becoming the number 2 and top highest grossing Japanese film on the respective countries
>Inexplicably jumps 41% in the Japanese box office and climbs from 7th place to 3rd place in one week
>Still in the top 10 in the Japanese box office towards the beginning of 2017
>Now grossed US$353.3 million.
>Surpasses the box office gross of Spirited Away (US$289.1 million), making it the highest grossing anime film of all time.
>Is approved by Shinzo Abe and used by Cool Japan to spur tourism in Japan.
So this is meme magic. Not bad.
The best part is that miyacuck btfo.
Scrapped Princess still had a rushed ending. Although I did like the ending of Scrapped Princess more.
Freddy is perfect.
I think I dropped it at some point during S1.
Don't really remember.
Is S2 better?
NOPE. There's a few okay episodes, but as a whole it's just a fucking mess.
Dragoon Armor looked like ass compared to the LN.
I still have no clue what happened towards the end of this show.
Man this is worse than vegeta level jobbing.
At some point it wasn't funny anymore. Probably around the second season.
The overabudance of sol crap makes me overrate any show with an overarching plot where people do things to achieve a goal.
It was perfectly enjoyable untill the latter half of s2 where its one of the worst rushing to an ending Ive seen. Good op/ed always helps.
She also gets plenty of kills and constantly saves the main cast. And in some of those scenes, like the arrows and Gaz's magic, they are specifically aiming at her first because they know she's the most dangerous and powerful.
She isn't a Jobber, she just makes good use of her immortality.
S1 was fucking glorious, It felt fresh with the Chaika character but S2 was just not as enjoyable it wasn't appealing as S1 was.
The manga was so much better it wasn't even funny.
It was ok I guess.
What happened to Niva Lada at the end was fucking bullshit. But then again she did betray her master, so she had it coming.
Thats one of the worst hairstyles ive seen on a male tho. And the hairstyle changes when seen from a different pov?
Did it end well because I am so fucking down for reading it if it's worth reading.
I wish the novels where still translated. I can't even find fan translations.
What's given you trouble? They spelled shit out pretty plainly. It was truncated and somewhat abrupt but they made sure to explain shit
Shame that they were dropped.
Same director of Chaika too, so there was probably a lot of material that was cut from the Scrapped Princess LN to anime adaptation. Seeing as, from what I've heard, the first episode of Chaika is the first volume of the LN.
Yeah Im really curious to see what the novels do with the material if they even go sci fi at all.
Also Sense was best girl. Bitch got shit done. Really my only complaint of the anime is they didn't show what she was up to in the epilogue though no doubt she took over her kingdoms throne.
S1 was 10/10 because the characters were enjoyable and the scenes were fun. S2 was a 9.5/10 because the show ended at then end.
Wasted opportunity.
I want Frederica to eat me
I only remember that one time she fought against these monsters at the end of season 1. She also sometimes was used as a ride, but most of the time she refused for dumb reasons. Help me out here if I got something wrong.
Also Akari is underrated.
Get upset if you want, but he's right.