Sheewkouh aeeh cewteeh! AEEW CEEWTEEH!

Sheewkouh aeeh cewteeh! AEEW CEEWTEEH!

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It's a shame that she is retarded.

this desu, I thought she was going to be best girl but then she was some goddamn mumbling retard

>a cute retard

Movie would have been better if she had actually killed herself.

Can't disagree, Ueno was hotter and deserved to win.

Scale of 1 to 10, how accurate is the Japanese deaf-talk?

But the retarded voice added to the cuteness desu

Nicolas from Gangsta was deaf but sounded cool, she is deaf but sounds retarded.

Dunno about the Japanese, but for deaf talk in general it's pretty accurate.
(Knew several people that were hearing-impaired.)

hotter sure, but deserved to win?
she was the worst piece of shit on the movie, she deserved to die

I would say it depends on if they were deaf since birth or it was something they got along the way.

it's literally impossible to sound coherent if you never even heard how it's supposed to sound, but if you become deaf you at least know how to not sound like a retard.

If she wasn't best girl, why did Kyoani made her so better than deaf bitch?

does it really sound like in the movie irl? The movie make it sounds like it was filtered and very unnatural to hear.

See But yeah. I haven't know anyone completely deaf, only hearing impaired. But they sound like in the move but a bit more coherent. Plus, those two were fortunate enough to have vocal training / speech therapy. Without that, and if they were totally deaf, the movie would be what I'd imagine it sounding like.

OVA when?


Back to VK Dimitri.

Deaf people sound like animals when having sex.

Good, We can howl at the moon together.

How did you knew?

Yeah, the moon is big


It's more like retarded roaring.


Yeah what the fuck was her problem pretending she couldnt hear.
Also the thing with moving her hands all the time
VERY rude


>scene on bridge when she go full ponytail and try to use her words
>MC just say it's weird and she better use sign language

I died inside

I know right? I she italian or something?

>Waadch yit Echida!

what does the Paulie hand sign translate to ?

One in the pink, the other in the stink

Steal second base.


the blond chick is the worst piece of shit, constantly acting as a victim

Why the fuck couldn't they atleast hold hands and/or kiss. If only the faggot male antag/protag had killed himself it would have been a better movie.


>Why the fuck couldn't they atleast hold hands

Was thinking more in the last scene. When Ishida starts walking among the people in the courtyard. Excellent moment that bestgrill can come and help him with some heavy handholding action

I was being facetious

Do you know if they did any hand holding or kissing in the manga?

Only read it once but I'm pretty sure PDA is kept to a strict minimum

That is disappointing. Do you know if they have any OVAs planned?
Do you have any recommendations for similar themes of manga or anime with a handicapped girl

>Chad shows up and saves MC-kun when nobody else would
He's my coolest guy

Do you think she likes being hugged for hours after sex

Girls with self-esteem issues tend to so....

what was his problem?

>handicapped girl
there's this guy shindol who's famous for manga like that

they holded hands in the last chapter

Anyone else preferred it when the movie was exclusive to theatres?

The threads were much better then and not plaguing the board with cancerous memes

He simply didn't care.

His story about a girl who couldn't use her legs was super cute.

I preferred Koe no Katachi without movie secondaries to begin with.

>muh autistic gatekeeping

If you were really a fan of a work, you'd want it to be seen by as many people as possible.

give me the sauce pleace boy

Ampu-punch was pretty golden

Maybe by people with the capacity to fully appreciate it, not some bumbling, shitposting retards on Sup Forums.

I'm not even a big fan of KnK, but this is bullshit. I don't give a shit whether things I like get the appreciation they "deserve" or not, but I sure don't want discussion clogged up by retards and shitposters.

What the fuck is this thread?


ido liko som-eh mor-eh cowfee

Like with all anime, threads become more cancerous as all the more intelligent posters leave after discussing it when subs were released.

This movie is fucking infuriating. The MC is way too tolerant of the absolute cunts he somehow keeps allowing close to deaf-san,even though they're as bad as they where in elementary school. At least he turned out decent.

Also,the overprotective sister sure stopped giving a fuck when she allowed manipulative whore-san anywhere close to her sister after seing the secret tape.

Most of the drama would never have happened if the characters acted consistently.

That was a good read.

>The MC is way too tolerant of the absolute cunts he somehow keeps allowing close to deaf-san
That's because Shouya doesn't try to get involved with other people and avoids conflict as much as he can. He tried to avoid Afro when he needed help, and he tried to hide from Yuzuru when he saw her crying by the bridge.
>the overprotective sister sure stopped giving a fuck when she allowed manipulative whore-san anywhere close to her sister after seing the secret tape.
That was because, quite literally, Ueno didn't do anything wrong. Ueno was trying to make peace with Shouko, and Shouko admitted on her own accord that she hated herself.

>Ueno didn't do anything wrong.
Kill yourself. Are you doing this to annoy people? Or are you just retarded?

why didn't they hire an actual dead person as her voice actor? I'm just curious, is it because the job would have been too difficult? I don't really get it

I don't think a dead person could work as a voice actor very well

That scene broke my heart. Also this is a pretty shit thread thanks to OP being a retard.

Ueno is innocent.

i'm crying i'm sorry

Maybe because there aren't any deaf voice actors.

I see,so you're just a epic troll for the win.

I'm not that guy that's been spamming it. In the ferris wheel scene, Ueno wasn't trying to hurt Shouko. In fact, she was trying to reconcile. She just got pissed when Shouko blamed herself again and stormed out.

but they didn't have to be professional voice actors right? I see random celebs voicing shit all the time

Don't you want to hear Hayamin talk like a retard and pretend you fucked her so hard it gave her brain injuries?

>She just got pissed when Shouko blamed herself again and stormed out.
Doing everything wrong like she always does. At some point you're out of excuses.

Haven't seen it so I was thinking "How bad could it be?"
Holy shit

I had to go do something else at that singing bit in the start before coming back to the film.

He wanted to stop the bullying but he couldnt stop laughing, it was too much to handle

these where good feelings

I think I've finally found love.

shes really cute


I just couldn't stop thinking of how cruel it was to put her in the music class. Then I wondered if that's actually what it's like to be disabled in Japan, because apparently disabilities do not receive great treatment over there.

The first good kyoani product in years! I'm glad.
