Today I will remind them.
Today I will remind them
The moral of the story is if you are unable to think for yourself you are better off isolating yourself.
Even so, fun is literally a buzzword, this has been debated over and over in Sup Forums. Just because you like something, it doesn't mean it's good. Coprophiles exist you know.
I don't really care about unsolicited opinions of anyone irl. Lol this manga is probably relatable to hormonal teens.
>That one friend who never likes fucking anything
I have three of them (four if you count user). They don't really ruin anything for me, but I can't respect their autistic opinions that focus solely on imperfections. I tend to just avoid discussing shit with them, because it's always a drag when they shit out a 20 minute manifesto on why a minor flaw ruined the whole experience for them.
If enjoy it, that means it is good and everyone else is wrong.
how about you fix your shit taste then senpai?
What a bullshit comic. Form your own opinions, holy shit.
I watch shit with people all the time and half the fun is arguing about it at the end, it's fine to compromise from time to time but don't be so weak willed.
>Sup Forums
fuck off back there
>nothing is born from criticism
Although I can't be sure of what exactly you are like IRL, maybe those four friends find you to be an annoying idiot with shit taste. I've got a friend like you that has this seeming ability to only like awful shit and gets mad whenever he asks me or any other friends about anything.
If you have bad taste and can't handle criticism, don't ask your friends about for criticism.
>cuts hair
I quite like that cliche actually. Seeing the nape of a girls neck is fucking great.
>nothing is born from criticism
Except improvement.
I want to send angry messages to whomever made this. Maybe that'll get them to stop drawing dumb shit.
I remember this and my opinion is the same
Her opinion couldn't stand up to criticism, it means it was a poorly formed opinion. Her fault for having shit taste
WTF did i just read?
This read likes something a teenager* would write who realized for the first time that something that was fun in the moment doesn't actually have to be good.
*(A girl that is at best 15, if you ask me, btw)
Who was in the wrong here?
Sounds more like this girl needs to make better friends and stop being a whiny little bitch who can't stand up to what she likes.
Still, her "friend" is the biggest at fault here. If I know a friend of mine loves X thing and that friend invites to something of that X thing I won't go on a charade about how it is shit even if I didn't like it. That's just plain rude and being a total cunt.
Who was in the wrong?
The no fun allowed "friend" who did nothing but shit on what she knew was something her friend loved?
Or the girl who was thin skinned enough to let the uninformed opinion of someone who didn't even give the thing she loved a real chance and was set on shitting on it?
They could just tie it up if that's all you want.
>Sup Forums
Also, "it's fun" does not magically mean "it's flawless" except in the minds of autists who genuinely make the "fun is a buzzword" argument.
Most people are aware things they think are fun might be flawed, they just enjoy them anyway without either the delusion they are perfect OR the martyr-complex bullshit of having to publicly admit all flaws before being allowed to enjoy the work.
The end goal of entertainment is to entertain after all, if it succeeds at that then being technically, narratively, aesthetically, etc. competent is just gravy
Knowledge leads to unhappiness.
Watching something just to hunt down errors is the perfect way to not enjoy anything, yet if you never question anything you'll never appreciate true beauty, also facts eventually come up, you can't give people fault for pointing them out.
Do people not realize you can enjoy something even if it has flaws?
Like Tomino's works for example. They make no fucking sense half the time but I still enjoy the hell out of them.
This is sad, if you have that little confidence in your own opinion, or you can't enjoy things knowing they're flawed you have real problems.